16 WINNETKA TALK May 15, 1926 Church saniswhite 1 " | 4 SPECIAL =r: a PRICE de $12.50 --4 CN Are you proud to have guests go into your bathroom? IG THE toilet seat is spot- in the looks of the whole lessly white, clean and room. sanitary, the whole room The handsome all-white looks attractive and invit- gyurface of Church Seats is ing. Once a Church Seat 3 seamless ivory-like isinstalled you can always sheathing. Won't wear off be proud tohave guests go Jike paint. Won't crack or into your bathroom. split. Stays spotlessly white. Won't discolor, absorb moisture or retain odors. As easy to clean as porcelain. Abolutely sani- delighted at the wonderful tary.Comeinandseethem improvement it makes or order by 'phone. For Sale and Installed by VIC J. KILLIAN, Inc. Plumbing Contractors Church seats fit any bowl. We can put one on for you in a few minutes. You will be surprised and 874 Center St. Winnetka 1260 Ash Street Circle Makes Last Plans for Season The Ash Street circle held its last business meeting of the year on May 11, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Kloepfer. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Joseph Sauer, Jr., chairman; Mrs. Paul Macqueene, vice-chairman ; Mrs. Arthur Kloepfer, secretary; Mrs. M. E. Sharp, treasurer. On May 25, Mrs. Carlton Prouty will entertain the circle at a card party at her home, 693 Willow road. The an- I nual dinner is to be held May 27, at Community House, with Mrs. Mary Jackson as chairman. In June the last meeting of the year will be a picnic for mothers and their children, to be held at the Beach park. This event will terminate the season's activities. "Mortals and Immortals" Christian Science Topic The lesson sermon at First Church of Christ, Scientists, on Sunday morn- ing, May 16, will be "Mortals and Im- mortals." Services will be held in the Masonic temple at 708 Elm street, at 11 o'clock, and the testimonial meeting is held on Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. The Christian Science reading room at 526 Linden street, is open daily from 12 until 6 p. m. ARDEN SHORE TEA SUCCESS The tea given for the canvassers for the Arden Shore drive Tuesday, May 11, by Mrs. W. A. Lamson, was a great success. Miss Anna Belle Ferrier of Arden Shore talked. Some of the boys from camp sang, and Dr. J. W. F. Davies kindly loaned his moving pic- ture camera, which Miss Mary Wil- liams operated, showing the life, both winter and summer, at Arden Shore. Ravinia Committee Starts Book Sale in Hubbard Woods The meeting of the Hubbard Woods committee for Ravinia was held Thurs- day morning at the home of the chair- man, Mrs. J. Williams Macy, who re- ports: "The campaign for the sale of books will start at once. Hubbard Woods advanced its sale last summer $400 above the amount in 1924, and it is hoped for a still larger increase this vear. Louis Eckstein has plan- ned a more elaborate and splendid season than ever before, and needs the support of each north shore town for this remarkable enterprise. - We are indeed privileged to be able to en- joy such world renowned artists at our very doorsteps." The Hubbard Woods committee is composed of Mrs. J. Williams Macy, chairman; Mrs. Alexander Anderson, Mrs. I. B. Connor, Mrs. Devroe Get- man, Mrs. Ralph Renwick, Mrs. Warner Robinson, Mrs. Albion Webbe, Mrs. Edward Welles, Mrs. Carroll Kendrick, Miss Marion Montgomery, Mrs. Sherman Aldrich, Mrs. Hubbard Keenan and Mrs. Charles Burkhardt. LINDEN CIRCLE TO MEET The monthly meeting of the Linden avenue circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Fulton, 884 Hill road, Monday, May 17, at 2 o'clock. This will be the last meeting of the year and all members are requested to be pres- ent. GIVE CIRCLE BRIDGE The Ridge Avenue circle will meet at Community House, Monday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. This, its final meeting of the season, will be a bene- fit bridge, with prizes and refresh- ments. EX10¢ BATTERIES The LONG-LIFE BATTERY for your CAR $16.50 Buy Quality and You Will Save Money $16.50 for a 13-plate Exide. Richelieu Peas, per can 20¢, per doz. .............. $2.25 There are Exide Batteries for Richelieu Yellow Bantam Corn, can 25¢, doz....... $2.85 every car, Some costing more Savoy brand Coffee, per 1b." .. 5s... S50 0 a 59¢ than this and some costing even Pi le fresh. ) . 35. oy ineapple, fresh, large size ......+ii......... 00 0k c Oranges, Florida's, per doz. ...+.... couniais 55¢ and 70c Th 1 . 1 B Oranges, Califoraia®, doz. 13 RRR 55¢, 65¢ and hi pples, extra fine for eating, 3 Ibs. ................. c € ogica uy Grapefruit, 2 for 258¢, each... van ier rrr ons 15¢ XIDE Batteries at present prices make it unnecessary Asparagus, large bunches ...........covvsivannsa crass 25¢ for any car owner to go battery shopping. When you Green Beans, per Qt... vives 5a: save sda sans «sie 28¢c can get this famous long-life battery at so low a price, an Green Peas, perlb. .......v. vo iiduv dirs dice vai rans 19¢ Exide is the logical purchase indeed. Sold by Exide dealers Rhubard, per De... .vn ini cladding. Ji ides 10c everywhere. : New Potatoes, per Ib. 10c, per peck ................ $1.35 Special Attention Given Your Phone Orders Phone, and We Deliver to Your Door Pouloplos Bros. 801 Elm Street Phones Winnetka 1370-1371 Winnetka Exide -» Battery Service Opposite Winnetka Post Office 552-54 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winn. 1387