THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1921 1s ~ Wilmette Happenings mines A telegram received Tuesday by] Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ambrose, 1222 Central avenue, announced the birth on that morning of a boy to Professor and Mrs. C. Boyd Watkins of Tulsa, Okla. Mrs. Watkins was formerly Miss Gladys Ambrose. Mr. Watkins is principal of one of the Tulsa schools. fe Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan, 700 Cen- tral avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Char- les R. Mack, 707 Central avenue, re- turned on Saturday last from a two weeks' outing at Gull Lake, Mich. oe RE The Tuesday Luncheon and Bridge club was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. Theodore B. Pot- ter, 607 Forest avenue. Next week, Mrs. Fred Gardner White, of Evans- ton, will be the luncheon hostess. ee fe Mrs. Charles A. Lundberg and two children, Harold and Marguerite, 1538 Walnut street, left yesterday for a visit in Richmond, Va. Before their return they will also visit in Wash- ington, D. C, and New York city. we if nine Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wells of 922 Forest avenue, are making a tour of the National Park, stopping at Ogden. Salt Lake City, Yellowstone, Estes Park and Denver. Ry Mr. and Mrs. Louis I. Braunhold, Mr. George E. Cole, and their grand- son, George Cole, Jr., of 911 Green- wood avenue, are spending several weeks at Lake Nagawicka, near Dela- field, Wis.,, where they have taken a cottage temporarily. Mr. Munroe Cole is leaving Saturday to spend the week-end with his family. Miss Laura Holland, who has been the guest of Mss Gladys Pratt, 1454 Lake avenue, for the past three weeks, returned to her home in Dan- -xille, Va., last Monday. Miss Pratt is leaving tomorrow to spend the re- mainder of the summer at Lake Junaluska, N. C. - me $8 sums Mr. R. C. Ross, 929 Central avenue, is making an extended tour of the east, stopping in Brooklyn, N. Y., for a visit with his sister. Mrs. F. S. Mar- bury, a former resident of this vil- lage .and later going on to Washing- ton, D. C., and down into Kentuckv, where he will spend several days with old friends and relatives in his home town, Newport. -- Miss Frances Flentye, 729 Lake ave- nue, will return tomorrow from a week's outing at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mrs. Henry L. Flentye and her daugh- ter, Miss Ethel Flentye, who have been at their cottage at Bay View, Mich.. for the past six weeks, re- turned home on Monday last. Sl Mrs. Benjamin Gordon and her small daughter, Elaine, returned yes- terday to their home in Whiting, Ind., after spending the past week as the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Cohen, 1231 Forest avenue. wiz iat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. D. Brad- ley, of 1104 Forest avenue, are spend- ing their vacation at Ephraim, Wis. Mrs. Fred H. Lent, 815 Elmwood avenue, left on Tuesday for a visit in Syracuse, N. Y. AN Mr. Allen Higgins of Oakland, Cal, will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kaufman, 1029 Elmwood av- enue. this week-end. Mr. Higgins, who formerly resided in the village, is here in the middle west on an ex- tended business izle. Mr. and Mrs. Tames Hood have sold their home at 1241 Forest avenue, and have purchased a small farm near Deerfield, Ill, where they will move within the coming fortnight. i ~ Roland P. Williams, son of Mrs. M. _K. Williams of 129 Fifth street, who recently underwent a very serious operation is now reported to be re- covering. He was taken ill immediate- ly after his return a short time ago from a boat trip to Buffalo, when he was accompanied bv his mother and Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Taylor. HRN Miss Margaret McCue, 631 Wash- ington, who has been attending sum- mer camp for girls up in the Warwick Woods, is expected to return home next week. mle Mrs. T.ouis A. Clark, 716 Lake street, entertained at luncheon at the Ex- moor Golf club on Friday last, in hon- or of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wen- dell Clark. Mrs. Louis A. Clark, 716 Lake ave- nue, is entertaining at Exmoor this afternoon. : A Mrs. M. F. Parsons of Los Angeles, Cal.,, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 526 Wash- ington avenue. . The Misses Ruth Hawkinson and "Helen Greenlee left on Saturday last 7to.spend a fortnight at the Eleanor "Club camp at Lake Geneva, Wis. Judson Stone, 706 Linden avenue, has returned from Madison, Wis. where he attended summer school at the University of Wisconsin. Mr. A. H. McKeighan, 1606 Forest avenue, for manv years editor of "The Yates City Banner", celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday anniversary last Saturday. -- i -- Miss Deal, 730 Lake avenue, has gone to Denver, Colo. or Gf ee Miss Ruth Johnson left on Friday evening of last week to spend a fort- night's vacation camping with a oroup of Evanston friends at Bethanx Beach, Mich. Ry. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Pierson of 931 Twelfth street, are leaving to- morrow to spend a fortnight at Fi- field, Wis. A Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pattison and family of 931 Twelfth street, are vacationing this month at Manitow- ish, Wis. AG Mr. and Mrs... C.. P.' Evans' and daughter, Helen, of 616 Gregory ave- nue, will leave today to spend the coming two weeks in Conover, Wis. ee en Mr. and Mrs. TJ. Edwin Middleton and family, 725 Chestnut avenue, left vesterday for a month's outing at Three Lakes, Wis. ; sf Mr. and Mrs. Clarke IL. Hayes, 911 Lake avenue, left this week for an outing in northern Michigan. Miss Helen Hayes. has gone to Bremen. Ind., for a visit with relatives dur- ing their absence. The Misses Elsie and Antoinette Thelen of 818 Prairie avenue, are at Lake Wood, Mich.,, where they have taken a cottage with some cousins. for two weeks. RK Mrs. Dal' Hayes and her two daughters, the Misses Elizabeth and Alice Hayes. returned to their home in Bremen, Ind.. 1ate last week, after a visit of several davs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke 1. Hayes, 911 Lake avenue. ere ree Miss Norma Schuettge entertained with an informal dancing party last Friday evening at her home. 804 Greenwood avenue. in honor of her house-gnest, Miss Louise Starkey of Des Moines, Ia. AY ie Miss Joan Woods of Elgin, Ore. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Robinson and family, 1026 Ashland avenue, for the summer. BE ftrT-b Mrs. H. L. Wynekoop and son. Waldo Wynekoop. of 1044 Forest ave- nue, have returned from a two week's motor trip through the northern Wis- consin and Michigan peninsular, spending some time at Apostle islands in Lake Superior. ---- Miss Alice Shurtleff, 815 Lake ave- nue. left Monday to spend the re- mainder of the month at Bay View. Mich. hh nQ Mrs. Frank O. T.eRov of Pittshureh, Pa. visited at the home of Mrs. Georoe C. Murdoch, 1010 Central ave- nue, last week. ee Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Brann, who have been residing with Mr. Brann's narents at 629 Prairie avenue. since their marriage earlv this spring. mov- ed into their own home at 1316 Hill srteet, this week. PAA Ra Mr. and Mrs. Harrv W. Mons 921 Oakwood avenue. have returned from a iv weeks' trin to California. the Pacific coast states and the Canadian Rockies. Rr o-L-A Mrs. James Keenor and small son Tames. of 623 Prairie avenue, is snending a few davs this week with relatives In Joliet Tllinois. Mrs. Bernard Braun and two daughters, Anna and Ruth. 629 Prai- rie avenue, have gone to South Da- kota where thev will spend several weeks on their farm. LL Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur G. Glover and family, returned to their home at 1220 Forest avenue. early this week from an extended motor trip through the east. i Mr. George R. Harbaueh, 1219 Forest avenne, will retnrn this week- and from Rockford. Ill. where he has been attendine the annual con- clave of the Kniesht Templars. ----e-- 'Mr. George Martin. 1046 Elmwood avenue, returned this week from a trip to New York City. a." HR Mr. Prentiss Couffer. 903 Lake av- enue, has returned from a fortnight's visit with his mother. Mrs. John D. Couffer, at Colorado Springs, Colo. ak Miss Arms. who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Arms, 720 Lake avenue. for sometime. left on Monday for Boundbrook N. J. Mrs. E. H. Sheldon of Muskegon. Michigan., formerly of Wilmette. is the house ocuest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington, for several days. : Mr. and Mrs. Frint George, who have been making their home at the Evanston Hotel this past spring and summer, are spending sometime this month at Stevens Point, Wis. tf -- Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut, 715 Greenleaf avenue, and her sister, Mrs. H. L. Winters, left the first of the week for ee fe Toronto, via Niagara Falls. They ex- pect to remain there several weeks visiting friends and relatives. ------ Mrs. C. C. Schultz and son Carl, of 1609 Lake avenue, are leaving Satur- day for an extended visit in Boston, with Mrs. Schultz' parents. --e-- Drs. Arthur H. Tuttle and Alice D. Tuttle, 622 Washington avenue, have returned from a three week's visit with relatives in Buffalo and Roches- ter, N. VV. ------ Harold Weld of 726 Tenth street, was a passenger in a flight of the hydro-airplane Santa Maria, last week. pr we Miss Susie Glover of Chattanooga. Tenn., was a week-end guest of Mrs. Albert McKeighan, 1606 Forest ave- nue. Van Dyck Supreme. Van Dyck has been rated the greats est portrait painter of all time, with the possible exception of Titian. { When the cave man wanted help or a wife he strode forth, tapped one on the head, and dragged he or she to the tribal habitat. { Civilization has placed certain restrictions and limitations about us which prevent this beautifully simple method. ) {But it has given us the want ad, which costs but a few cents, and no physical effort. Fastest Star Can't Be Seen. The fastest star travels through space at a speed of about 300 miles a second. This celestial racer is invis- ible to the naked eyes, but has a number of other means of identifica- tion for the convenience of astrono- mers. Dream Lore. To dream of nets indicates that your lover or partner in life is not so fondly attached to you as you wish, To dream you are entangled in one denotes a wary and powerful enemy who will endeavor to use you for a tool. NAAR shoes, in kid and calf leathers -- black and brown. Children's sturdy foot- wear for the coming school days Purchase now while all sizes are here. John A.Blomdahl Phone Winnetka 1108 805 Elm St. Winnetka, Illinois Announcing--- Our Fall Line of Fine Shoes A full line of women's 7777777777777 2 000000, J 000% CLEAN OUT ATTICWITH A "FOR SALE" AD 561 Lincoln Ave. South Water Fruit Market "BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY" WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Phone Win. 392 Sweet Potatoes Osage Melons Cooking Apples Seedless Grapes 3 Ibs. for 25¢ 10c and up 3 Ibs. for 25c 15¢ Ib. Kalamazoo Celery ............. 10c, 25¢c bunch BLUE WomBEoeS .... 1. ue ha dane 10c Ib. Head Lettuce... ...0 0...» 10c, 15¢, 20c Fresh Green Beans ~..%..:............ 15¢ qt. Green Peas |. 0 cid. Savi 19¢ 1b. Beets and Carrots ............5... 5c bunch i. Dry Onions i. ..iome ie vn vioiois snniins 5c 1b. HILLSIDE Green Peppers ..................... 5 for 10c GROVES Yellow Bantam Corn ............ 25c¢, 30c doz. J Cucumbers ............. SR 5c, 10c Watermellonsai.................. un 45¢ Alligator Pears 0... 0. 0. i. Cais 15¢ Peaches. LH. ow 300, 33¢ basket Lemons... ho. Ji ahah ute 35¢ doz. Red Raspberries, Blueberries . ..... Low Price Bananas RS yy a Th RRR Br a ee 8 30c up CrapesEruit . :..... i at 3for25¢c Plums ............ small basket 25c; large 85¢ Sweet: Plums ...............00c.00 10c doz. Pears 30c Basket BUY HERE and SAVE MONEY ORDERS OVER $2.00 DELIVERED FREE