iri TN gm Le May 8, 1926 WINNETKA TALK SHOW SKOKIE SCENES Exhibit by Hugo von Hofsten to Show Value of Skokie as 'Playgrounds for General Public the future of Preserve is As recently published, the Skokie as a Forest now assured through a recent de- cision in the Chicago courts. The court decision has made it possible for the Cook County Commissioners to buy the Skokie Valley west of Winnetka, Glencoe and Wilmette for a public playground. About ten years ago Hugo von Hofsten, Winnetka artist, staged a series of exhibitions of his paintings of the Skokie Marsh as a form of propa- ganda to interest the people of the north shore towns in this proposition which has now become a reality. Mr. von Hofsten was at that time the founder and first president of the Society of Forest Preserve painters. Upon his invitation Ransom Kennicott, chief forester of the Forest Preserve, Jens Jensen, landscape architect and Jessie Smith, naturalist and bird- lover, came out to these art exhibits and lectured on the importance of the Skokie lands to the public, from a scientific and from an educational point of view. These men pointed out that this tract of land should be re- served by the public as a playground for the future. At the request of some of the citi- zens of Winnetka, Mr. von Hofsten will this week open an exhibition at the Duncan Studios in Winnetka of some of his recent paintings of the Skokie, to celebrate the fact that this valley for the future will now be saved for the north shore towns. Start Spring Football Practice at New Trier Under the direction of Coaches Wal- ter Aschenbach and Robert H. Car- penter more than 40 football candi- dates are hard at work on spring foot- ball practice this week at New Trier high school. During the spring vari- ous plays will be given to the men and will be tested until the most satis- factory are selected. This will aid con- siderably in getting the team whipped into shape when the real work begins next fall. When New Trier goes in- to the field at that time Captain Tom Copeland will lead a well-balanced team, with Joe and Waddy Paletti, Jackett and Burrows fighting it out for backfield positions and with a line composed almost entirely of veterans. LEASES APARTMENT Mrs. S. R. Friedman, of Winnetka, through the E. E. Stults Realty com- pany, 424 Linden avenue, Wilmette, has leased an apartment in the Lin- dencrest, at Fifth and Linden. Four things to look for in Bond Invest- ments: Safety of prin- cipal, earning power, essential security, in- tegrity of the house. We offer you these cardinal points. SMARGIEE 1580 Sherman Evanston. IIL Winnetka Women Aid in Raising Funds for YWCA Expenses Stuart committee of Winnetka women active- | obtaining subscription renewals to the program of the Young Mrs. John ly engaged in | ready has raised $3,799 of this amount, | and, it is announced, will report an in- | crease Monday at the finance lunch- |eon to be held at 12 o'clock at the Central branch, 59 East Monroe street. Mrs. cniversity alumnae May 1, gress hotel. heads the lively | Webster and Stone New faculty sacristy on Thomas C. Dennehy of Tower road was one of the patronesses for the benefit card party which Loyola in the Gold room of the Con- Proceeds North Sh Realt Firm were used for the furnishing of the or ore y Fi ' : Tniversi Women's Christian association. She | Announcement is made of the open-| : is assisted by Mrs. Victor Elting, Mrs. | ing of Webster and Stone, new real canipus. William C. Boyden, Mrs. William P.|estate business with offices at 191414 J 0 $5 51200 S02 40 4 0 Sidley and Mrs. Hermon B. Butler. | Central street, Evanston. The person- LOANS An official report from the Chicago |nel of this firm includes Daniel COMMISSION } headquarters of the Y. W. C. A. states | Webster, formerly with Mitchell : On Desirable Homes and Apartment ! that to date $57,149.58 has been raised | Brothers, Mrs. E. R. Stone and H. D. Bu gs toward the necessary sum of giaed | Bes of the well known firm of Hill i John Hancock Mutual Life Insur- : 182.08, which is the amount necessary |and Stone, north shore brokers. The i ance Com HH ] this year for current and capital ex- The Winnetka committee al- penses. firm's business will include real estate, : 112 W. renting and insurance. - loans, Deere Lake, Ravinia Park and Sheridan Road. 134 So. La Salle St. Do you intend to Build or Buy? --then you must see six homes in DEERE PARK just completed A visit to these homes will prove both interesting and educational --Done in Norman, English and Georgian manner--All different and distinctive, each house is designed and constructed to remain "A Home Beautiful" for generations. Every home has its distinctive features. Modern in all household requirements with frigidaire icing, oil burner, three baths, etc.--Construction thorough and of the best materials. These six homes truly typify "A guaranteed House" "A guaranteed Cost" Philip A. Danielson 4 Builder ark, on the just east of 1569 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Ill. Exclusive Agents Baird & Warner CHICAGO pany 1 A. D. LANGWORTHY, Lean Agent Adams St, Chicago Phone Cent, 1855