a May 22, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 39 RAVINIA CLUB MEETS Plans Sale of Coupon Books for Opera; Will Entertain Girls of Park Ridge School The Winnetka committee of the Ra- vinia club met at the home of the chairman, Mrs. John Vennema, Friday, May 14. Plans were made at that time for the sale of coupon books for the opera and concerts at Ravinia Park this summer. The second Thursday in July was planned for the entertainment at Ra- vinia Park of 60 girls of the Park Ridge school, by the committee with the as- sistance of the Hubbard Woods com- mittee. Busses will be sent for the girls, it is stated, and a luncheon pro- vided for them. The matron of the school says that the girls look forward to and talk about this outing, through- out the winter. It is announced that July 29 will be the day for a historical pageant. Epi- sodes representing the history of Chi- cago will be enacted by children from the different towns along the north shore. Mrs. Ralph Poole of Lake Forest is president of the Ravinia club, under whose leadership the town chairmen work. Winnetka is divided into nine districts, each one having an able cap- tain, under whom are 38 workers. The captains of the districts and workers are: Mesdames Lloyd Whitman, Louis Schmid, Everett Harris, William Truesdale, T. Holton, Burton Atwood, I. Lang, William Thrall, I. Friedman, George Parker, Robert Ripley, Francis I.ackner, John Hansel, Jr., Emory C. Andrews, Warren Crawford, Julian Risk, John Marshall, Harry Barnum, Jurton Atwood, George Suker, Isador ang, William McAdams, George Fra- zer, Thomas Brooks, Hamilton Daugh- aday, Floy Little Bartlett, Benjamin Affleck, G. Stuart Bailey, N. Landon Hoyt, Arthur Dean, Archibald Shaw. Ernest von Ammon, Dudley French, Ralph Jaeger, Fritz Wagner, Ernest White, Elmer Stults, Philemon Kohl- satt, I. Friedman. Mrs. Earl Weinstock of Walden road was hostess at tea from 3 until 6 o'clock May 19, when she introduced a number of her friends and neighbors to Mrs. George Huff, who has recently moved to the corner of Provident ave- nue and Elm street, from Rogers Park. Automobile Fully free coach job. Complete 562 Lincoln Ave. Our Enlarged Is Now Ready Inspection Invited equipped to Duco, Lacquer or Varnish Fin- ishes, which ever you prefer. Any kind of job you may want from a one coat revarnish, to the finest perfect surface, dust Prices in accordance with the job. Estimates Gladly Given. A Representative will call if desired. Wersted Motor Co. Winnetka Paint Shop furnish Phone 165 New Trier Begins Summer Sessions Monday, June 21 The summer session at New Trier high school begins Monday, June 21 and continues for eight weeks, closing Friday, August 13, it was announced this week. All students under 21 liv- ing in the township who have gradu- ated from an accredited eighth grade | are eligible. Since the classes meet for double periods students may earn a semester's credit in each of the two subjects which they are permitted to take. The subjects offered are English 1A, required in all high school courses; algebra 1A, also required in all courses; greek history; economic civ- ics; general science; commercial arith- metic; mechanical drawing; and type- writing. Students my take either one or two subjects, but most are advised to take two. Inasmuch as all classes | meet in the morning, the cooler part of the day, the high school authorities do not regard the summer school pro- gram as very difficult. According to Wesley IL. Brown, principal of the summer session, more than 500 students are expected to en- roll for the 1926 session. The princi- pal also suggests the following ad- vantages of going to school in the summer. Students become acquainted with high school under especially fa- vorable conditions, not the least of which 'is that the membership of the summer school is small compared with that of the fall session, when about | 1400 attend. Summer students can ac- cumulate advanced credit, and thus avoid dropping back if they are obliged to cut down work during the regular year. Formal confirmation services of the North Shore Congregation will be held Sunday afternoon, May 23, at 2:15 o'clock, in the Winnetka Congregation- al church. A reception to Confirmants will follow in the hall adjoining the church. --O-- Mrs. Jacob Replogle of Oak street | Satesidined 28 guests Thursday, May 20, at luncheon and bridge. e this fore the next From NewYork Dec.2 ...like a grand procession of all humanity passing before you--relis gions, costumes, superstitions, in. dustries, architecture! Countless new experiences day-- instructive, fascinating-- priceless memories. The world cruise of this magnifi- cent queen of the seas gives 132 such days...an itinerary 28,400 miles, 20 countries, 5 con. tinents, 7 seas. Christmas in Holy Land. New Year's Eve in Festive Cairo. | The entire cost, including shore etc., is ingly low --as little as 6% cents a mile. Send for the literature. Compare what ou get in luxurious cruising com- fr entertainment and knowledge with a cheerless, rigorous winter at home costing as much -- or more. Further information from local steamship agents, or R. 8S. Elworthy, Steamship Gen- eral Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd. Telephone Wabash 1904, Chicago, 11. Canadian Pacific World's Greatest Travel System