ol May 22, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 35 William Tencher Is Killed in Motor Crash in New York William Tencher, 20 years old, son Rudolph Tencher, who formerly lived in Wilmette, died early last Mon- day morning following an automobile accident the day before when a car he was driving turned over in a ditch near Tuxedo Park, N. Y. Tencher's skunt was fractured in the accident, although a companion only slightly injured. The youths were returning from West Point when the accident occurred. Tencher was a stu- dent of Princeton university and was a graduate of New Trier high school. While at New Trier he made a name for himself as a back-stroke swimmer and had recently been named for that position on an AlJ-American team. His mother was in California and of was | his father had just boarded a train to join her at the time of the accident. | Mr. Tencher was reached by telegraph | at Denver and after being joined by | | Mrs. Tencher returned to Wilmette. | | Funeral services were held from the | | Wilmette Presbyterian church on | Thursday morning of this week and |2VeNUé hii, : burial was at Memorial park. The | bers ol the board of directors of the Tenchers had sold their home here but | Crosse Point Health C eliter 'at gach | had expected ta return in the fall, it |¢°" Friday, May 14, preceding the us- | was said bv. friends. |ual business meeting. The out-of- [ ° | town guests attending were Mrs. EE _ x | Theodore Sachs, head of the Chicago HEAR ZONING COMPLAINTS | Tuberculosis Institute, and Miss Helen Complaints that Paul Krueger, 730 | Norcross, the nurse in charge of the | Center street, was using his residence | Health Center. | for commercial purposes were laid be- oh o yy ad i ¥ r |to announce that action was tf | fore the Village council by the plats | establishing a pre-school-age clinic for |and zoning committee last Tuesday | " : : evenin. Neighbors had complained children from 2 to 6 years, Which will rom about Krueger, who is a stone mason, be held on Monday mornings it was said. The matter was referred | 10:30 to 12. o'clock, the dates to be | announced later. to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The property is zoned residential. This additional work has long been Health Center to Add Pre-School- The board of directors is very glad | [ desired by the board members, but un- | til now, it has not seemed possible. Dr. | . r . Robert Blessing, the conference physi- Age Clinic to Work Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng of 401 Lake |. entertained the rec mem- | ing the same good results among these | children that the work has shown for cian, will take charge, and is looking forward with much enthusiasm to see- babies of the community. Visitors are welcome to all of these Wednesday afternoon conferences con- | ducted by Dr. Blessing at the Health Center on Ridge avenue, it is ex- plained. Mellen Martin of 630 Rosewood ave- nue was appointed general counsel for the Chicago Commonwealth club Fri- day, May 14, at the annual meeting and banquet at the Blackstone hotel. Frank F. Winans, resident vice presi- dent of the National City company of New York, was elected president. | | | | There's a Hydrox Agency near your home | Z=\W4 ) 6 & --_-- =----=\ DIVISION OF Ever Taste a Hydrox Strawberry Pie? It's Ice Cream, of course--and just about the finest food ever known Everybody is talking about the wonderful goodness of Hydrox Strawberry Pies. They're made like regular pies but only of Hydrox Ice Cream and real straw- berries. Every one of them is big enough to provide eight or ten generous servings. They are unusual, and like every other good thing in ice cream, originated and featured only by Hydrox. Your nearest Hydrox Agent will supply you on 48 hours' notice. ee _\SlE --- -- te oa, v/, verre SN Hn p-- CTS CORPORATION NATIONAL DAIRY PRODU