14 WINNETKA TALK January 30, 1926 VILLAGE PRESIDENT AWAY John S. Miller, Jr., accompanied by his mother, left for Coronado Beach, Cal, January 26. Mr. Miller will be | away about a month. His family moved into their new home at 700 Rosewood | away the avenue Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cluett and their granddaughter, Miss Emily Scott, will leave February 12, for Pasadena, accompanied by Mrs. Frederich Scott and Miss Isabel Scott. They will be remainder of the winter months. Mrs. W. B. Mcllvaine of Green Bay road is giving a large dancing party Saturday, February 6, in honor of Mrs. W. B. McIlvaine, Jr. ---- Mrs. Laird Bell of 1352 Tower road left for a trip east, Sungay, January 23. an- Col. House ":* real Wilson The remarkable extent of House's power in the Wilson administration now told for the first time OL. EDWARD M. HOUSE will release his intimate papers for the Chicago Herald and Examiner, begin- ning Sunday, January 31. Col. House, private citizen, whose name loomed larger than that of in Wilson's administration, was often called His importance was known, and his power suspected, but the full import of his surprising relation with President Wilson has never been dis- In these papers, House reveals every phase of this remarkable relationship. Col. House was the closest friend that Wilson himself admitted House's importance, and his dependence Someone asked him who Col. the "man of mystery." closed. Wilson had. on him. s House was, and he said, publication in suggested. "Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one. 1f 1 were in his place I would do just as he If any one thinks he is reflecting my opinion by whatever action he takes. most officials Documents to the public. phase of their relationship. Col. He kept a day-to-day record of all happenings. From this diary, and from letters and other documents, Col. House has complied this extraordinary history. In their revelation of the true Wilson, and in their explanation of matters that have long been state secrets, these Memoirs of Col. House have never been equalled in our time for vital interest and importance they are welcome to the conclusion." and letters cover every House The MEMOIRS of COLCNEL HOUSE will begin on Sunday, January 31, in the HERALD AND EXAMINER Complete Plans for Women Voters' Study; Outline Class Work Plans for the study classes of the Winnetka League of Women Voters were completed at a meeting of those interested, held at the home of Mrs. Francis Lackner, 339 Linden avenue, Wednesday, January 27. There are to be six meetings of the group held on siz consecutive Mondays at the home of the various members of the class. The first meeting will be on Mon- day, February 1, at 10:45 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Robert Butz, 622 Oak street. The subject will be a general survey of the foreign affairs of the United States including the present status of the debt situation. Mrs. Wil- liam Hale will be the leader. The subject the next Monday will be "The World Court." The two follow- ing meetings will be devoted to county government. At the fifth meeting, federal legislative measures to come up at the congress now in session will be discussed, particularly the Mellon tax plan, and the Garritt-Wodsworth amendment, which would so amend the Constitution that future amendments would be all but impossible. At the last meeting, March 8, im- pending state legislation in Illinois will be studied. The state measures in which the women of this group are most interested are the revenue amend- ment, the ballot reform measure, and the state reformatory for women. Leaders for these meetings will be chosen later. The 16 members of the class are as follows: Mesdames Harold Delay, W. H. Kelley, Roswell Mason, Frank Crawford, R. S. Childs, John Vennema, Robert Butz, Walter Ben- son, Elbert Clark, Roger Sherman, Leslie Gooder, Francis Lackner, John Vander Vries, Morris Greeley, H. O. Von Hofsten, and Miss Martha Gem- mell. SKOKIE VS. COUNTRY DAY On January 21, the Skokie basket- ball team, the boys' lightweights, de- feated the North Shore Country Day school, 2 to 0. On January 22, the North Shore Country Day school heavyweights defeated the Skokie heavyweights, 12 to 3, and also won 2a game on January 26, 14 to 6.- The score in the agme between the middle- weight teams on january 26, was 12 to 1, in favor of the North Shore Coun- try Day school squad. DIVIDE CAGE HONORS The two games last week between the Girls' basketball teams of Skokie hool and the North Shore Country Day school, resulted in a victory for ~h team. In the game January 20, the lightweight team of Skokie school won 17 to 12, and on January 22, the North Shore Country Day school heavyweight team was victorious, 14 to 9. Mrs. E. L. Falkenberg of 121 Bert- line lane was hostess at a benefit bridge given by New Trier circle on Friday, January 22. Mrs. J. H. Barnes and Mrs. V. G. Cartier were assisting hostesses. iO Ralph Zimmerman, 337 Sheridan road, has returned from Mexico, where he studied various types of architecture. He came back by way of New Orleans. --_--O-- Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Hub- hard Woods left for New York last Thursday and sailed Saturday, January 23, for a cruise of the Mediterranean. They will spend some time in Lgypt. ny Mrs. W. J. Huddle of 794 Rosewood avenue has as house guests over the week-end, Dr. and Mrs. O. P. Watts, of the University of Wisconsin. 4 A