6 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1923 YESSIR, JOHNNY AGAIN Marshal Wolff Named ATTENDS TO THE EATS ig Boss" of Parade Every year at this season, we are i 2 assigned to the pleasant task of noting The name Pappajohn is ever sug- : ; gestive of good things to eat. Ap- the fact that A. C. Wolff has again plying a bit of logic, we arrive at the|assumed the responsibility of mar- conclusion that, since there will be|shaling the "forces" in the mammoth things Yo oat 5 the New eles Das street procession that wends its digni- picnic, it naturally follows they wi : be goed, wholesome and delicious, fied way through all the villages of the township on New Trier Day morn- mn NLL 777 EE aa a a a aa Zr Ziel, g. "Al" has some real helpers on his committee this year in Earl Weinstock, J. M. Canico and Wm. T. Wensted. It's a big job, this marshaling busi- ness, Mr. Wolff will agree, but one needn't worry about his not tackling it just the same. He likes work, be- cause labor "comes easy" to a per- son engaged continuously in the "parlous" task of installing furnaces and attaching tinware to house ga- bles. Incidentally--or shall we say co-in- cidently--Mr. Wolff does considerable marshaling the year 'round. He's the marshal of the Wilmette Volun- teer Fire department. ~~ SLED Nt Tr = (he or John Pappajohn for Johnny Pappajohn is chairman of the Refreshments committee. > [] "Johnny", as he is familiarly known Count Him In! to practically every resident of the north shore, has been chairman of the Refreshments committee at other New Trier Day celebrations, and he is thoroughly conversant with the discriminating tastes of the north shore public. On days other than the annual township holiday, Pappajohn con- ducts the confectionery emporiums flanking the Village theatre at Wil- mette. He was formerly proprietor of the Indian Hill Inn, but that was in the dim, dim past. In any event, one need experience no anxiety on the "eats" question. There will be good food and plenty of it. "Johnny" says he expects to have his son on the Refreshments com- mittee within a few years. Is it possible you haven't heard? R/S SSS LSLS LLL SLLLS LLL LS SL LLL LLLLLS LLL LLL LL LLL LLL LLL SSSA SSIS SSSI IAA LSS S LSS LSS SSSI SASSI SAS SISA A SILLS ISLS LSI ISS SSS SSA YH LTTT777777777777riidididdddddddddddddddlddd ddd dl dbll blll ddd 2 Zadar Rd 27727772 2a, GET IN TOUCH WITH US Are you aware of the Why, he's almost a year old now. William T. Wersted William T. Wersted, Winnetka's * Pa S the Bill best known automobile dealer, is help- y uss ing out nobly in the New Trier Day | | i | l l S | l a ar all ) S W e planning. He attacks the problems : attendant upon the township holiday general manager of the Wilmettel. : FY Bate. bank, is the Mman--who musthint:® methodical manner, 'the result of "pay the bills" attendant upon New |many years' experience in preparing Trier Day. It is his job to see- that |community recreation events. matters monetary are taken care of | Mr. Wersted is a member of 'the Parade committee and is giving yaluable service to the business be- bre the General committee. Dan G. Stiles, vice president and are now offering on used cars? This is your chance to get a real good used car at a great saving. MEDICAL ELECTRICITY Dan G. Stiles in the accustomed and prescribed TZ 22d 2a 272d 2a a2, dd ad ZZ 2 2 2777777777 QS SS SSIS SSIS SASS SS SSIS LS LS LS SSL SLLLSLL SSS LL LLL SSS JIL LLLLLLLSSSLL SSS SSS SLA LLL SSSA ASSL LL SLLS SSS SSS SSS LSS SSS SSS LSA SL SS SASL SSS SSS SSL LSS LS ASSL SSL SL SLL SSS SSS SASS SSS IS SSS SSS ISS SASS SSS So manner. That he is qualified to handle asl or Write for Froe Douklet 4 : : - : : 2 ronic ases a al 0 respon his important job, goes without ques to other treatments especially solic- tion. : ; : ited -- But why wait for your Mr. Stiles has been actively affili- rouble to become chronic? 3 3 aN aver : : Clectrical treatments are especially ated Mh the Nor Trier Commercial recommended in high blood press- association since his coming to Wil-|}lure, nervous troubles, post operative mette several years ago, and is work- |||adhesions, ulcers, abcesses and all ; ing diligently with the scores of |} female troubles. other business men in the deter- EUEGTED AOI SIVTHERAPY - . = . y . A. 4 '§ mination to make this year's holiday |ll)113 capitol Bldg. 159 N. State St. event the biggest New Trier Day in Tel. Dearborn 9583 history. Fall's Newly Styled Coats and Dresses YOUR POCKETBOOK Evenings Until 10 Our early fall line of coats : ahd dresous: db row dh Buy Your Used Cars in Evanston display. from North Side Motors Co. Used Car Department--Sherman Ave. and Grove Street The latest whims of fash- ionable modishness are pleasingly arrayed at the \. Charlotte Shop SPECIAL FOR NEW TRIER WEEK Just a limited number of $5 hose will be on sale for the Evanston Branch--1019 Davis Street ® al For Information Call Evanston 578 or Sunnyside 3220 coming week, at $3.50 a pair. LLL 77 1120 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 553 2 " NLLLLZZZ, NTLSLSLLLLLLLSSSLSLSLLSSLSSSLLLLSSS ILS ILSSLSSISSLSSS ILLS SSS SS SSSI SSS S SSS SSS SILLS SSS SS LSS SSS iad ae a 2 727770777