TN ny -- y -- & boii - | a" October 2, 1925 + WINNETKA TALK 31 Neighboring Theaters Reviews of the Week VILLAGE THEATRE "The Lost World," Sir Arthur Con- an Doyle's great imaginative master- piece, will be shown theatre Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 5, 6 7 and 8. With it will be shown Monday and Tuesday, a comedy and a Pathe news reel, and Wednesday and Thursday a Pathe review and an Aesop's Fable. "The Lost World" has a notable,cast which includes Bessie ILove, Lewis Stone, Lloyd Hughes, Wallace Beery, Bull Montana and others. Friday and Saturday "Kivalina of the Ice lL.ands," a film of the Arctic, Will be shown for tRe first time on the north f shore. With it will be shown a Harold Lloyd comedy revival, "Never Weaken" and a Pathe news reel. "Kivalina of the Ice Lands" is a real picture of the at the Village | By Thespian STAGE "SKY-HIGH" With Willie Howard Schubert Olympic The Olympic theatre, long a land- tmark on Chicago's Rialto, is now the Shubert Olympic. New paint and new chairs have worked wonders. One would hardly recognize the old place where vaudeville, burlesque and what not reigned for so many years. To "open it in style the Messrs. Shubert have brought "Sky-High" and Willie Howard from New York and the crowds milling around the spacious Randolph street lobby indicate a wise choice. Mr. Howard, frequently iden- north, an ,amazing story of primitive |tified as the "funny one" of the Howard life under the northern lights. the actors are Eskimos and most of the scenes were taken near the village of Koogalook, which is only about 1,000 miles from the north pole. THE NEW EVANSTON Jack Holt and Noah Beery finish their engagement in "Wild Horse Mesa" at the New Evanston theatre Saturday, October 3. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day next, the feature picture will be "Pretty Ladies" with Tom Moore and Zazu Pitts starred. And for the last of the week Regi- nald Denny will be seen in his latest film success, "California Straight Ahead." This picture will be at the New Evanston Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 8, 9 and 10. With it will be shown a Century comedy. THE HOYBURN Raymond Griffith is now playing in "He's A Prince" at the Hoyburn thea- tre. For the first of next week, begin- ning Monday, October 5, the attrac- tion . will be a film called "White Monkey" with Barbara La Marr fea- tured. This feature will continue through Wednesday night. A Cen- tury comedy will also be shown with it. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week the Hoyburn feature will be Malcolm McGregor and Eleanor Boardman in "The Circle." With it will be shown a Buster Brown come- y. - Community House TUESDAY, OCT. 6 HOOT GIBSON in "HIT AND RUN" OUR GANG COMEDY FRIDAY, OCT. 9 RICHARD DIX in "THE SHOCK All of | ther: 1 v 'deville fame, dominates the proceedings Brothers of Winter Garden and vau- through three acts, works hard and earnestly and is entitled to the ex- tensive praise his audience gives. He sings songs in his own individual manner, does an imitation or two well above the average and handle} a run- ning line of comedy in a manner de- cidedly superior to the usual type of Jewish comedian. "Sky-High"" is typical musical com- edy, pretentiously presented. It's plot has to do with a case of mistaken identity whereby a barber assumes the role of a marquis with the usual com- edy results. As musical comedy plots go it is entirely satisfactory since it allows ample time for numerous songs and more numerous dances. A chorus of some 25 girls and half as many boys certainly keep things moving. Their training has been excellent and in- dividually they excel most of the similar groups you have seen of recent months. If it's dancing you want, here it is in pleasurable abundance! Assisting Mr. Howard in his en- deavors are such well known people as Conchita Piquer, Isabella Fosta, John Quinlan and Florenz Ames. Read the Want Ads Village Theatre Your Home Theatre J. B. Koppel Managing Director Evenings, 7:30 and 9:00 Matinee, Tues. 3:30 Mon. Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "LOST WORLD" Also, Pathe News, Pathe Review, Fables and Educational Comedy. Friday and Saturday "KIVALINA OF THE ICELAND" PUNCH?" First showing on the north shore. Also, Harold Lloyd in . »" Comedy Fox .News "Never Weaken, and Pathe News. H ) oo | THE HOWARD For next Sunday, October 4, the Howard theatre will feature the film called "Go Straight" with Owen Moore and Gladys Hulette starred. On Mon- day and Tuesday, October 5 and 6, Milton Sills will be seen in "The Mak- ing of O'Malley." On Wednesday and Thursday D. W. Griffith's latest epic of the circus, "Sally of the Saw- dust," with Carol Dempster and W. | C. Fields in the chief roles will be the attraction. And for the week-end fea- ture, Friday and Saturday, the Howard will present H. B. Walthal in "Ken- tucky's Pride." HEAR ITALIAN CONCERT Twenty members of the North Shore Musical society held the first meeting of the year last Monday at the home of Mrs. Truitt at Deerfield. A number of guests were also present and en- joyed an excellent program of Italian music. Coffee was served after the LX THE NEW CAMPUS For next Monday and Tuesday, October 5 and 6, the management of the New Campus theatre will offer Frank Bacon's record-breaking stage success with Jay Hunt as "Lightin' Bill Jones" as presented on the screen by William Fox. It is a John Ford production. "Kivalina of the Ice Lands," the film story of love, devotion and peril in the shadow of the Northern Lights, will be shown at the New Campus on next Wednesday. It is said that this pic- ture has scenes showing the beauties of the Northern Lights which are dis- tinctly worthwhile in themselves. For the Saturday attraction the New Campus will offer Buck Jones in a thrilling film called "The Timber Wolf," the romance of a man both feared and loved. music and the program for the year outlined by Mrs. Jean McShane, chairman of the program committee. Newell & Retchin HOWARD Continuous Every Day--2:15 to 11:15 N. W. "L" Station at Howard Sunday Oet. 4 Owen Moore--Gladys Hulette "GO STRAIGHT" Monday and Tuesday Oct. 5 and 6 Milton Sills in "THE MAKING OF O'MALLEY" Wednesday and Thursday Oct, 7 and 8 Carrol Dempster 'SALLY of the SAWDUST Friday and Saturday Oct. 9 and 10 H. B. Walthall in "KENTUCKY'S PRIDE" All North Shore Trains Howard Stop at New Campus Fountain Square Evanston Cont. from 1:30 to 11 P. M, Monday and Tuesday John Golden's Triumph "LIGHTNIN" Added HARRY LANGDON "Remember When" Wednesday "KIVALINA OF THE ICELAND" With An All Star Cast BUSTER KEATON In a Roar from the Riot Squad Thursday and Friday "PARISIAN NIGHTS" Mack Sennett Comedy Saturday Buck Jones in "THE TIMBER WOLF" Sportlight Comedy-- Fables-- Matinee Only--*"Play Ball." This is a Greater Movie Theatre Bl NEW EVANSTON THE HOYBURN Playing Jack Holt, Noah Berry "WILD HORSE MESA" Now Now Playing Raymond Griffith in "HE'S A PRINCE" Coming Monday Tom Moore and Zazu Pitts in "PRETTY LADIES" Also Comedy "The Cloudy Rom od Coming Monday Barbara LaMarr in "WHITE MONKEY" Also Century Comedy Coming Thursday Reginald Denny "CALIFORNIA STRAIGHT AHEAD" Century Comedy Coming Thursday Malcolm McGregor Eleanor Boardman in "THE CIRCLE" and Buster Brown Comedy Daily Shows at 2, 4, 7 and 9--Saturday Continuous 2 to 1I P. M.