"i a ------y rll me ---- November 7, 1925 WINNETKA TALK 35 ( tka Avenue, said point of begin- grade shall be.....s.v van. 41.70 feet | Road with the present south line of | TRACT NUMBER 2. That part of ne two Parris four (2v4) | At Station 22, the finished Willow Street, thence east and paral- the South Quarter of the Southwest feet southwesterly from and as meas- grade shall be............ 42.60 feet. [lel with said south line of Wil- Quarter of Fractional Section Twen- ured at right angles to tbe center |At Station 23, the finished low Street twenty-two feet six inches | ty-one (21) in Township Forty-two line of the west main track of the grade shall be... user einsvy 43.50 feet. | (22' 6"), thence northeasterly along a (42) North, Range Thirteen (12) Raat Chicago and North Western Raflway |At Station 24, the finished straight line one hundred sixteen (116) | of the Third Principal rer tan, Company (said center line being fifty- grade shall be............ 44.40 feet. [feet to a point twenty feet seven bounded on the fort San ery side x five (55) feet southwesterly from and |At Station 25, the finished inches (20' 7") north of the said south | the southwesterly ne ol e Preset as measured at right angles to and| grade shall be............ 45.30 feet. [line extended of Willow Street, said Heht-of way of *, ICAED oa parallel with the easterly line and said | At Station 26, the finished point being in the easterly line of the | Nort OSLER ay Compe n¥s easterly line extended of the right-of- grade shall be............ 46.26 feet. | entrance of said subway. All of the| and on the southwes ery s © Hi way of the said Chicago and North |At Station 27, the finished above described proposed improvement | line pg Parallel WIth Ang Western Railway Company), thence| grade shall be............ 47.65 feet. [shall be constructed in the Village of | hundred (200) feet southwesiemy, northwesterly along a straight line |At Station 28, the finished Winnzatka, County of Cook and State | measure oat Hen ang i DoD teof= and parallel with said center line of | grade shall be............ 49.51 fest. [of Illinois. The lots, blocks, tracts) Said southwesterly line of DiEht-ef said west main track five hundred |At Station 29, the finished and parcels of land damaged by the No an ha I ren seven and six tenths (507.6) feet to a grade shall be............ 51.80 feet. |making of said improvement are de-| SOU t. scipri i the same land point of curve, thence northwesterly [At Station 30, the finished scribed as follows: ae by Roland D. Whitman and along a curved line convex westerly grade shall be..... ere ns 54.15 feet. That part of Lot One (1), (except Sony to he Che and North West- having a degree of curvature of two [At Station 31, the finished the southerly sixty-four and four| 0 °piliwav Company, by deed dated degrees forty-four minutes (2° 44') grade shall be............ 56.50 feet. |tenths (64.4) feet thereof, taken for A a 4 'A. D. 1913, and record- for a distance of five hundred twenty- [At Station 32, the finished Valley View Subdivision) in George ed in the office of the Recorder of seven and four tenths (527.4) feet to grade shall be............ 58.78 fect. |H. Mayr's Subdivision of the North Cook County, Illinois, in Book 12788, a point of reverse curve, thence north- | At Station 33, the finished Two Hundred Sixty-four and four | VP. 00 175' 'as Document Number westerly along a curved line convex | grade shall be............ 60.55 feet. tenths (264.4) feet of Block Sixty-| 4,166" that is described as follows: easterly having a degree of curvature |At Station 34, the finished hres (63) west of the railroad in A tract of land eighty (80) feet in of two degrees forty-four miinutes| grade shall be............ 61.83 feet. | Winnetka, a Subdivision 'of the North. | 10" ving' southwesterly of and (2° 44') for a distance of five hundred | At Station 35, the finished East LJuarier of Section Twenty (20) adjoining a line drawn parallel with twenty-seven and four tenths (527.4) | grade shall De............ 62.60 feet. | 2nd the North Half of Fractional Sec-| 2.01 08 = Tio, "ees Tortheasterly feet to a point seventy-two (72) feet |At Station 36, the finished Ron, ven Tires 421) in Township from, as Measured at right angles to, southwesterly from, as measured at| grade shall be............ 63.30 feet. (13) uh pA ( 2 Nore ange Thirteen the southwesterly line of the said right angles to the said center line of | At Station 37, the finished Moridiar PS t Hird 1 Principal hereinabove described tract of land, said west main track; thence north- grade shall be............ 64.00 feet. George H. Mayr's RL > Said excepting therefrom that part of westerly along a straight line and | At Station 38, the finished in the office of the dbs pi) --t said tract of land eighty (80) feet in parallel with said center line of said | grade shall be............ 64.70.feet. | County, Illinois, in Book 89 of plats| Width lying south of a line thirty west main track, twelve hundred forty- | At Station 39, the finished at page 1 as Document Number| (30) feet north of and parallel with three and two tenths (1243.2) feet (o grade 'shall be......... xn 65.40 feet. |3602607, being a parcel of land lyin the south line and said south line a point of curve, thence northwesterly | At Station 40, the finished north-easterly of and adjoining alae extended of said tract of land eighty along a curved line convex easterly | grade shall be............ 66.10 feet. |drawn parallel with and nine £9) feet | (80) feet in width, used and occupied having a degree of curvature of |At Station 41, the finished southwesterly from, as measured at| as a public street known as Winnet- 0° 11' 50" for a distance of five hun- grade shall De.......+..ss 66.80 feet. |right angles to the northeasterly line| ka Avenue, the said tract of land dred twenty-four (524) feet to a point |At Station 42, the finished and said northeasterly line extended | eighty (80) feet in width being the of reverse curve, thence northwesterly | grade shall be............ 67.50 feet. |of said Lot One (1), all in the Village | southwesterly eighty (80) feet of the along a curved line convex westerly The finished grades of said concrete [of Winnetka, County of Cook and| said tract of land two hundred (209) having a degree of curvature of [pavement shall meet the existing |State of Illinois; feet in width hereinabove described, 0° 11' 50" for a distance of five hun- dred twenty-four (524) feet to a point eighty-one and five tenths (81.5) feet southwesterly from and as measured at right angles to said center line of said west main track, thence north- westerly along a straight line and parallel with said center line of said west main track to the east line ex- tended of Ridge Avenue. The center line of said proposed con- crete pavement in Willow Street, Ash Street and Cherry Street shall conform to the center lines respectively of said Willow Street, Ash Street and Cherry Street. The center line of said proposed con- crete pavement in Church Road where said proposed pavement joins the ex- isting pavement in Church Road shall conform to the center line of said Church Road southerly of said pro- posed concrete pavement. The center line of said proposed brick pavement in Oak Street shall be thirty-eight (38) feet north of and patalie] with the south line of said ak Street. The finished grade of the top sur- face of said proposed concrete pave- ment and said proposed brick pave- ment shall be measured in feet and decimal parts of a foot above the established datum of the Village of Winnetka. Said grades are given at points along the said center line hera- inbefore described and said points are measured in feet from said point of beginning of said center line. Said points where grades are given are des- ignated as stations unless otherwise provided, and said stations are taken one hundred (100) feet apart and are designated as Station 0, Station 1, Station 2, etc., as follows: At Station 0, the finished grade shall 'be.....,...,: 34.16 feet. At Station 1, the finished grade shall" be .......... 34.10 feet At Station 2, the finished grade shall be ........ cn 34.50 feet At Station 8, the finished grade shall be .......... 34.90 feet At Station 4, the finished grade shall be ............ 35.30 feat, At Station 1 the finished grade sha By vaste yh ea 35.70 feet. At Station 6, the finished grade shall be .......... 35.99 feet. At Station 7, grade shall be........ ....35.60 feet. At Station 8, the finishe grade shall be......... ...35.10 feet. At Station 9, the finished grade shall be............ 34.60 feet. At Station 10, the finished grade shall be..... se eese.34.60 feet. At Station 11, the finished grade shall be............ 5.10 feet, At Station 12, the finished grade shall be.......... ..35.60 feet. At Station 13, the finished grade shall be.......... ..36.10 feet. At Station 14, the finished grade shall be............36.60 feet. At Station 15 jhe finished rade sha B, vans oesrinveS3T10- foot. At Statfon 16, the finished grade shall be.......... ..37.60 feet. At Station 17, the finished grade shall be............38.20 feet. At Station 18, the finished grade shall be.......... ..39.00 feet. At Station 19, the finished grade sball be............39.90 feet. At Stato = he finished Fe e s ewan vedo 40, eet. At Station 21, the finished grades of the pavements in Winnetka Avenue, Church Road, Ash Street, Cherry Street and Ridge Avenue. The finished grade along the center line of said proposed concrete pavement in Willow Street at the east line extend- ed of Forest Street shall be 60.10 feet; at a point seventy-five (75) feet east of the said east line of Forest Street said finished grade shall be 59.56 feet; at a point one hundred seventy-five (175) feet east of the said east line of Forest Street said finished grade shall be 58.05 feet; at a point two hundred fifty (250) feet east of the said east line of Forest Street, said finished grade shall be 56.85 feet. The finished grade of said concrete pavement in Willow Street shall meet the existing grade at Forest Street. The finished grade along the center line of said proposed brick pavement in Oak Street shall meet the existing brick pavement at Oak Street at a point thirty (30) feet east of and parallel with said east line extended of Linden Street; at a point one hundred thirty (130) feet east of said east line of Linden Street said finished grade shall be 67.40 feet; at a point one hundred fifty (150) feet east of said east line extended of Lin- den Street said finished grade shall be 67.30 feet. Said finished grade of the said pavement in Oak Street shall meet the existing grade of the pave- ment in Oak Street at the east line extended of Lot Thirteen (13), Block Thirty-six (36), Winnetka. The radii of the curb corners where said proposed improvement connects with the existing curbs of connecting northwesterly corner of WINNETKA AVENUE, thirty-five (35) feet; at the northeast corner of WINNETKA AVE- NUE, sixty (60) feet; at the southerly corner of CHURCH ROAD, ten (10) feet; at the westerly corner of CHURCH ROAD, one hundred fifty (150) feet; at the southwesterly corner of WILLOW STREET, sixty (60) feet; at the northwesterly corner of WIL- LOW STREET, thirty-five (35) feet; at the southwesterly corner of ASH STREET, thirty-five (35) feet; at the streets shall be as follows: At the northeasterly corner of ASH STREET, thirty-five (35) feet; at the northwest- erly corner of ASH STREET, fifteen (15) feet; at the southeasterly corner of ASH STREET, fifteen (15) feet; at the southwesterly corner of CHERRY STREET, thirty-five (35) feet; at the northwesterly corner of CHERRY STREET fifteen (15) feet; at the northeasterly corner of RRY STREET thirty-five (35) feet; at the southeasterly corner of CHERRY STREET fifteen (15) feet; at the south- erly corner of RIDGE AVE , ten (10) feet; at the connection with the existing westerly curb along the drive- way into the Depot Grounds of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company, ten (10) feet. The pedestrian subway hereinabove provided for shall be constructed in and along Church Road, along the southerly portion of Willow Street more particularly described as fol- lows: The west entrance of said sub- way shall be located in the south parkway of Willow Street, the center line of said subway beginning at a point eleven feet four inches (11' 47) north of the present south line of Willow Street and sixty-nine feet four inches (69' 4") west of the intersection of the present west line of Church Also that part of Lot One (1) (ex- cept the southerly sixty-four and four tenths (64.4) feet thereof, taken for Valley View Subdivision) in George H. Mayr's Subdivision of the north Two Hundred Sixty-four and four tenths (264.4) feet of Block Sixty-three (63) west of the railroad, in Winnetka, a subdivision of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty (20) and the North Half of Fractional Section Twenty- one (21) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat of said George H. Mayr"s Sub- division recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 89 of plats at page 1 as Docu- ment Number 3602607, being a parcel of land lying southwesterly of and adjoining a line drawn parallel with and seventy-five (75) feet southwest- erly from, as measured at right an- gles to the northeasterly line and said northeasterly line extended of said Lot One (1), including all buildings and other structures located thereon, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Dated at the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, this fifteenth day of October, A. D. 1925. SAMUEL E. ERICKSON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T32-4tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. In the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois. General Number 423317. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED that tae Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made within the Vil- lage of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, as follows: That a new street be opened, and that Church Road (formerly Church Street and Maple Avenue) be widened by condemning therefor the following described tracts of land, including all buildings and other structures located thereon: TRACT NUMBER 1. That part of Lot Twelve (12) in Whitman's Sub- division of all that part of the South Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Fractional Section Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian which lies east of the center line of Church Road and west of the right-of-way of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company, that is described as follows: Beginning at the South- east corner of said Lot Twelve (12); thence west along the south line of said Lot Twelve (12) twenty-eight (28) feet; thence northeasterly in a straight line, twenty-seven and two- tenths (27.2) feet, to a point in the northeasterly line of said Lot Twelve (12), twenty-nine (29) feet north- westerly from the southeast corner of sai Lot Twelve (12): thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said Lot Twelve (12), twenty- nine (29) feet, to the point of begin- ning, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. excepting therefrom that part of said tract of land eighty (80) feet in width lying south of a line thirty (30) feet north of and parallel with the south line and said south line ex- tended of said tract of land eighty (80) feet in width, used and occu- pied as a public street known as Winnetka Avenue, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. TRACT NUMBER 3. That part of the south three (3) acres of Block Twenty-six (26) in John C. Garland's Addition to Winnetka, being a Sub- division of the North one hundred twenty (120) acres of the Southwest Quarter of Fractional Section Twen- ty-one (21) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, said south three (3) acres being also described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Chicago and North Western Railroad and running from thence West along the north line of Fortman's land, being also the north line of the south quarter of the southwest quarter of said Fractional Section Twenty-one (21) six hundred nineteen (619) feet and one (1) inch; from thence north along the old Church Road leading to Winnetka, two hundred thirty-two (232) feat and six (6) inches; from thence east five hundred twenty (520) feet; thence south along the line of rail- road, two hundred seventy (270) feet and nine (9) inches to the point of beginning, containing three (3) acres, that is described as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of said Block Twenty-six (26) two hundred thirty-seven and nine- tenths (237.9) feet west of the south- east corner of said Block Twenty- six (26), being also the northeast corner of Lot Twelve (12) in Whit- man's 'Subdivision of all that part of the South Quarter of the South- west Quarter of Fractional Section Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty- two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, which lies east of the center line of Church Road and west of the right- of-way of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company, and run- ning thence northwesterly in a straight line two hundred forty-one and eighty-one hundredths (241.81) feet, to a point in the north line of said three (3) acre tract, one hundred seventy-three and thirty hundredths (173.30) feet west of the intersection of said north line with the southwesterly line of the right- of-way of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company; thence east along the north line of said three (3) acre tract, ninety-five and eighteen hundredths (95.18) feet to a point seventy-eight and twelve hundredths (78.12) feet west of the intersection of said north line with the southwesterly line of the right- of-way of the Chicago and North western Railway Company; thence southeasterly in a straight line two hundred forty-one and eighty-six hundredths (241.86) feet to a point in the south line of said Block Twenty-six (26), one hundred forty- two and seven-tenths (142.7) feet west of the southeast corner of said block as measured along the south line thereof; thence west along the south line of said Block Twenty-six (26), ninety-five and two tenths (95.2) feet to the point of beginning,