ha October 10, 1925 WINNETKA TALK eal Beatrice Pease will Marry in Kenilworth Saturday Afternoon The marriage of Miss Beatrice Pease, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester road, Kenilworth, to Calvin Berghalter, will take place Saturday at 4 o'clock, at the Church of the Holy Comforter, the Rev. Leland H. Danforth, officiating. A reception will follow at the home of the bride's parents. Many entertain- ments are being given for these two popular young people. Sunday night, a tea was given at the home of Miss Lucille Singer of Evanston. Mrs. Samuel Comley of Evanston was hos- tess at a luncheon Monday, and the following afternoon Mrs. Henry Fore- man of Highland Park gave a bridge party at her home in Highland Park. This evening, the Samuel Clarks are entertaining at dinner at their home in Winnetka, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Berghalter, father and mother of the prospective bridegroom, and his brother, Joel Berghalter of Tiffin, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease this week. Give Social Affairs to Honor Departing Voyager Mrs. P. D. Rathbone of Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, was much enter- tained by her Kenilworth friends be- fore departing on her trip around the world. Friday night, Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman gave a dinner for her as well as for Mrs. J. A. Culbertson's guest, Mrs. Kelly, of Kentucky. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr. were dinner hosts for Mrs. Rath- bone, and Monday, Mrs. C. J. Albert of 321 Warwick road was hostess at luncheon and bridge prior to her de- parture Wednesday for New York in company with her son, J. V. Rathbone. She is sailing tonight on the Carinthia, by way of Panama, to San Francisco, where she will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rathbone of Pasadena. The three travelers plan to be away a year. Mr. and Mrs. Bruen have returned to the Kenilworth Inn for the winter. diss of Light £8 0.H.BERSCH. OD. een ------ = Br po: ---" " >... \ QOPI EVERYBODY'S GREAT NEED Perfect vision is a blessing that all can have. A perfect eyeglass service awaits you here, a scien- tific and conscientious examina- tion that is thorough. 15 years of successful practice DR. O. H. BERSCH 1177 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette | For Appointment Phene Wil, 2766 i ab is HOSTESSES AT LUNCHEON Mrs. Lee Ellis, Mrs. Samuel Clark of Fuller lane, Winnetka, Mrs. Samuel Loomis Hypes of Glencoe, and Mrs. Walter Wylie of Evanston were hos- tesses Tuesday at a reunion luncheon for about 25 Bradford academy alum- nae, at the home of Mrs. Grant Ridg- way, 207 Cumberland avenue, Kenil- worth. Miss Dorothy Smith, 324 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, who had been visit- ing in Cody, Wyo., for several weeks, returned to her home Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hannah, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Littell of Woodstock avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridg- way of 207 Cumberland avenue, Kenil- worth, left Saturday for a motor trip of a week's duration in the North. RR Richmond Kenyon and Clive J. Taylor of Cumnor road, Kenilworth, motored to Champaign for the football game Saturday. ---- Mrs. Rufus K. Porter and Mrs. Dyar of 428 Cumberland avenue, returned to Kenilworth last week from their summer home at Lincolnville, Maine. Miss Dorothy Weimer of Charleston, W. Va., is visiting Mrs. James H. Pren- tiss of 201 Cumberland avenue, Kenil- worth. Miss Patty Hamm of 517 Sher- idan road, was hostess in Miss Weim- er's honor Friday afternoon. --p-- The Evanston Garden club has in- vited the Kenilwortm Garden club to an entertainment next Wednesday at the home of Daniel H. Burnham. --e Mr. and Mrs. George Shipman or 432 Warwick road, Kenilworth, return- ed Sunday from their summer home at Sylvan Beach, Mich. Mrs. Peter Nordquist. AM NIN NINA A NIN NINN IN NIN NINN IN INIT INI TNIN New Skokie Valley Division will bring high-speed electrified transportation to one of Chicago's most attractive home areas LAKE BLUFF LAKE FOREST The Scenic Route CHICAGO LOOP OURTEEN thousand inhabitants for every square mile of its area-- that is the average density of pop- ulation in Chicago. Compare this wit Kansas City, which houses only 5,593 people per square mile; or with New Orleans, which has a population of 2,175 per square mile; or with Los Angeles, where there is an average of only 1,563 inhabitants to each square mile. Such comparisons make one realize the great need for new, spacious suburban communities within easy commuting distance of Chicago -- communities accessible to the city, yet removed from its bustle and con- gestion. The new Skokie Valley Divis- ion of the North Shore Line, now under construction, will help to fill this great need. Early in 1926, this new Division will be completed. Then will be available a fast, frequent, electrified transporta- tion service direct from Libertyville and Mundelein, in the Lake County Countryside, to the loop district of Chicago. Already, the North Shore Line serves these attractive towns; any North Shore Line ticket agent will tell you how to get there. But service will be faster--and direct-without-change --when the new high-speed Division is completed. This beautiful, rolling, wooded home section already possesses city conveni- ences -- electricity, gas, water, stores and schools. Now comes the final and most important of all necessities -- high-speed transportation! Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Co. ~The high-speed electrified railroad