a -- il? May 22, 1926 11 HELP WANTED--MALE 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITY ATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--HOUSEMAN AND GAR- dener (white); must be able to drive auto. Phone Kenilworth 2532, 11LTN34-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATING-- " IS A DESIRABLE OCCUPA- TION FOR YOUNG WOMEN ; THE WORK IS PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND NEAR HOME ; OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSO- CIATES; VACATION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE 'JELEPHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT THE CHIEF OPERATOR. 740 ELM STREET, WINNETKA. OVER WITH 12T11-4tp WANTED -- WOMAN TO sell over phone in her own home few hours each day. No experience necessary. Phone University 2714. 12LTN34-1t¢ KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENT Agency. Reliable domestic help sup- plied. Ph. Kenilworth 1847. 12LTN34-1tc WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family, near trans- portation. Tel. Kenilworth = 2747. 12LT-1te WANTED --EXPERIENCED WHITE maid; general housework ; small fam- ily; good home; Winnetka 1026. 121 TN34-1tp WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL nousework ; no laundry. Call Winn. 226. 12. TN34-1tc SITUATION WTD.--BY NURSE AS governess, nurse or companion; on North Shore. Mrs. Dora Schuzt, 5120- 22 Sheridan Rd. Sunnyside 7565. 15LTN34- 1tp | SITUATION WTD. -- BY EXPERI- enced saleslady. Will furnish good ref- erences, Address Wilmette Life. A-888. 15T11-1tp SITUATION WTD.--Plain sewing done by the day or hour. Tel. Winn. 505 up to 6 o'clock. 15LTN34-1te 'A MARRIED WOMAN WILL TAKE care of children few hours each day. Call Wilmette 724-R. 15T11-1te RELIABLE MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Small family, references. Tel. Winnetka 2413. 12L-TN34-1te GOOD LAUNDRESS WISHES PERMA- nent place for Wednesday and Thurs- day. Univ. 3557-WX. 15T11-1te GIRL WANTED; GENERAL HOUSE- work ; must like children; good home. Phone Winnetka 2657. 12LTN34-1te FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carsten. Glencoe 1287, before 8 a. m. 15TNY-tfe WANTED -- WHITE GIRL, GENERAL housework, small house, near trans. EXP. COOK--FOR LUNCHES, DIN- ners parties, etc., call Mrs. Micolasek, FOR SALE -- USED CARS Satisfaction guaranteed. A variety to choose from. : Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN34-1tc 1924 Overland Sedan NEWLY PAINTED, PERFECT condition. Cash Sale. Phone Winnetka 2041. 20TN11-1te FOR SALE--FORD, 1925 TUDOR sedan; in good cond. Call at Kursch- ner's Garage, Glencoe. 20LTN34-1tp WANTED--OLD AUTOS AND ELEC- trics; any condition. Univ. 1986. 20LTN22-tfe 1922 HUDSON COACH. CALL AT GA- rage, 435 Sheridan Raod., Winnetka. 20TN11-1tp Call Winnetka 904. 12TN1il-1te Winnetka 1492. 15T11-1tc | 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. | SITUATION WTD. -- AS WAITRESS | ONE NEW SPRING COAT LEFT, No washing, good pay. Call Glen. 633. or will do day work. Tel. Winn. 415. bp English Tweed model, $16.00. A num- 12TN11-1te 15TN11-1te ber of very pretty dresses, varied ma- terials and styles, sizes 18 to 38, also GOOD COOK, WHITE OR COLORED. | I'OSITION -- MOTHER'S HELPER OR Scotch woolen rug, 11x13 taupe, re- References. Phone Winnetka 172. maid. Exp.; ref. Phone Glencoe 1044. versible, like new. Reasonable. Tel. 12LTN34-1te 15TN11-1tp Winnetka 1372. 21T11-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- WASHING & IRONING, |yoyING PICTURE OUTFIT--CAMERA AND FEMALE can handle large amounts cheap. Will and projector, etc, complete and in ONLY MEN AND WOMEN OF THE highest type are privilged to represent Braden's Inc. of Pasadena, Calif. The requirements are many but a permanent position is assured those who qualify for the work. For interview Tel. Winnetka 1220. 13T11-1te EXPERIENCED WHITE COUPLE FOR housework and cooking in family with children. Nurse employed. Tel. Win- netka 2127. 13TN11-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED YOUNG white girl for gen. housework; 2 in| COMPETENT WHITE COUPLE FOR family. Must have reliable ref. Tel. cooking, houseman and yard work. Winnetka 320. 946 Oak St., Winnetka. References. 271 Linden Ave. Phone 12TN11-1te Winnetka 254. 13TN11-1te WANTED WHITE MAID FOR GEN-|HELP WANTED -- COUPLE = FOR eral housework, good cook; experi- housework. T7-room house; 3 in family. enced; ref.; no laundry; Country for Glencoe. $150.00. Address Winnetka the summer. Tel. Glencoe 1210. Talk A-889. 16LTN34-1te I ---------- 12TN11-1te WANTED FROM NOW UNTIL JULY 1st, white woman who 1s neat house- keeper and good cook. No heavy work. Tel. Winnetka 1429. 12T11-1te LADY BOOKKEEPER -- EXPERI enced in cash and ledger work. State age, experience and references. Ad- dress Wilmette Life A-887. 12LTN34-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. 2 adults, 2 small children. Ap- ply Mrs. John F. Holland, 1370 Scott ave. Phone Winn. 1954. 12L'TN34-1tc WANTED GIRL TO HELP WITH housework and baby, small house and family. References required. Ph. Winnetka 311. 12TN11-1te WANTED EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for general housework. 2 in family. Ref. req. Wages $25.00. Tel. Winnetka 2497. 12T11-1te WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework ; no laundry; good home. Near Hubbard Woods station. Tel. Winnetka 1587. 12T11-1te WANTED CAPABLE GIRL FOR SEC- ond work and care of 2 children, good home. Call Winnetka 753. 12TN11-1te WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL, PROTES- tant; to assist with housework; 2 in family. Phone Winnetka 2616. 12T11-1te WANTED GIRL FOR PART DAY OR 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE (COLORED) DAY WORK -- HOUSE- cleaning; yard work; rugs cleaned; laundry done at home. serving parties; actual service on any occasion. Colored couple wants posi- tion as cook, chauffeur and house man; willing to leave city through summer. Reference. J. E. Steens. Phone Kenil- worth 1088. 16LTN33-tfe SITUATION WTD. -- PROFESSIONAL architectural draftsman. I. C. S. stu- dent desires drafting work to be done in own home in Wilmette. Very pro- fiicient in mathematics. Care of Wil- mette Life A-890, 14TN34-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- LICENSED COL- ored chauffeur, 14 years exp. Highly recommended. $35.00 per week. Tel Boulevard 9540, Arthur Bullett. 14LTN34-1tc EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAN AND gardener, can drive; A-1 reference. Phone Glencoe 1044 after t Pp. m. 14LTN34-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- WORK IN HUB- bard Woods by the day; house and lawn. Phone Winnetka 2512. 14T10-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED white man; housecleaning and gar- dening. Phone Highland Park 797-R. 14T9-2tp GARDEN AND HOUSEWORK WANT- * ed by the hour or contract. Tel. Win- netka 2644. 14TN11-1tp Cooking; |* call and deliver same. Tel. Glencoe 856. 15TN11-2te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- COLORED couple wants position as cook, chauf- feur and houseman. A-1 references. Call Atlantic 2717. 16TN11-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Antiques WALNUT DROP LEAF DINING ROOM table, side table, corner cubbard, 4 chairs perfect order, 6 stencil chairs, walnut, mahogany, cherry and curley Maple chest of Drawers, oval back arm chairs, twin maple spindle beds and several odd beds, maple slant top desk, also one in walnut. Many other interesting pieces. 808 Oak street. Tel. Winnetka 145. 17TLTN34-1tc FOR SALE -- OLD MAPLE CHAIRS and tables: old stenciled furniture; rare old glass; pair of original Dol: phin candle sticks; line of charming lamp shades. -312 South -ave., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 732. 17LTN34-1te FOR SALE -- FIVE-TUBE DE FOR- rest demonstrator; big console model; original selling price, $150. Will sell complete for 875.00. Radio Service Shop. 18 Prouty Annex, Winnetka. 17TN11-1te SALE -- ANTIQUES; PINE blanket Chest. Drop leaf cherry ta- ble. Cherry bed-side table. Pair Hitchcock chairs, Spool beds and wash stands. Winn. 462. 17TLTN34-1te BEFORE MOVING (TO CALIFIRNIA we wish to sell surplus furniture and draperies. 435 Sheridan Rd. Telephone Winnetka 1147. 17TN11-1tp FOR SALE -- SET OF 6 MAH. DIN. rm. chairs. Phone Winnetka 462. 1TLTN34-1tc EE -------------- I -- 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- FOR anston, Ill. Phone. Univ. 189. : 18SLTN11-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily, Tues., Thurs, Sat., 8 p. m. P1500 Willow Rd. Tel 'Winn. 1212. 18LTN26-tfe whole day. Upstairs work and look | AS GARDENER OR ASSISTANT ON after children. Tel. Wilmette 401. large estate, Address Winnetka Talk | -------- 12TN11-1tp A-891. 14TN11-1tp | 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- NEAT COMP. WHITE SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. MAN S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER girl, general housework. One fond of wishes garden work. Tel. Glenview | HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, children. Ph. Glencoe 1282, 26 R-1. 14TN11-1te magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. 12TN11-1te Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19LTN34-1te WANTED -- HOUSE AND LAWN WANTED GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED work; also odd jobs. Call Wil. 3428, | HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S woman as mother's hlper in 8 14LT32-tfe clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1351. home. Call Glencoe M66. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G-- . - 19LTN33-3 12TN11-1te | 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 20 AUTOMOBILES COOK AND DOWNSTAIRS WORK. ~ Experienced, white, good wages, no laundry. Ref. req. Kenilworth 2104. 12L/TN34-1te WANTED POSITION--ENGLISH GIRL 25, wishes position in gentile family as nurse maid or 2nd work. Kitty Gil- lard. Tel. Winnetka 1379. 15TN11-1te ---- FOR SALE--PACKARD TOURING. model 21; A-1 condition. $350. Call Winn. 165 or Univ. 6455. 20LT34-1tc first-class condition. A real bargain at $35. Just the thing to preserve a record of the family and kiddies. Phone Winnetka 1724. 21T11-1te FOR SALE--PERENNIAL, BIG HARDY plants; also pansies in bloom. 50¢ per doz. Call after 5 p. m. Sat. all day. 424 Prairie Ave. or Tel. Wil 2227. 21LT32-3tp FOR SALE -- LADIES TAILORED navy blue tricotine suit. Very good condition, like new, very reasonable. Tel. Winnetka 2557. 21LTN34-1tec FOR SALE -- CHEAP LARGE BOHN Syphon refrig.; best offer. 1011 Hub- bard lane, Hubbard Woods. LTN34-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE BRASS FIRE- fender, floral design. Also canvas porch swing. Phone Winnetka 955. 21TN11-1te FOR SALE -- CHINA CABINET, child's bed and velocipede. Tel. Glen- coe 1226. 21TN11-1te FOR SALE--DRESS, SIZE 34; new. unsuitablé to owner. Winnetka 645R. 21T11-1te FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT, TABLE, leather couch, bedroom set. Glencoe 627. 21TN11-1te SLIGHTLY WORN LADIES D coats and hats. Winnetka 1787. s 21LTN34-1te FOR SALE--BLACK ANGORA CAT, cheap. Call Winn. 821. 21T11-1te 22 FINANCIAL WE LOAN MONEY AT LOWEST rates on Evanston and North Shore properties. ix Hokanson & Jenks -- £00 Davis St. Greenleaf 1617 22LTN25-tfc 23 PERSONAL = AM DRIVING EAST JUNE 5; can take one or two ngers; references. Call Glen. 1283. 23LTN34-1te ---------------------------------------------- 24 LOST AND FOUND - LOST--IN WINNETKA, MAN'S KNIFE, gold with platinum trim. Tel. Winnetka 2273. 24TN1l-1tc FOUND--WRIST WATCH ON LINDEN Ave. Call Winnetka 309 after 5. ATID 26 GARDENING PLANTING. CARE OF LAWNS, COM- plete garden service. Edwards & Lindberg 917 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 885 26T10-2tp 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE ANTTQUR WIRNITTURE REPAIRING and refinishing, upholstering, The tresses renewed. Fred Nitto, Central Ave. Phone Wilmette wg Ry