8 WINNETKA TALK November 14, 1925 CHILDREN'S READING. | Jeoy Seton, digas of muse TOPIC BEFORE PT. &.| 50m Jos Foon 2r ns Woody of the Horace Mann school Hubbard Woods Association [ive SEtised Us Ninety Tro Hears Beatty Talk of Hero "To the Sea" by MacDowell, and Age in Literature | "Love Song," by Cadman. | There was a record breaking atter.d- The Hubbard Woods school Pa- ance. A competition was held to get rent-Teacher association held its first | 10g per cent atendance of mothers meeting of the year Tuesday, Novem- | from each room. Over 250 mothers ber 10. The mothers visited the class were present. Mrs. Harriett Bock's rooms from 1 to 3 o'clock. Mrs. War- room had the highest percentage, with ren W. Shoemaker opened the general Miss Claire Bernard's room a close meeting in the assembly at 3 o'clock. | second. Mrs. Walter Fisher, president of the | N~»oSW R mznBmmohma-wmwn--_ ,mwwiw.-'p Winnetka Parent-Teacher association, | Miss Dorothy Dickinson who is at- gave a short talk. Willard Beatty, tending Ferry hall in Lake Forest the speaker of the afternoon, talked spent last week-end in Winnetka with on "The Hero Age in Children's her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Literature." Frederick Dickinson of 1228 Scott ave- | Much attention has been given in | nue. the Winnetka public schools to the | = development of the pupil through his reading interest. Mr. Beatty said that there was a best time for introducing to the child King Arthur, Roland, Robin Hood, and many other charac- ters of myth and tradition which help to mold ideals of chivalry, honesty, charity, etc. A lifelong loss may be that child's whose parents know not when to feed certain interests. Under the direction of Superin- tendent Washburne, said Mr. Beatty, a series of studies has been conducted on the interests of the child in books, as expressed by himself, The work is being carried on through a grant from the Carnegie Foundation to the Ameri- can Library association and will re- Phone sult in the publication of a graded list of 700 titles of books for children, WwW ! which will be off the press about innetka December 1. 3 The Music department furnished 9 two numbers. The children's orches- tra played a group of folk songs. The Comfort Shop R " A " D - 1 - O APPOINTMENT FOR YOUR SHAMPOO MARCEL AND WATER BATTERIES WAVING: FACIAL AND SCALP TUBES TREATMENTS LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SERVICE HAIR CUTTING MANICURING. SUP P LIES The Comfort Shop was established in Winnetka 12 years ago, has never changed hands, or moved : from its original location and has The Radio always been known for the good conscientious work and- first class Service Shop operators. Miss Jennie Anderson 5 5 AFFELDT "Mrs. Chas. Stromgron" 8 Prouty Annex WINNETKA, ILLINOIS . Meyer Bank Bldg. Phone Winnetka 1840 797 Elm St. Winn. 933 Hubbard Woods Electric and Hardware Co. Not Inc. ROASTING PANS " PYREX DISHES, heat will not crack them ~ ELECTRIC HEATERS for winters comfort . SLEDS GLASS, PAINTS AND OILS SE ~~ Let us repair those broken storm windows: oy PHONE WINN. 871 DUNCAN STUDIOS (Shop of Elizabeth and Arthur Duncan) 812 Elm St., Winnetka ANNOUNCEMENT Beginning Monday we will be estab- lished in our new location 815 ELM STREET Just across the street from our present location. CHAMBERS' CAFE 552 Center Street Phone Winnetka 1762 You will be genuinely pleased with our appetizing home-cooked foods. And you'll certainly come again after you've tasted one of mother's home-made pies. NOONDAY LUNCH... .60c STEAK DINNER... .75¢ SUNDAY STEAK AND CHICKEN DINNER. ...$1 SPECIAL This Week GRAPE- PINEAPPLE" VANILLA rondis; ICE CREAM FOR: SALE AT Cc Adams' Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros, 742 Elm St. North Shore Pharmacy Hubbard Woods Ristow Confectionery Full Quart Hubbard Woods Fharmacy 3 Brick £" 8 Kenilworth Pharmacy Between Two Layers of .