Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 17 Oct 1925, p. 44

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yr October 17, 1925 WINNETKA TALK 43 2 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS [20 AUTOMOBILES 32 KENNELS WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL | FOR SALE -- FURNITURE; VICTRO- | FOR SALE--OAKLAND TOURING | pOR SALE--PEDIGREED POLICE housework in family; no laundry; la; Englander porch swing; h. w. car, $50. 157 Prairie Ave.,, Wilmette, puppies, descendants of Nores. Ready plain cooking. Call Kenilworth 523. coal heater; brass trimmed, iron 20LTN3-1tp for new homes Sunday. Bargain 12LN3-1tp bed with box springs; child's wicker TE prices. 1006 Michigan Ave. Wil- stroller. Very cheap. Tel. Winn. 1011. |21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS mette. Tel. Wil. 1684. 32LTN3-1te VAL ¢D -- GIRL, 25-35 YEARS; 17T32-1te - - hi Aan; for 2d work and capable FOR SALE -- 5,000 PERENNIALS | rFOR SALE--PEDIGREED BOSTON with children of school age. 630 Rosewood Ave. Winnetka 1021. 12T32-1te WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with 2 children and hsewk.; no laundry. Phone Winn. 1971. 12T32-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; Scandinavian or Ger- man; 4 in family. Tel. Glen. 199. 12TN32-1te WANTED--YOUNG NURSE GIRL (white) for all day; home nights. Tel. Kenil. 2930. 12LT3-1tp 14 SITUATION WANTED---MALE GARDENER WANTS JOB AT FARM; or garden, houseman, furnace man; good steady worker. Excell. ref. Call Lake Forest 578-R. 14TN31-2tp SITUATION WANTED -- EXP. MAN wants furnaces to clean and take care of. Can furnish best references. Tel. Winn. 2011. 14T31-3te SITUATION WANTED -- BY EXPERI- enced gardener; will do miscell. work, furnace, etec.; ref. Tel. Winn. 952. 14T32-1tp SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG COL. man desires housecleaning, 1 or 2 days a week. Best refs. Phone Winn. 1948. 14LTN3-1te HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING; floor-waxing; care furnaces. Wil. 3428. 14LT2-tfe SITUATION WTD. + EXPERIENCED furnace man. Tel. Winn. 1552. 14TN32-tfe 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPECIAL- izes in working for young married women and young girls in their homes. Best Winn. ref. P. O. Box 117, Evanston. 15TN32-1tp SITUATION WTD.--CHILD'S NURSE or governess; capable. Best North Shore references. Call nurse, Univ. 2866-M. 15LTN3-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. COL. GIRLS as cook and maid; together pre- ferred. Tel. Mrs. Brown, Victory 1781. 15TN32-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- MAID OR mother's helper; neat sewing and mending. Phone Glen. 1044. 15T32-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- ferations call Miss Carlsten, Winn. FOR SALE--FUMED OAK, 7 FIECE, dining rm. set, $25; 2 pce. over- stuffed mohair parlor set, $50; 2 Cir- cassian dressers, $15 each; 60-inch vouth bed, $4; chairs, §1.50; etc. Call Glen. 465. 17LTN3-1te ANTIQUES, DROP LEAF TABLES, coverlets, samplers, Currier & Ives, old glass, early Amer. furniture, old prints a specialty, 808 Washington St., Evanston. 17TLTN2-4te FOR SALE--ROUND, FUMED OAK, 60-inch dining table, 8 ft. extension; 6 chairs with leather seats; buffet table; also complete printing outfit. Tel. Wil. 1507. 17TLTN3-1te FOR SALE--LEAVING TOWN TUES- day; couch, furniture, extra chairs, painted buffet, miscellaneous pieces. Phone Kenil. 2999. 17TLTN3-ite FOR SALE--MAH. 4-POSTER DOUB. bed with fine box springs and hair mattress; in splendid condition. $50. Tel. Winnetka 260. 17LTN3-1te FOR SALE THREE-QUARTER SIZE violin, splendid tone; buffet: library table: 2 rugs. Tel. Wil. 3059. 17TLTN3-1te FOR SALE -- MAH. DAVENFORT table, Adams style, in excellent con- dition. Good bargain. Call Winn. 1908. 17T32-1te FOR SALE -- OIL BURNER FOR small home; tank and fittings, Com- plete $100. Phone Winn. 1686. 17TN32-tfe FOR SALE -- WHITE OPAL GLASS refrig.,, 3 compartments, excellent condition. H. H. Howe, 16 Indian Hill rd. Winn. 2463. 17TN32-1te FOR SALE--GLASS AND CHINA MAH. cabinet, 1st class condition. Phone Winn. 1330, ° 17LTN3-1te FOR SALE--WALNUT CHINA CAB- inet; Weber upright piano. Glen. 392. 17LTN3-1te FOR SALE--7 PIECES WICKER FUR- niture; very reasonable. Phone Winn, 1. 17LTN3-1te 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN3-tfe N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave. Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens. Real bargain. Because moving out of vil- lage, John Ostrowsky. Landscape gardener. Expert in remodeling flow- er beds, 1487 Asbury, Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winnetka 546-J. 21LTN3-1te RIVERSIDE SALTED NUTS -- AL- monds and pecans, superior quality, distinctive flavor. Prepared in Home Shop at Riverside, Ill. Call Mrs. Eisendrath, 1145 Chatfield Rd. Tel. Winn. 479. 21T32-tfc FOR SALE -- GREEN CLAPBOARD chicken-house about 5x8 ft. and 6 ft. high; in good condition; very reas. Phone Wilmette 763-M. 21LTN3-1tp FOR SALE--MAN'S HANDSOME OV- ercoat, almost new, size 40, reason- able; also home permanent waving outfit, $5.00. Winn. 2251. 21LTN3-1tec FOR SALE--AT A BARGAIN; JOHN- son motoreyele. 330 Abbotsford Rd. Kenilworth. Tel. Kenil. 2257. 21LTN3-1tp FOR SALE--GAS RANGE, GOOD BAR- gain, $10.00. Baby buggy, good con- dition, $10.00. 311 Woodlawn ave. Phone Glen. 333-R. 21LTN3-1tc 22 FINANCIAL I HAVE $4,500 CASH TO INVEST IN a good 1st mortgage on North Shore home. Telephone Winn. 2361. 22L.TN3-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- COLLIE DOG, % MONTHS old, 3 white feet, 1 entire white leg, white neck, tail black at end. Answers to name of Nick. Reward. Collar marked H., H. Kennedy, 735 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka. Finder please Tel. Winn. 414. 24TN32-1tc LOST -- PLATINUM BAR PIN SET with diamonds; about 2 inches long; near Lincoln and Elm on Oct. 10. Reward if returned to Mrs. C. H. Barnard, 1077 Cherry St., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1001. 24T32-1te $25 REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR accurate information as to the iden- tity of the person who stole dahlia roots from my garden last Monday night, Oct. 12. Harold L. Ickes. 24T32-1tc LOST -- WHITE, TOY FRENCH poodle. Answers to Boots. Reward. Katherine Klotz, 722 Prospect. Tel. Winn. 349. 24T32-1tc LOST--ALL BLACK SADDLE HORSE: with saddle. Rew: . 15T32-tfe 18LTN3-tfe | Park 4963. ward foe 7: ul pio 16 SITUATION WANTED-- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS LOS? -- BRINDLE PUP, BROWN AND MALE AND FEMALE WINNETKA FURNITURE _ STORE | _#31-R. 803 Pine 'sr 00 Tohpavinn. SITATION WTD. -- YOUNG RELIA- buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, a ble couple desire position; wife ex-| Pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash |2¢ GARDENING perienced 2d maid: husband em- street. New store, 1500 Willow 2A. ployed. Phone Wilmette 623. 19LTS8-ifec | LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BLACK 16T32-1tp SITUATION WTD.--EXP. COL. COUP- le; cook-maid, houseman and exp. WANTED -- HOME FOR A PAIR OF kittens; housebroken. Tel. Winn. 1110 between 5:30 and 8:00 P. M. chauffeur. Refs. Drexel 7049. : 197353 16LTN3-1tp | WANTED -- PUPPY, POSSIBLY 5 short-haired. Phone Winn. 582. 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 19T32-1te ANTIQUES --BEAUTIFUL = ENGLISH | WANTED TO BUY -- USED SUITS highboy desk, cherry mahogany with and overcoats in good condition. maple and ebony interior, very rare, | Winn. 2524, 19T32-1te andsome and different. Solid ma- hogany drop-leaf, rope-leg tabls, | WANTED -- TRICYCLE FOR BOY 6 papier mache tilt-top table, beauti- ful flower design inlay; gold frame mirror, 20x28; small tables. Tele- phone Glencoe 1042. 17TLTN3-1te vears old. Call Winn. 955. 19TN32-1tn 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- IVORY DOUBLE BED, box springs and hair mattress, in good condition; mah. divan, good condition; two riding habits, one for side saddle, one for cross saddle, size 36. Winn. 327. 800 Bryant ave, 17T32-1te FOR SALE --BEAU.,, 3 PIECE, OVER- stuffed liv. rm. set, mulberry cut velour, spring cush. and arms; mah. floor lamp and shade; mah. table lamp and shade; mah. dav. table; mah. end table. Can be seen after Sun. Tel. Winn. 892. 17TN32-1te FOR SALE -- COMBINATION STOVE in good condition. Phone Winn. 2371. 17T32-1te FOR SALE -- GAS STOVE; OAK DIN. room set; rocker; bookcase; table; ice-box; other goods. Winnetka 181. 17T32-1te U-Drive Cars for Rent TOURING CARS, 16c; SEDANS, 18¢ per mile. You pav for mileage, gas and oil. No additional hourly or guarantee charge on week-days be- tween 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. All other times 30c per hour is charged in addition to mileage. Special rates for more than 24 hours. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Phone Winn. 165 20LTN3-1tc Paige 6-39 $250 VERY REAS. FOR QUICK SALE-- will hold 4 people. Accesories. Good mech. cond. Ave.,, Evanston. Ask for Mr. Barber. 20LTN3-tp 1508 Elmwood manure for sale. Tel. Highland Park 2168. Matt Caretta. 26TN30-tfe e-- 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE SKOWRON SEWING MACHINE CO. Repairing all makes at your home. Work guar. $1.00 up. Quick ser- vice. Refs. Singer drop-head, $25. Portable $30. Free demonstration. Phone Albany 3724. 3567 Armitage Ave., Chicago. 27LTN2-5tp Old floors made like new. Modern methods. North Shore Floor Resurfacers C. A. Lindstrom Phone Wilmette 1723 27LTN3-1te NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 27T6-tfe Ee ------ 31 BUSINESS SERVICE WHY SPEND CAR FARE? Exvert massaging, shamnooing, Reducing, results guaranteed. In your own home. Winn. ref. For Appointment Fhone J. Audrey Gaines Winn. 2106 HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED AT Winnetka Shoe Shining Parlor, 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 31TN17-tfe terrier pup; also wiznch dog. 1328 Wil tte Ave. el. Fil. metle 32LTN3-1te Matzenauer Thrills Large Audience at Music Club Program BY MUSIC CRITIC The inaugural recital in the Win- netka Music club series occurred Mon- day evening, October 12, at New Trier High school. Remembering the great value of last year's recitals, a large audience, made up almost entirely of former subscribers to the series, as- sembled some time before the moment for the artist of the evening to appear. It was a source of disappointment to many that Edward Johnson, announced to open the 1925-26 concerts, was un- able to appear. But this disappoint- ment was soon forgotten in the de- light afforded by Margaret Matzenauer, world renowned contralto, who at the last moment consented to substitute for Mr. Johnson. Miss Matzenauer presented a pro- gram of intense and varied interest. Her offerings were arranged in groups of four songs each. The first group contained compositions by Schumann, Wolff, and Strauss. In this group were included such classics as Schu- mann's "Widmung," Brahms' "Sap- phische Ode," and Strauss' "Zueig- nung," all of them sung with such a depth of feeling and understanding as only a great singer can command. This opening set was followed by four French lyrics, by Cocquard, Chausson, and Fourdrain. To these also Miss Matzenauer brought a well developed talent. Her accompanist, Mr. George Vause, next presented two numbers and an encore, thereby testifying to the res- ponse of the hearers to his facile and expressive performance. The soloist of the evening resumed her portion of the program with four compositions by Russian composers. These were rather somber, exhibiting the deeper eniotions, to which the singer did full justice. The evening closed with four songs of lighter im- port, all from the pen of Frank La Forge, the first two being of Mexican origin and aranged by La Forge; the last two being entirely of his own com- position. Miss Matzenauer sang several encores in the course of the evening, the best liked being the well known "Drink to me only with thine eyes" and "In the time of roses." Rob Opera Singer of Valuable Gowns, Jewels Miss Jessie I. Christian, 515 Maple avenue, Wilmette, opera soprano, lost gowns valued at more than $2,000 when two suitcases were stolen from her motor car which was parked in front of the Auditorium theatre, in Chicago, last week. Miss Christian was former- ly with the Chicago Civic ra com- pany. She was on her way from her home to St. Joseph, Mich. The rob- bery was reported to the South Clark street police. Mrs. Carl E. Miller with her daugh- ter Virginia B. Miller, of 34 Indian Hill road, have just returned from a four months' stay in Europe. They made Paris their headquarters b spent some time in England. ' QRS ¢ - Mr. and Mrs. Fay O. Smith, of 842 Cherry street, have taken the William Bersac home at 848 Spruce street for the winter and the Bersac family have gone to the Orrington hotel in Evanston.

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