April 24, 1926 WINNETKA TALK Marries in May Photo by Wilhite Miss Mary Honnold The engagement of Miss Mary Jose- phine Honnold to Gordon Webster Daly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Daly of Brookline, Mass, was an- nounced last week by Miss Honnold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hon- nold of 457 Ash street. The wedding will be an event of next month. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harris, form- erly of California, have moved back to the village, and will make their new home at 872 Pine street. Mrs. Harris is the daughter of Mrs. David Lasier. RE Mrs. Eugene R. Farny of 180 Linden avenue, and her two children, have re- turned from an extended visit in Buffalo and Cincinnati. Dr. Hans C. Peterson Plans European Trip Dr. Hans C. Peterson, Wilmette res- dent and Dean of the English depart- ment at Crane Technical High school, Chicago, is leaving for Denmark April 29. The stay, which will continue | over four months, according to Dr. | Peterson, is for pleasure only; and he [looks forward to the time of his life, | as he has many friends in Norway and | Denmark. He will also visit Berlin and | Leipzig where he received his higher | education. Part of his trip will con- | sist of a trip to Elsinore, the scene of | "Hamlet," as he believes his English classes will profit by his impressions. He will also investigate the "Folk High School," a unique educational institute used extensively throughout Denmark. Beyond this he has no definite plans. High School Musicians Play in National Group Florence Biesemeier of Wilmette, Mary Parker and William Bross Lloyd, Jr., of Winnetka, and Henry Corbett of Kenilworth were members of the New Trier High school orches- tra who spent last week in Detroit playing in the National High school orchestra under the direction of Osspi Gabrilowitsch and Joseph Maddy, supervisor of music at the University of Michigan. Rehearsals are going forward stead- ily on "A Pair of Sixes," the next production of the Wilmette Opera and Drama club, which will be staged May 5, 6 and 7 at the Byron Stolp school. The play is being presented under the auspices of the Methodist Deaconess orphanage at Lake Bluff, to which the proceeds will go. A strong cast has been selected for this clever comedy and a pleasing pro- duction is assured. This Is Legion Membership Week In Cook County Winnetka Post No. 10 chairman of Post wants every former Service Man of the World War liv- ing in Winnetka who is not now a member of the Post. If you belong in Winnetka Service Man who belongs in it, call on E. G. Howell ship Drive Committee, 558 Birch Street, Winnetka 1293. No. 10 or know of a the Member- Telephone Sunday, April 25, 1926 Is Legion Membership Day in Winnetka a HELPS for Spring House-Cleaning PRING housecleaning will not be such a drudgery if you have the proper equipment. Let us furnish what things you need to make this task more pleasant. Dusting Brushes, 50c 8 75¢; Dust Pans 35c and. ... « «i. Jon iin wis iein ins Straw Brooms, 5 65¢, 85c and .. crew iee via in $.12 Scrub Paiis, galvanized, $ 5 35C HO Au. SPE es se HE av 1 4 White Enamel Pails, $ 5 $1.25. 8175 and .... oii i gna kh 19 Mops for oiling and dusting, 5 $25 and... ev se tas $1 ' 0 POLISHES Semdac Liquid Gloss, O'Cedar Oil, Liquid Veneer Tobey's Polish, H. R. H. Cleaner Climax and Absorene Wall Paper Cleaner Kitchen "high" Stools, $1 50 * special at PLAY BALL! Baseball season is again on its way. We are pre- pared to serve your kiddies with any ac- the na- Wil- son's Sporting Goods ~ They need no introduction cessory for tional pastime. have arrived. to the athletic, world. Send the kiddies in for what they want. Eckart Hardware Co. Paints, Tools, Cutlery, Glass 735 Elm St. Phones 843-844 WINNETKA