WINNETKA TALK May 15, 1926 CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued from Page 47) 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING FOR SALE -- UTENCO MANGLE, practically new; cost $190.00; will sell for $100.00; terms to responsi- ble party. Also electric grill, $4.50; and large bronze table lamp with lily shade, $5.00. Tel. Winnetka 2032. 21T10-1tc 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--REED CAB 87; ENAM- eled bed and springs $10; girl's me- dium size bicycle $12.50. Call Winn. 150. 17TTN10-1te FOR SALE--BABY BED, $10; NURS- ery and high chair, $2 ea. Winn. 362, 17TN10-1te FOR SALE -- VERY REASONABLE; two heating boilers; very good con- dition; suitable for greenhouse heat- ing. Call New Trier High School, Winnetka 2400. 21LTN32-2tc FOR SALE PERENNIAL BIG HARDY plants; also pansies in bloom. 50c¢ per doz. Call after 5 p. m. Sat. all day. 424 Prairie Ave. or Tel. Wil 599m 2227. 21LT32-3tp Winn. 481 request 0. M., Henderson Painting and Interior and Ash St. Phone Estimates given on Decorating Exterior Winnetka, IlL 29T9-3tp 1082 Carl Frankell Painting Contractor 1506 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 3104 29LLTN32-4tp FOR PAINTING AND DECORATING call E. M. Brandt, Glencoe 971. FOR SALE STAIR CARPET, 10 20TNT-4te | yards, taupe, used 1 year. Call | FOR SALE--GERMAN POLICE DOGS, ik ste] Winnetka 2132. © 17TT10-1te the best of the breed; also a few | co vhek SERVICE y : 3 3 i mounted deer-heads. 2760 Reese | 31 BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE--BATH TUB AND MOD- Ave., Evanston. Univ. 6312. ~ | ern lavatory in good condition. 21LTN33-1te REPAIRS | Phone Winnetka 1109. 17LTN33-1tc |= - a won " NORMAN E. DALLY, 725 OAK ST. | FOR SALE BY ow NER, WELDED Bicycles repaired and rebuilt. FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE; steel tank, 50 gals. capacity. _To Lawn mowers sharpened, grinding sideboard. Call Winn. 1164. be seen at 379 Ridge Ave, Win- and electrical repairs. Prompt serv- 17L'TN33-1tc netka. 21LTN33-1tc jee. 31T8-tfe FOR SALE--CHILD'S BED AND MAT- | FOR SALE--VICTOR VICTROLA IN-| a, KENNELS | tress, 8-yr.-old size. Call Winn. 1123. 17LTN33-1te 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, IIL Phone Univ. 189. 18SLTN11-tfc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE T selection of records. Room 217. 21TN10-1te FOR SALE -- DRESSES AND blouses; $1 to $10. Call Winn. 1880. 21TN10-1te cluding good Call Sheridan Surf Hotel. FOR SALE -- SOLID MAHOGANY desk and dressing table. Phone Glencoe 750. 21TN10-1te FOR SALE--GIRL'S BICYCLE; 28 inch wheel. Call Glencoe 610. Buy--Sell--Exchange--New--Used N33- Open aally, Tues., Thurs., Sat.,, 8 p. m. BILTNSg Iie ow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212. wy SP -- 1SLTN26-tfc Zin MISCELLANEOUS ERT PTY ee es ; FILLING GIVEN AWAY FREE. 937 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS Spruce Street, Winnetka. 21a-T10-1te S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, | GOOD CHICKEN COOP FREE IF magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. taken away. 519 Elder Lane, Win- Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19LTN33-1te netka. 21aT10-1te WANTED--SMALL WALL OR UM-| 22 FINANCIAL brella tent in good condition. Winnetka 1327. 19LTN33-1te HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1351. 19LTN33-3tp Call 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- USED CARS Satisfaction guaranteed. to choose from. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN33-1tc A variety FOR SALE -- HUDSON TOURING limousine with 14,000 mileage; fully equipped; good condition. Purchase price $4,000. Will sell $300. Call Winn. 1532. 20TN10-1te FORD COUPE, GOOD CONDITION, 1925 model. Best sale price $300.00. Mrs. Kadala, 195 Greenbay Rd. Tel. Glencoe 244. 20TN10-1te ACCOUNT LEAVING FOR CALIFOR- nia, Detroit electric for sale; double drive brougham. Winn. 129. 20LTN33-1tc FOR SALE--FORD TOURING: BAR- gain; $35; good motor. 1005 Meadow Rd. Glencoe 458. 20LTN33-1tc WANTED--OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- trics; any condition. Univ. 19886. 20LTN22-tfe FOR SALE--BUICK TOURING, $80 cash. Call Winn. 650-R. 20LTN33-1tp Second Mortgage and Contract Loans AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. IN- spection made same day loan is ap- plied for. Ask bank about us. Louis Levine & CQO. Univ. 8383 22L/TN33-1te any 1614 Orrington Ave. FOR SALE HOME-RAISED PEDI- greed Chow puppies; male; 3 months old. 1002 Judson Ave. Evanston. Univ. 9554. 32LTN33-1te FOR SALE--GERMAN A-1 class, pedigreed. 3081. POLICE DOG, Tel. Wilmette 32LTN33-1tc Health In Any Climate when you drink HE SYMBOL OF HEALTH IN AMERICA. And best for babies. North Shore Goat Milk Dairy Co. 540 Dundee Rd. Glencoe 287 A NN NN A NN NN NN NNN NNN NS NN NNN NN] Foresight! E you are going away for the summer, or plan to sell your home, or if present lease expires this fall, NOW is the time to arrange for a com- fortable unfurnished or furnished apart- ment in THE OR- your RINGTON. By planning ahead you secure the best for the least. Read the Want Ads WE LOAN rates on Evanston and properties. Hokanson & Jenks, Inc 500 Davis St. Greenleaf 1617 22LTN25-tfe MONEY AT LOWEST North Shore 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--MAN"S GREY GOLF SWEAT- er, light weight; Sunday morning between Maple Ave. at Pine and In- dian Hill club. Reward. Phone Winnetka 203. 24T10-1te LOST -- LONG - HAIRED, LAME, answers name '"Laddy." C. D. Boyles, Win- 24LTN33-1tc white dog; Reward return. netka. -- -- 26 GARDENING FORD -- TUDOR; equipped. Owner. SPECIALLY Call Winn. 330. 20L/TN33-1tp 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SHETLAND PONY, REED, GOVERNESS CART; SAD- DLE AND HARNESS. $65. PHONE GLENCOE 440. 21LTN33-1tc PLANTING, CARE OF LAWNS, COM- plete garden service. Edwards & Lindberg 917 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 885 26T10-2tp -------- ---- 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRING and refinishing, upholstering, mat- tresses renewed. Fred Nitto, 1240 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2430. 277. T19-tfc is FOR SALE--EVERYTHING IN PER- ennials; gladiolus bulbs. $3.00 per 100 or 45¢ doz.; also mixed specials; white violet plants; beautiful viola cornuta 10c ea.; and pansies, all col- ors, at 60c per doz. Call Winnetka 329. 21LTN33-1te i 28 PIANO TUNING HAVE YOUR PIANO TUNED FOR the Spring time. Prices reduced for Mav. L. W. Foster, 625 Park Ave, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 908-M. 28LTN13-tfc Purer Because Carbonated : Special Division of National Dairy Products Corporation This Week Three Layer Brick LEMON BISQUE Between Two Layers of VANILLA ICE CREAM 77/7