Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 3 Oct 1925, p. 41

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October 3, 1925 WINNETKA TALK 39 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 20 AUTOMOBILES WANTED TO RENT --MUSIC TEACH- | WANTED--GIRL TO CARE FOR | SITUATION WTD--WOMAN WITH 11 er wants a room for studio one small house and 2 children in school. yrs. old wants gen. hswk.; good Used Cars for Sale afternoon a week in East Kenil- Parents employed. Call Wil. 1919 cook; good home 1st consideration. 1921 Dodge Road. .........:- ..3175 worth or Indian Hill. Tel. Winnet- after 6 P. M. 12LN1-1te Address Wilmette Life A-689. 1922 Dodge Tour. .........oee $325 ka 1787. 10T30-1te 15LT1-1te 1923 Dodge Sedan ...........:- jie = = . --_ = WANTED--WHITE GIRL TOR GEN. --- 1922 Chevrolet .........cc0000s 1 HELP WANTED--MALE hswk.: 8 adults. George White, | AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPECIAL- | 11923 Durant COUDe ......:::-- $375 ee 1101 Greenwood Ave. Tel. Wilmette izes in working for young ladies and And Others " R I E 258. 12LTN-1tc | girls in their homes. Best Winnetka _Acused car. bought from a respon- ca. state WaRTED YOUNG GINL FOR GEN references. P. O. Box 117, Evanston: sible dealer is a good Lg ent. 1 -- YOUNG G LF EN. 15T50-1tp W Sales en Eswk. pian goeking. No washing. > I ersted Motor 0. nn el. innetka 1702. 11 Willow | grrr 7 ANTE NPR Tel. Winnetka p SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- T90) WE. H | Road. 12LTN1-1te enced colored cook desires position 20TN30-1tc 3 HAVE OPENINGS FCR ONE EX- TED -- 5 YT » doing gen. hswk. References. Ad- ] ----- q ODGE i i Ws Boon, as Mal FOR GEN. dress Mary Jordan, 1930 Kristan ave- FOR S2LE In Pare MR. $300. perienced and one inexperienced Winnetka. . Phone 'Winn. 2413." nue, North Chicago. 15TN30-1tp For demonstration call Winnetia salesman of character and ability at J2T30 te SITUATION WANTED -- DAY WORK; 2145 a. s gRiap f --WC M a1. caning IF: iry. Colored. | 4 wg our Winnetka and Chicago offices. | WANTHEWORAN NORNINGE FOR | go; cloanine pr, lugs, Colelch ot pom sabb--miscuLLANEOUS Prefer residents of North Shore with I3LTNL-Ite 3799-M. ci I a ag car. Phone Main 3121 or Winn. 2350 | WANTED =~ MAID; 2ND WORK AND | SITUATION WANTED -- WOMAN ity; size. 38 and. 40. ' y sewing. Good wages. Phone Winn. with son 11 yrs. old; gen. hswk.; |$80 EVENING GOWN, PINK CREPE for appointment. 5s IHN] i £004 cooks n Condemns Home = He pine Reavily beaded. as if BY . are e p p- F B Th C WANTED, gr WHITE 1 MAID; SEN: Talk ALES. 15TN30-1tc babii: Pine twill coat dress, $12; S 3 amily; laundress kept. es henna flannel dress, $8; cocoa beade o IDo omas & Co. $1615 Wilmette 1015. 12LTNI-1t¢ | [XUNDRY WORK CALLED FOR AND | in amber, $5; brown * Camels hair WANTED -- GIRL TO COOK AND delivered. 1st class work. Refs. winter coat, Tr X cc s . 5 - : > . 2172. 5LTN51-4tc Men's clothing, 36-38; grey tweed NorthShoreRealtors serve; no hswk. Call Wil. 2810. Phone Univ. 2172 15 3 suit, $15; new $90 brown English 12LTNI-1te | C0 ON WTD -- GEN. HSWK.;| overcoat, $35. Phone Wil 2968. 11LTN1-1tc | WANTED EXP. WHITE MAID FOR |_exp. Phone Wil. 3206. 15LT1-ltc : 2ILTN1-1t0 WANTED -- SALESMAN TO SELL gen. hswk. Tel. Wil. 928-W. - = . « washing machines. Chance for good 12LTN1-1te [16 SITU A FEMALE ne Chinese Articles money. Call Eckart Hardware Co. | WANTED-- 0 - FOR SALE -- WHOLESALE PRICES. between 10-12 A. M. Ask for Mr. |" itn HIT GIRL TO AIS | SITUATION WANTED -- COUPLE; | shawls,' embroideries, ivories jade, ets. 11T30-1tc | Wil 1155 520 Tienes CL TNT Ite | competent; colored; cook; butler or | tortoise shell and brass, 933 Cherry WANTED--HIGH houseman; experienced. Good ref- st. Sat. from 10 a. m. Tel. Winn 71. a a 1G SCHOOL BOY TO |wWANTED -- GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. erences. Phone Kenwood 6318. Bat- 21T30-1te eliver flowers after school and all| me], Glencoe 914. 389 Woodlawn ave tiste. 16TN30-1tp : day Saturdays. Inquire 1161 Wil- 12T30-1te FOR SALE -- 5,000 PERENIALS. mette Avenue. 11LTN1-1te ~ | SITUATION WANTED -- MARRIED Trees. Shrubs, Evergreens. Real WANTED -- MAID FOR GEN. HSWK._; couple as cook, butler and chauffeur. in. B i out of WANTED--BY LONG ESTABLISHED | ' no laundry. Call Winn. 2226, De RE er Dreroy lois Gffer | DAIEalIN. eC wary. Dandscape firm; young man to learn business 12TN30-1t 6 p. m 16TN30-1tp . B in. deli Small salary to start. Sure advance- TC ; gardener. 4 eM na bh: ment if makes good. Write Wil- | WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN, |17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS | Woods a] Winnetha 546-3 mette Life A-687. 11LTN1-1tc | hswk.; exp. not necessary. Call : 21TN29-3te WANTE M Winn. 1376. 12730-1tc | FOR SALE -- FINE WHITE OAK ANTED--MAN FOR CHAUFFEUR >|" built-in sideboard which has been | ooo oir BOY'S OVERCOAT akon, dswk.i' Fhe lives 3: Dome WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN. removed. Cheap. 264 Haw thorn sige. b: Eo aI's overcoat and lady's : . A as. hswk. Phone Wil. 2745. 12LTN1-1tc| Ave. Glencoe. 17LTN1-1te winter coat. wer [Feas. in good 14 ; NTED-- FOR SALE--RADIODYNE, INCLUD-| c¢ond. one Winn, , WANTED--ELECTRICIAN'S HELPER. A TION WANTED. MALE ing cabinet, 6 tubes and Music Mas- 2ITNSO-1te nquire 561 Lincoln ave, Winnetka. | SITUATION WANTED -- FURNACES ter loud speaker, $75. Phone Wil 11LTN1-1tc | cleaned and taken care of by the| 1607. 17LTN1-1tc | FOR SALE -- GREEN CLAPBOARD WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO DRIVE truck and do gen. work. Eckart Hardware Co., Winnetka. 1ILNI-1te WANTED -- MAN FOR CHAUFFEUR and gen. work. Refs. req. Phone Winn. 284, 11T30-1te m---- 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATING-- IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY 1S GIVEN EACH YEAR: A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERATOR. 1725 12TH STREET, WILMETTE. 12L50-tfe Neat, Reliable White Girl SWISS OR SCOTCH PREFERRED; 3 adults in family; full electrical equipment; oil heat; good home; own room and bath. Tel. Winn. 1071. 12LTN1-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. and to assist with children; or mother's helper. Pleasant surround- ings. No laundry. Tel. Kenilworth 2060. 12T30-1te WANTED--GIRL (WHITE) FOR GEN. hswk. in family of 3; no washing; nice room, priv. bath; good on! refs.; best wages. Phone Wil. 1458, 12LTN1-1te WANTED--COMP. MAID FOR GEN, | hswk.; good wages and good home. Refs. 914 Elmwood Ave. Tel. Wil- mette 1867. 12LTN1-1te month. House and garden work by the hour. Fall plantings, peren- nials and shrubs. Victor Carlson. 188 Forest avenue. Winn. 486. 14T30-2tp SITUATION WTD--YOUNG COL. MAN wants hswk. part time; washes win- dows, cars. Willing to take steady ob washing cars nights in garaee. hone Alex, Winn. 488. 14LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD FURN. IN- eluding painted brkfst. set; victrola; antiques; interesting old glass. 463 Washington St. Glencoe 518. 17TN30-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE ENGLISH pedestal table; pottery lamp base; Italian mirror; ebony piano bench. Tel. Winnetka 2170. . chicken-house about 5x8ft. and 6 ft: high; in good condition; very reas. Phone Wilmette 763-M. * A 21LTN1-1tp FOR SALE -- LEATHER CARRIER for baby to fit seat of automobile; just like new, $5. Tel. Kenil 3380. 21LT1-1te FOR SALE--FULL LENGTH MINK 17T30-1te 1,500. SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- coat in perf. cond. Cost $l TE I Bei TE ook, Sars | FOR SALE -- BROWN REED, BABY | V1 take 3350. Phone Glan. $13. ic ghen for permanent work. Will care buggy; ivory hassiney Wid pets or furnaces. eferences. Tel. Wil- swing and chair. . Tel. en. 3 mette 2893. 14LT1-1tp . 17TN30-1tc | FOR SALE -- UNCALLED FOR SUITS and o'coats, cheap. Victor Johnson, WANTED -- CARE OF FURNACE, | FOR SALE -- LARGE, WHITE oN- Tailor, 809 Oak street. house, garden Work: and odd jobs by §uel gacchen, cabinet, Amost ew 21T30-1te reliable man. an furnish best of v one nn. : h -1te references. Phone Winn Nor ite| FOR SALE -- GAS RANGE, EXCELL uh BE ed MENS Br after . Mm. 14TN30-1t -- N , EX oys' e, parel. - Js B01 cond., $5. Call Glen. T46. 1 thorn Ave. Glencoe 679. 21LTN1-1tc SITUATION WTD.-- HOUSECLEAN- 17TN30-1te ing; also window washing. 76c an FOR SALE--PORTABLE CHICKEN- hour. Reliable man. Best refs.| FOR SALE -- CHILD'S BED WITH coop. Cheap. Tel. Wilmette 1188. Phone Kenwood 1258. hair aid TE a con- 21LTN1-1te -1 dition. el. innetka - T1rsesite 17TN30-1te | FOR SALE -- OAK WOOD CUT FOR SITUATION WTD--WINNETKA, HUB- - fireplace. Tel. Winn. 1206. bard Woods or south Glencoe terri- | FOR SALE -- $180 WASHING MA- 21LT1-1te tory. Furnace tending and home chine, $60; perf. cond. Wm. Edwards m---- service. Tel. Winn. 637-W after 6 & Son, Glencoe. 17TN30-1tc | 26 GARDENING . om. 14 -2 Pen Naam FOR SALE -- LARGE COL. MAH. | LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BLACK WANTED--GOOD MAN WANTS NICE rocker. Phone Winn. 958. manure for sale. Tel. Highland place as gardener and houseman. 17TLTN1-1te Park 216%. 26TN30-tfe Married. Excellent references. Tel, | mmm------------------ -- Lake Forest 578-R. 14TN30-2tp | IS WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE Es SITUATION WTD.--LEAVING TOWN. | WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND | NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Wish to place my chauffeur, a re- furniture and other household goods. Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for liable young man with 7 yrs. exp. Highest price paid for same. Crost anything that is to be done around Will furn. best refs. Call Wil. 2089. Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, the house. Place vour order now. 14TN30-1te Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994 27T6-tfe ACCOUNTANT HAS TIME TO HAN-|N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- (| = dle complete small set_ of books. Trial balances, etc. Address Wil- mette Life A-690. 14LTN1-1te SITUATION WTD--CARE OF FUR- naces, garden or housework: white man. Refs. Phone Wil. 3233. : 14LTN-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced gardener. Best Winnetka references. Willing to do any house work. Tel. Winnetka 60. 14LTN1-1tp EE ------------------------------------------------------------ 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced, capable nurse will care for children by hour. Highest refer- ences. Tel. Edgewater 5544. 15LT1-2tp ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 1SL.TN19-tfe 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- SHETLAND PONY, GEN- tle: bridle and saddle. Address Wil- mette Life A-684. 19LTN1-1te PAINTING AND DECORATING IF _¥OU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR decorating to be done, it will pay you to get in touch with E. M. Brandt. Best references. Phone Glencoe 971. 29TN4-tfe 31 BUSINESS SERVICE 29 WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LTS-tfe WANTED TO BUY -- CLEAN WHITE rags. 10c per 1b. Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette. 19LTN1-1t 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn. 1416. 15TN27-tfe FOR SALE--1924 DODGE ROADSTER. In first class condition. Tel. Winn. 2422, 20LTN1-1tp HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor, 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 31TN17-tfe TUTORING BY TEACHER OF EXPER- jence in European and American schools. Senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward high school students. Conversation for adults and children. Terms on Spe plication. Miss F. B. Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd, H. Woods. Phone Glen. 355. 30T30-1te 30 FRENCH

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