36 WINNETKA TALK October 3, 1925 SCHOOLS TO OBSERVE FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Drills and Discussions on Methods of Prevention to Feature Programs Fire Prevention Week, proclaimed by Governor Len Small for the period of October 4 to 10, will be observed in Winnetka schools by fire drills, talks on fire prevention and discussions by the pupils. The seriousness of fire losses throughout the state and nation is emphasized in a letter from Governor Small. It reads as follows: "Fire losses in the United States last year were almost $549,000,000. In 1914 they were approximately $221,500,000. In short they have more than doubled in a decade. In Illinois last year's fire loss exceeded $24,000,000. In State and Nation we are confronted not only with record losses, but, more serious, with a startling rate of increase which shows no tendency to abate. Fire losses are an utter waste of resources. We can not afford to waste our re- sources on such a tremendous scale. In addition, 15,000 lives are snuffed out by fire each year in the Nation. Lives, unlike property, can not be re- placed. Bearing in mind that fully three-fourths of all fires are easily preventable, the situation challenges the most earnest consideration of citizens and governing bodies. Practical Matter "Fire prevention is entirely a prac- tical matter. Adequate local ordinances, enforced through a rigid system of inspection, will control most of the common causes of fire. An especial responsibility rests upon school offi- cials. They should not only see that schools are safe from fire, but that ample exit facilities are provided and systematic fire drills held. A similar responsibility is on those who have charge of churches, theaters, public halls, hospitals, hotels and the like. Individuals should make a habit of being careful with all things which may cause fire, for it is unfortunately true that human carelessness underlies most of the causes of fire. Practical, instructive talks and programs on fire prevention should be given in all schools and, where possible, before Chambers of Commerce and Civic or- ganizations. These might appropriately be arranged for Friday, October 9, which is the fifty-fourth anniversary of the Chicago fire." Houren in Warning Chief G. M. Houren of the Win- netka fire department urged the ob- servance of Fire Prevention week and gave some pointers on how to mini- mize the fire hazard, in a notice sent out to residents this week. He asks all persons who are going to install oil storage tanks to consult him when plans are being made. He also ad- vocated the removal of all rubbish and other fire hazards around buildings, and cautioned residents to use care in handling lighted matches. The chief believes that a careful household sel- dom has a fire. Chicagoan Will Preach _at Scandinavian Services The Rev. Harvey O. Olney of Chi- cago, will preach at the regular eve- ning services of the Scandinavian Evangelical church Sunday, October 4, at 7:45 o'clock. Miss Esther Piper will be the soloist. Sunday school at the church will assemble at 10:30 o'clock and the young people's meeting is scheduled for 5 o'clock. Dr. Edwards of Chicago, will be the speaker at the Wednesday evening services of the church and Mr. Olney will conduct the Adult Bible class Thursday evening. DANCING CLUB MEETS The North Shore Dancing club holds its first dance at the Winnetka Wom- an's club October 17. This very pop- vlar club which has members from Evanston to Waukegan, now numbers about 50 couples. One func- tion is held every month. 514% Money Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban residence property at 5% % in- terest. See us on renewals E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 911 LINDEN AVE. HUDSON-ESSEX SALES AND SERVICE J. F. DAVIS TEL. WINN. 2268 551 Lincoln Avenue Good Service, Good Pure Food, Courteous Treatment, Reasonable Prices. Always featured at this Restaurant "The place where eating is a pleasure" Cameo Restaurant and Lunch Room Joe Stoner & Co. Quite a large number of Winnetkans attended the first anniversary of the Chicago Temple and the ninety-first anniversiary of the organization of the First Methodist Episcopal church, Sunday, September 27. Dr. John Thompson and two former pastors, Dr. J. P. Brushingham and Dr. E. W. Oneal were speakers on the program at 10:45 in the morning, and at 8:00 in the evening. Arthur F. Dunham yester- day resumed his free public organ re- citals at the temple. The programs last year were attended by several thousands. : . BR Little Elise Fleager, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fleager, 952 Pine street, was hostess to a number of little friends at an afternoon party, Satuf- day, September 26, in honor of her seventh birthday. WILLIAM Phone Winn. 225 Slate and Tile Roofing Sheet Metal Work Slate Walks and Terraces Interior or Exterior Sheet Metal Contractor 874 Center St., Hubbard Woods L. WENTE Telephone Winnetka 991 ANNEX SHOE REBUILDERS STORE Shoes Rebuilt Best Material and Workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed 8 Prouty Annex | ~~ - h) Special This Week Three Layer Brick CHOCOLATE HONEY FRUIT SALAD and BANANA ICE CREAM FOR SALE AT Adams' Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros, 742 Elm St. North Shore Pharmacy Hubbard Woods Ristow Confectionery Hubbard Woods Pharmacy Kenilworth Pharmacy bh = fe £. | 9