INNETKA TALK S00 00 0 0 0 0 0 \ | GEN p UY Ss The Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin, who, a few months ago, came to Winnetka from Dundee, Ill., to serve on the staff of the Congregational church, has found a warm welcome in the community. In addition to his church work, which in- cludes the direction of the Young Men's club, he has become a member of the Winnetka Rotary club and Winnetka Post of the American Legion. Mr. Good- win bas also made extremely popular a series of Sunday evening services at the Congregational church. TOO.) 8 GEIS) 8118.18 18118118 | WIS ISLS SAS 818) 88 SNSISISIS CO 00 0 003000 000000)