Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 10 Apr 1926, p. 51

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WINNETKA TALK April 10, 1926 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : -- Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notice to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. Rates 35 cents a line in all CHARGE, 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. papers. type used. 25 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face 109, discount om all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. . : S$ Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertion cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 1 REAL ESTATE 982 OAK STREET, WINNETKA; KEL- | lastone Bungalow, newly decorated; 3 bedrooms; 1 bath; garage; beauti- fully wooded corner lot 50x187; conv. to schools and trans.; for quick sale. $14,000. 7839 Walden road, Winnetka; comfort- able 7 room stucco; 3 bedrooms on 2nd floor; 1 bath; garage; wooded lot 80x120; excellent location; conv. to train. Bargain at $17,000. 1147 Asbury ave., Hubbard Woods; an excellently planned 6 rooms home; 3 bedrooms; heated sleeping porch and sun room; oil burner; garage; south front lot; price $19,500. Splendid Colonial clapboard; Hubbard Woods-Winnetka; 4 bedrooms; 2 baths; very large living room; sand- stone fireplace; large sunroom and sleeping porch; oil burner; good condition thru-out; garage; south front wooded lot; 50x160; price $25,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. (Sole agents) 460 Winnetka Ave. 1LTNZ8-1te Winn. 1800 Bargains in Acre Tracts 80 ACRES-- WHEELING TOWNSHIP, near Dundee Road, $10,000.00 cash, $450.00 per acre. $36,000.00. Z0 ACRES -- NORTHFIELD TOWN- ship, 1,320. ft. front on Glenview Road. TERMS $40,000.00. 120 ACRES -- WHEELING TOWN- ship, State Highway, will divide in- to 20-40-60 or 80 Acre Tracts, at $450.00 per acre. TERMS $54,000.00 20 ACRES -- WHEELING TOWN- ship, near Arlington Heights, on Rand road across from Golf &£lub, $500.00 per acre. TERMS $10,000.00. 10 ACRES --NEW TRIER TOWN- ship, very good location. PRICE $30,000.00. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wil. 364 Wilmette, Illinois. 1LTN2§-1te FOR SALE -- BY OWNER; BRAND new American Colonial home; in ex- cellent neighborhood in west Hub- bard Woods. Has three large bed- rooms; master bed room 13x23; heated sleeping porch 12x16; two baths; living room 13x23 with fire- place and heated sun parlor adjoin- ing; large floored attic with disap- pearing stairway; Arco hot water heat, garage; Lot 66x150. No ex- pense was spared which would give quality to this house. Ready for occupancy.. For appointment phone Winn. 415. 1LTN28-1tc KENILWORTH EEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM BRICK RESI- dence; 3 baths: large sun and sleep- ing porch; breakfast room; lav. toil on 1st; h. w. ht.: 2-car garage; nice- ly landscaped grounds 100x200. Ph Winnetka 254. 1LTN28-1tc¢ $15,000 $ EAST WILMETTE HOME $-ROOM STUCCO IN UNUSUALLY good condition thruout; w. heat; oil; enclosed breakfast and sleeping porches; screened front porch; 2-car garage with water; large lot; 2 blocks to steam or electric. F. Coleman Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 640 1LTN2§-1te [1 REAL ESTATE Here Is Opportunity Take Initiative Step AND REALIZE YOUR HIGHEST AM- bition, owning your own home. We offer charming brick bungalow; ex- tra east location; near lake; conv. "LS trans.; attractive surroundings; grounds beautifully landscaped, price only $16,000.00. Terms. E.E.StultsRealtyCo 424 Linden Ave. End of "L Phones Wilmette 3450-3451 1LTN28-1tc FOR SALE -- WELL BUILT 6-ROOM stucco; large attractive rooms; 3 bedrooms and large sleeping porch on 2nd floor; east side location near "L" and schools: fine large land- scaped lot; good value. $14,700. Terms. Heinsen& Kroll, Inc. 421 4th St. End of "L" Phones Wilmette 2760 and 460 1LTN28-1tc VACANT WE HAVE SEVERAL VERY DESIR- able lots in 3 yr. old subdivsn. 1-3 blks. to Indian Hill station; all im- provements; priced from $85 to $9b per ft. Where can you do better' Winnetka, east side 50x150 $125 per ft. 35 Acres on Winnetka ave. at $3,000 per acre. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Winn. 1800 460 Winnetka Ave. 1LTN28-1tc Bargains in Acreage 700 Acres at McHenry--price very low. 600 Acres adjoining Paul Rader Park. Wauconda. * 20 Acres near trans. in Deerfield. 65 Acres on Kotz Rd., W. of Winnetka. 1% Acres on Hill Rd.,, Winnetka. Other building lots in Indian Hill dis- trict. Telephone F. H. Ward, Wilmette 3041. 1LTN23-tfc GLENAYRE WEST WILMETTE WILL FURNISH LOT 50x168 WITH sewer and water service, paved street; a new 6-room modern house. $2,000 cash. $100 monthly. F. H. GATHERCOALI 607 Main St. Tel. Wil. 225 1LTN28-1te x REAL ESTATE 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR SALE--NEW BRICK COLONIAL, 6 rms. and sun parlor; extra lav.; large living room with natural fire- place. 2 car brick gar.; lot 50x171; plenty of trees and shrubbery; a genuine bargain; $17,500; terms. KROLL & SMITH 419 4th St. End of "L" Phone Wilmette 500 1LTN28-1te FINEST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE -- WELL CONSTRUCTED home; 8 rooms; 3 baths; enclosed porches; garage; large grounds; fine location phone for price. Furnished and unfurnished homes for rent. Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. Elm and Linden Winn. 2350 1LTN28-1te MUST SELL Brick Colonial WINNETKA -- 7 ROOMS; LIVING room; attic; h. w. ht.; 2-car garage. $26,000. Phone Winnetka 721. 1LTN28-1tc FOR SALE -- 1066 TOWER ROAD, Hubbard Woods; 6-room stucco; 2- story; hot water heat; 2 porches; lot 50x150; finest shrubbery; 2 blocks from station. Price $16,500.00 Terms 1-3 cash. William Rockrohr, owner, Dolton, Illinois. 1LTN2x-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL BUILD- ing lot over 220 ft. deep, well wooded; in choice section of Win- netka; close to Hubbard Woods school and transp. Price $7,500. Easy terms. Address Wil. Life A-849. 1LT28-1te FOR SALE -- 16 ACRE FARM NEAR Deerfield; new house; good soil; lo- cated on hard road, overlooking golt grounds; electricity and telephone available. Drawer "F," Deerfield, 111 1LTN28-1tp WANTED--HOUSE, $15,000 TO $20,000, part or all cash; 7 rooms; 2 baths; good-sized lot in restricted district No. Evanston to Winnetka; east pref'd. Addresy Wil. Life A-852. 1LT28-1tp FOR SALE -- CHARMING LITTLE Colonial with 2 baths; 4 bedrooms, large living room; garage. $12,500 Also 3 houses for rent. See agent al 877 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1689 1LTN28-1tc FOR SALE -- HIGH CLASS, BRICK residence; 12 rooms; 2-car garage: h. w. heat; lot 756x196; 3 blks. north- east of "LIL" terminal. $55,000. Owner. Tel. Wilmette 652. 1LTN24-tfe MUST BE SOLD -- 7 ROOM HOUSE living and sleeping porches; all in- side newly decorated. Tel. Winn 546-J or see the owner, 1487 Asbury Ave. 1LTN28-3t¢ ROOMS AND BATH; 4 ROOM COT- tage in rear. Lot 50x187. 879 Cherry st, Winnetka; inquire at cottage between 5 and 7 p. m. Saturday, p. m. or Sunday. 1LTN28-1tp FOR SALE--WINNETKA, 139 BERT- ling Lane, 7-room Col; 4 bedrooms; tile bath; encl. slp. porch; lge. attic; lot 64x150. Exch. small house or vacant. Tel. Winn. 1805. 1Ti8-tfc FOR SALE--MODERN 7 ROOM HOME. Tel. Winnetka 1626. 1TN5-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Co. REAL ESTATE Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 1T5-tfe WANTED TO BUY OR RENT--MOD- ern six or T7-room house in North Shore suburb; large living room lavatory first floor, 3 or 4 bedrooms; garage; near school. Will pay $1500 cash, $100 monthly. Poss. May 1st. R. F. Irvin, 903 N. Main St., Wheaton. Phone Wh. LITTLE PAW PAW LAKE BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOTS FOR cottages, $150 up; terms; select com- munity. Also my adjoining 15 acre orchard with fine home; suitable for subdividing. Coloma, Michigan. Joseph P. Morrison, 1LTN28-1tp FOR RENT -- ATTRACTICE 4-RM cottage with glazed-in porch; good neighborhood; convenient transp.; 1- car garage. $65 a month from May 1 Houses for rent during summer W. G. Stacey & Co. 336 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 30% 2LTN2s-1te FOR RENT -- HIGH CLASS FUR- nished home; July and August; 8 rooms; 3 baths; 2 porches; garage; near transp. only small family adults or 1 infant considered. 860 Burr Ave. Phone Winn. 176. 2TNb5-1te FOR RENT -- 5-ROOM BUNGALOW" 2 porches; garage; Highland ave., 1 or 2 yrs. Tel. Wil. 1130. 2LTN28-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE; Poss. June 19; 2% or 3 months; 4 bedrooms; 1 bath; screened porch; garage; $125.00 per month. Phone Winnetka 624. 2LTN28-tfc FOR RENT -- JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 1. 2nd Duplex flat, corner; five rooms and large enclosed sleeping porch; furnished; reproducing grand piano; large garage; three blocks from Elm street station. Winnetka 1853. 2LTN27-4tc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE BUNGA- low; 3 rooms; bath; large slp. porch, full basement. $65. 1046 Pine St. Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 2550. 2LTN28-1tc FOR RENT -- 8-ROOM FURNISHED house; $250 per month. Glencoe 1105 2LTN28-4tp FOR RENT---6 ROOM HOUSE; CONV. transp. $125 month. Tel. Winn.1174. 2TNG6-1tp FOR RENT -- WINN,; 6 RM. COL. house; furn.; summer; slp. pch.; gar.; adults. Tel. Winn. 1781 2Tb5-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS SUBLEASE 5 MONTHS; FOUR-ROOM apartment: in-a-dor bed; one block from "IL." Rental $80; concession May 1 occupancy. 1024 Noyes St Greenleaf 206. 3LTN28-1tp FOR RENT -- 4-RQOM KITCHEN- ette apt. with porch and l-car ga- rage. . Phone Kenilworth 826-W. 3LT28-1tc FOR RENT--2-ROOM KITCHENETTE apartments; steam heat and janitor service; near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800 3LTN28-1te FOR RENT -- FOUR ROOM APART- ment; May 1. Phone Winn. 409. 3LTN28-1tp FOR RENT -- APARTMENT --627 11th St.: 4 rooms and bath; heated. Phone Wilmette 2399. 3LTN26-tfe FOR RENT -- FLAT; 4 ROOMS AND bath; heated. 340 South Ave. Glen- coe 332-W. 3TN5-1te _-- - _- 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- PLEASANT FURN- ished room; 3 blocks from station, sentleman preferred. Phone Winn 415. 4LTN28-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfe FOR RENT -- TWO LARGE FRONT rooms; near transp. 859 Elm St. Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1325. : 4LTN28-1te FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE ROOM; gentleman preferred. 1010 Spruce, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 589. 4T5-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH KIT- chen privilege; near transp. Hub- bard Wood. Call Winnetka 2053. 4T5-1te FOR RENT --ROOM; SUITABLE FOR one or two gentlemen. 858 Elm st. transp. Phone Winn, 2327. 4T5-1tc FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE, FUR- nished room; convenient to trans- portation. Phone Winn. 1769. 4T5-1tp FOR RENT -- HUBBARD WOODS -- room and garage; woman; $50; Ad- dress Winn. Talk A855. 4TNb5-4tp FOR RENT -- ROOM, COMFORTABLY furnished. Phone Winn. 952. 4TH5-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen. 858 Elm street. Phone Winnetka 674-R. 4TH-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM Phone Winnetka 2655. 4LTN28-1te FOR RENT -- DOUBLE AND SINGLE rooms; near transp.; conv. to bath. Tel. Wil. 3206. 4LT28-1tc EE 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- IN HUBBARD WOODS rapidly growing business district; small store 12x30 ft..; at 904 Lin- den Avenue. A good barber shop would pay from the start. Rent $35 month. Call H. H. Brown, Wilmette 218. 5L.TN28-2te FOR RENT -- A MODERN OFFICE in choice location; reasonable rent. Tel. Winn. 2350. SLTN28-1te

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