Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 22 May 1926, p. 51

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50 WINNETKA TALK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Noti. Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 15 cents a line in one paper. -- papers. 25 cents a line in any two 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE, 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 109, discount on all eash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. netka. . 1 - Deadline for Insertions-- Cialis, "oy mispments will be 5 the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-200x. 1 REAL ESTATE | 1 REAL ESTATE REALLY AN INVESTMENT FOR SALE LAST AVAILABLE HOME SITE IN 40 ACRES on State Highway, good lo- cation, reasonable terms. $20,000.00 20 ACRES, near State Highway, across 211 ft.--facing South on Hill road near from Golf club. $10,000.00 West entrance to Indian Hill Golf 12 ACRE TRIANGLE, State Road, ad- club and surrounded by beautiful joining Golf club. $12,000.00 homes. Based on prices asked and 80 ACRES, very choice tract, good lo- received for adjoining property, to- cation, only $10,000.00 cash; Terms. gether with sewer and water in and $36,000.00 concrete paving completed. This of- 16 ACRE TRACT, double section, State fer is truly a BARGAIN. Comprising Highways, wooded, adjoining high an area of 1-1/3 acres, it lends itself class subdivision. $80,000.00 to the creating of a beautful estate. Call your Broker or Owner for addi- J. H. Schaefer & Co.| t= tional facts, Winnetka 1269. 1TN1l-1tc 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wil. 364 | Wilmette, Illinois F OR SALE ILTN34-1te EAST SIDE LOT, 53x125; EAST front. Will sell $25 per ft. under mar- Second Mortgage and Contract Loans ket. Wooded Kenilworth lot, 100x175 ft. $16,000. AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. IN- spection made same day loan is ap-' plied for. E. E. Stults Realty Co. Ask any bank about us. the choice, close-in Higginson Tract, Indian Hill, Winnetka. 140 ft. x 335 ft.x 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winn. 1800 FOR SALE 8-ROOM HOUSE ON 3 LARGE WOOD- ed lots, 325x275; suitable for estate. L ° ° Also large hompgsites = §20 por Toot in new, highly restrict LENVIE ouls Levine & Co. HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION. Near 1614 Orrington Ave. Univ. 8383 North Shore Golf Club. Apply at of- May 22, 1926 - _. -- 1 REAL ESTATE 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 6 RM. WINNETKA HOME FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED FOR sale, this 14 room mod. stucco on tile res., located in one of the choicest spots in lovely Winnetka; large well-kept grounds; home complete in its ap- pointments ; library, maids' din. rm., and porch, very large reception hall, 2 fine sleeping porches, sun parlor, 5 chambers and 4 baths on 2nd fl.; 3 maids' rms., playrm., and 2 baths on 3rd; 2-car attached garage; oil burn- ers for hot water heating; vacuum cl. system; ice machine, clothes dryer, fire hydrants and hose throughout house. Possession to be given this Fall; for further particulars regard- ing this home see Hill & Stone brick bungalow; sleeping porch; ex- cellent condition; nr. transp., churches and schools. Phone Wilmette 2720 evenings. 2TN11-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 4 ROOM APT.; LARGE; ATTRAC- tively furnished, 3 exposures. Best location. Near Davis street transpor- tation and lake. Rent reasonable to right party. Linen and silver included. University 2433. 3TN11-1te FOR RENT -- TWO UNFURN. RMS, sleeping porch, private bath. Ken- ilworth 1865. 3LTN34-1tc FOR RENT -- APARTMENT--627 11TH St.; 4 rooms and bath; heated. Phone Wilmette 2399. 3LTN26-tfc Exclusive Agents FOR RENT -- SMALL APT. WITH 543 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Winn. 1544 sleeping porch. Phone Winn. 1230. 1T11-1te 3TN11-1te I------ FOR SALE 4 FOR RENT---ROOMS WINNETKA HOMES CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE and rooms; for transients and residents. VACANT 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. P. W. Bradstreet & Co. REAL ESTATE Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 1T5-tfe 4LT50-tfe FOR RENT--SINGLE ROOM, NOW VA- cant; very pleasant double room with twin beds, by June 1. Call Wil. 3206. 4LT34-1tc FOR SALE--7 ROOM BRICK COLO- nial (1021 Meadow Road, Glencoe) just being completed; 4 large sleeping rooms and 2 baths on 2d floor; extra lavatory and toilet on 1st floor; beau- tiful sun parlor and attached heated garage. Lot 756x172. For information call Winn. 514-M. 1LTN33-2te 1LTN34-1tc | 221 TN34-1te fice on sub.,, Waukegan Rd. 1500 ft. $9,500 north of Lake Ave. 1LTN31-5tp 5 ROOM FRAME BUNGALOW IN BARGAIN AT $15,500 Kenilworth; hot water heat; modern MOVING EAST COMPELS IMMEDI- bath; nice large rooms; oak floors ate sale. Home convenient to and transportation on popular East and trim; newly decorated; lot 50x150; good location and convenient to depot; side street, 6 room house, bath, h. w. heat, porch, fine 3rd floor; garage; very reasonable terms. Just the home you have been looking for. lot 70x165. Landscaped. Phone Win- netka 721. 1LTN34-1tc F. Coleman Burroughs Exclusive Agents OWNER WILL SACRIFICE 8 ROOM country home; modern thruout; solid 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 640 1LTN34-1te brick construction; h. w. heat; at- tached 2 car garage; fruit 'and shrub- bery; lot 100x206; located on Pamona Lane, Gross Pt, Ill. Price $14,000. Terms. Phone Wil. 3512. 1LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--A BARGAIN BY OWNER; New Colonial at 910 Greenwood ave., Winnetka; 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms and large heated sleeping porch, 2 baths, sunparlor and garage. Open Satur- day and Sunday afternoons. Phone Winnetka 415. 1LTN34-1tc FOR SALE -- RESIDENCE 7 RMS.; h. w. heat; 4-car garage; lot 100x165; shrubs, elm, maple, fruit trees; 1 blk. Briargate golf course; 2 blocks depot. $11,000. Phone Deerfield 115-M. Hindahl. 1LTN34-2tp CHICAGO FOR SALE-- LAKE STREET, EAS of the river. $20.00 per sq. ft. G building. Best buy on the street. Ph. Kimball. Glencoe 170. 1LTN34-1tc NICE PLEASANT ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen. 1076 Ash Street, Tel. Win- netka 2563. 4T11-1tp FOR RENT ROOM NEAR TRANSP. Gentleman preferred. Tel. Winn. 559. 4T11-1tc FURN. ROOM FOR RENT --WIN- netka 1333. 4LTN34-1te ---------- 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- STORE, 561 LINCOLN ave., Winnetka; will give ordinary straight lease or lease on percentage of income. Ayres Boal, 122 So. Michi- gan Ave. Chicago. 5T10-4tc FOR RENT -- OFFICE APARTMENT in Post Office building, Winnetka. Ayres Boal, 122 So. Michigan ave, Chicago. 5T10-4te FOR RENT STORE -- 32 FT. FRONT on Lincoln ave. Winnetka. Apply Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln ave. g SLTN34-1tc A FOR RENT--STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 5LTN28-tfe WILL SACRIFICE AT $75 A FOOT MY Indian Hill lot between Kenilworth and Winnetka. Am leaving town. Act at once. Address Wilmette Life A-878. 1LT32-tfc I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES Bargains in Acreage 700 Acres at McHenry--price very low. 600 Acres adjoining Paul Rader Park, 'Wauconda. 9 20 Acres near trans. in Deerfield. 65 Acres on Kotz Rd., W. of Winnetka. 13%. Acres on Hill Rd.,, Winnetka. Other building lots in Indian Hill dis- HUBBARD WOODS ROOM ENGLISH BRICK AND stucco; 4 bdrms. and 2 baths on 2d floor; room and bath on 23d; can- vassed and beautifully decorated; at- tached garage; lot 75x177. Price FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM TUNFURN- ished house; 3 bedrooms; bath; lav. in basement; hot water heat; front porch glazed and screened ; shingle and clapboard ; garage; lot 50x140. Price $110 per month. Tel. Glencoe 960. 2LT34-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE; June 1 to Oct. 1; 9 rooms; 6 bedrms.; 3 baths; 2 sleeping porches; pleasant grounds ; within 1 block of Indian Hill club; $300 a month. 174 Linden St., Winnetka 2611. 2TN9-2tc trict. 35,000. Phone Wi tka 828. Telephone F. H. Ward, Wilmette 3041. ¥ i Ene 1LTN34-1tc 1LTN23-tfc - FoR SALE WILMER FIRST ye 'y adv. e Ave.; rooms; large Wilmette Vacant porches; newly decorated; 2-car ga- LOTS 50x168, SOME NICELY SHADED; sewer and water service, paved street; 2 blocks rapid transportation. $43.00 per ft, will furnish lot and build 6 rage; 107%x213; fruit orchard, berries, currants, grapes galore. Will sell house with part of lot or all. Cream of N. Shore. Owner leaving. - 1LTN34-1tp FOR RENT -- MIDDLE OF JUNE- Sept. 1; one block east of Park ave.; 6 room furnished house; also 2 room studio unfurnished; separately or combined. 654 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Glencoe 165. : 2T11-1tp room modern residence, $2,000 down, $100.00 mo: ~ F. H. GATHERCOAL 1213 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 225 ~ 1LTN34-1te FOR SALE OR TRADE -- NEW 7- room brick residence, $22,000; for North Shore vacant or comfortable old house and part cash. Will consider trading for one acre (wooded) between HUBB ARD WOODS 'Wilmette and Glencoe, near transp. pes IDLY BUILT 6 " i Phone Wilmette 1370. 1LTN34-1tc co; heated sleeping porch and sun-| FOR SALE -- GLENCOE-- BLUFF FOR RENT IN GLENCOE--8 ROOM h ; 2 baths; h. w. heat; screened porch; large trees; reasonable. Phene Glencoe 209, Saturday 10 to 6, Sunday 1 to 6. 2LTN34-1tc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE BUNGA- low; $60 per mo.; 3 rms.; bath; large sleeping porch; full basement. 1046 Pine St., Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 752. 2LTN34-1tc | room. ; h. w. heat, oil burner; beauti- Street, Hollow tile and hy ful lot 50x160; garage; 2 blks. to sta-| unique location on Skokie Country tion. $19,500. Club. 9 rooms; 3 baths; extra toilet E. E. Stults Realty Co. fully "landscaped. Phone, Kimball 460 Winnetka Av Tel. Winn. 1800 e. Winn. 1800 | Glencoe 170. 1LTN34-1tc FOR SALE--DELIGHTFUL WINNET- EVANSTON ka home. On side street near lake; | FOR SALE -- FINE APT. SITE; 50x 10 minutes walk from Indian Hill 182; Opposite Evanston Hotel, Forest North Shore and North Western sta- Ave. Phone Kimball. Glencoe 170. tions. Screened porch overlooking TLTN34-1te beautiful garden; garage; large liv- FOR RENT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW UN- furn. Garage and driveway. 834 Oak street. Keys at 836 Oak St., Winnetka. ing rm., with fireplace ; 4 sleeping rms. ; | FOR SALE -- GLENCOE -- 74x182 ON Hart oil burner. See owner on prem- South Ave. facing small park and ises at 341 Woodland Ave. Phone Skokie Country club. Phone Kimball, Winn. 237 evenings. 1LTN32-tfp Glencoe 170. 1LTN34-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE RESIDENCE, 678 Sheridan road, Winnetka. Ayres Boal, 122 So. Michigan ave., Chicago. 2T10-4tc FOR RENT SMALL FURNISHED house on 4 acres of land, near trans.; June 15. Call Winn. 2594. 2TNl11-1te TO RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 6 RM. house, furn. sun pch.; sleeping pch.; garage. Winnetka 1781. 2T11-1te FOR RENT -- STORE. APPLY 601 Main St. Wilmette. 5LTN30-tfo 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR THE SEA- son at 220 Myrtle St.,, Indian Hill $10.00 a month. Tel. Winn. 606-W. 6T11-tfe ---- 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT -- IN WINNET- ka; furn. house; June 1 to Sept. 15; convenient to tranportation; 4 bed- rooms; 2 baths; maid's rooms; mod- erate rent. R. Hartman, 559 Surf St, Chicago. Phone Graceland 6373. 7T7-tfe -------------- MS---------------- 10 WANTED TO RENT--APARTMENTS WANTED -- 2 NICELY FURNISHED rooms from June 1 to June 18th. Win- netka 2012. 10TN11-1te 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--YOUNG MEN for beach attendants at Winnetka Park District Bathing Beaches, season June 15 to Sept. 15. 1. Beach Master, 20 years of age or over, preferably Winnetka college stu- dent or graduate with experience as life guard. Salary $150.00 per month 2. Life Guard, 18 years of age or over, preferably Winnetka college stu- dent or graduate, able to qualify in tests, Salary $100.00 per month. 3. Junior Lifé Guard, 16 years of age or over, preferably Winnetka boy to qualify in tests. pply in writing, with references, to H. L. Woolhiser, Park Superintendent, Village Hall, Winnetka, Illinois. 11T9-3te WANTED-- HANDY MAN TO PUT UP screens, wash windows and other work. Ph. Glencoe 52. Call 540 Washington Ave, next to Skokie Club, Glencoe. 11TN11-1te

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