A May 22, 1926 WINNETKA+TALK a GNA AA A = -- me ------------ amin The Safe, Sanitary Way to Dispose of Garbage and Rubbish --in the Home Incinerator Why tolerate a filthy garbage can Home Incinerator offers -- con- in your back Jord---- and a messy venience, cleanliness, sanitation, rubbish barrel in your basement? safety. What modern convenience Get rid of them both! Keep your can give you 50 much? backyard clean and invitin, akeita Ihe Home Incinerator can be quickly safe place for children to Py Havea installed. Requires little room in the clean, orderly basement, too, free from base qment. C ie Som kischan 40 all accumulations of waste paper mcinerator 15 Phuo » Jasoperated. and rubbish, safe from the fire hazard. Economical. Absolutely safe. Sim. ple, trouble-free. Burns up garbage Think of the many advantages the completely. No smoke or odor. Come in today and let us demonstrate its operation. NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY TELEPHONE WINNETKA 80 "The HOMme cineratoR