May 15, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 23 Great Organists | EDUCATION COUNCIL MEETS Will Give Joint The Central Council of Childhood | | Education will hold Ji annual lunch- | ' eon in the Louis XIV room of the| Recital Tuesday | i | hotel at 12:30 o'clock, Sat- The great festival "public service" |urday, May 15. Miss Alice Temple, given annually at St. Lukes church, | president of the International Kinder- Evanston, under the auspices of the |8&arten union, will give a report of the Illinois Chapter, American Guild of |F¢cent meeting of that organization in Organists, is announced this year for | Kansas City, and Mrs. Mary Boomer Tuesday, May 18, at 8 o'clock. Ar- Page, who recently returned from Eu- oid oR hz of Stan- | TOP will tell of the educational work rangements are in the hands O1 |in several of the schools she visited ley Martin of St. Mark's, Evanston, |. dean of the chapter and a member of | the faculty of Northwestern university. | : [ A rich and varied program will be | Mrs. Carl A. Abrahamson of 762 given by the three artists chosen from | Walden road recently was elected the membership of the Guild to repre- vice-president of the Woman's Allied sent them on this occasion. Robert R.|Drug club at the annual meeting. Birch of the Church of the Redeemer, | MTS. T. H. Manchester is president. Chicago, will play the Finnish composer | --_---- Jongen's "Prayer," and D'Antalffy's| Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Klee of Ash ultra modern "Sportive Fauns." Allen |street have moved to the new home Bogen of the Tenth Church of Christ, |they have purchased in Highland Park. Scientist, Chicago, will play the -- Spanish composer Torres' "Com-| Mrs. F. O. Morrison, of Adel, Ga., mumon' and Viernes Finale from | \frs Bernard Marks and son, Chester, First Symphony. Edwin Stanley | of Racine, Wis., and Miss Hazel Seder, F. A. G. O,, of the First Con- | \yoodsworth, of Auburn Park, were Kessler called "Romance," and the Luke's vested choir of forty voices in | The service is free and the public is | § W h €r ec you know Among the Winnetka women acting | Edgewater Beach hotel next week,| Nursery club of Oak Park; Mrs. morning, May 18, at 10:30 o'clock. gregational church of Oak Park, will | Mulet "Toccata--Thou Art a Rock." | 2 a group of songs including modern and | cordially invited. . " '§ you can get just as delegates to the thirty-first annual are Mrs. Justus Chancellor, represent- | Maurice Lieber and Mrs. Samuel Mec- | The convention will last four days. week-end guests of the A. E. Tilroe family at 978 Oak street, Winnetka. play the great Bach chorale "All Men The organists will be assisted by St. | §, Ze 5. Isn't it gratifying to old-time eight-part choruses sung un- Winnetka Women Delegates what you want? convention of the Illinois Federation 18 always correct ing the Chicago Culture club; Mrs. | Caulley, the Winnetka Woman's club. | Are Mortal," a manuscript number by have a near-by store accompanied. for Federation Convention Your Apparel of Women's clubs in session at the and satisfying-- Theodore J. Coyne, the Matheon | The opening session will be Tuesday | The annual spring breakfast and] bridge party of the Entre Nous | Matinee club will take place Wednes- day, May 26, at 12 o'clock, in the Sovereign hotel. The patronesses for the affair are Mrs. Frank O. Neu- bacher, Mrs. A. J. Cline, Mrs. T. L.| Grismore, Mrs. William B. Snowhook; | Mrs. R. P. Bodinson, Mrs. H. E.| Smoot, Mrs. R. Hilliker and Mrs, Richard Webster. --(-- Mrs. Albert Dilling, 545 Essex road, | Kenilworth, was hostess at a bridge | party Wednesday evening. * oa oR er, li 2 of moths, oer household insects Hart Schaffner & Mar er MIGATION Coat Sale are eames Wert [1 $35, $40, $45 furniture, rugs, etc. We ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE all our work. For extermination of Rats, Mice, Roaches, Beetles, Bed- bugs, Silverfishes, Waterbugs, ba Fleas, etc. Call or write Dr. Hugo Hartnack ORIENTAL VERMIN INC- EXTERMINATING CO. 1606 CHICAGO AVE. 20 East Jackson Blvd. Near Davis Phone Harrison 2027 Chicago Downtown Evanston o- 03 A Summer of Ease at The Orrington T THE ORRINGTON, hotel excellence, rooms and apartments up to four rooms with two baths--furnished with all the good taste of 4 magnificent home---comfortable and most pleasant! Regardless of your selection, THE ORRINGTON assures a fuller measure of satisfaction--a delightful change for the seasoned hotel guest--a new treat for those who seek for the first time the ease of the modern apartment hotel. Look us over today from lobby to roof garden. Arrange now for a summer of ease at THE OR- RINGTON! Booklet for the asking -- Telephone University 8700 EVANSTON'S LARGEST and FINEST HOTEL