2 EM -- June. 5 1926 WINNETKA TALK 45 In Recital Miss Ethel Lyon, associate director of the children's department of American Conservatory of Music, present her north shore class on urday, June 5, in the following gram: 1. Daffy-down-dilly ............ Cramm Clatter,Clatter. ........ce... Twinkle, Twinkle ............ Cramm Louise Keckley 2. Sleep 'SONE ui.i.. idk sae Gaynor Garden of Flowers .......... Smeltzer NR A EB Sars ves smn dtins vd enmeins Gurlitt i Harriet Pearl 3. Duet--Peasant's Dance The ".Brooklet Roger Ballard rE OT 20 cv ta ta es sana sips iarine Gurlitt What. the Clock. Says .......... Lyon Ruth Smejkal Gaynor vents Gaynor Louise Keckley and Roger Ballard Peter; Peter .............7...Mokrejs rn Ie Cramny --- Victory March ,..:ezsevsseves Weiaig Richard Preston Polish Date: Shae ston nes veins | English Country Dance ....Krogman Marion Steinberg March--The Three Musketeers..Robyn | Valse Grazioso ............. Bentley Natalie Rudeis tondelay Helen Parsons Columbine Waltz ..........cu00 Scott ; Minuet' .<... upp ei inn. ui... Mozart MH. Amy Massover | Autumn ALo Bed-the' J 2. .... Jugs ee on Lyon Under'-the Pines '............ Dutton | 18 Marion Thomas | The Grasshopper and the Dwarf.... | PINAL APBEALAN PVL 9 EE RTS Lyon Phe. Teddy-bear ....... Weidig One Who Comes from Foreign Climes FRR ARERR Ml Dp FWP Weidig | Consolation Mendelssohn | George ¥riestedt | 1 Thé Brownies' Party ......A5.. Lyon | 19. | { | PEIN NZ, .... rapes i hnen Grieg | Rond@letto "<u. lv. iis Lynes | Amy Starek Minget in G Major ...... Beethoven Merry. Games ;....%......+. Weidig Charlene Shafer 15. RELY Say Dutton | 16. tobin Hood and His Merry Men PY TE TEA Sp TL Osgood The Happy Lovers (from Cinderella BUIUEY is ue coppers vias iiss san iiesn Lyon Sonata in .C Major ........ Mozart Ruth Munday Feu Follet in F. Minor Angeline Drake Feu Follet in ID. Minor Album Leaf in A Minor .. Gretchen Englander Rogers .:.. Rogers ..Koelling SRALCH 4 contest vhintsias +s smies s+ » Lyon March Mignone. ..........s Poldini Audrey Juthmann BWIng. BONE vss ssisnsnvess Corriel Boat Song .,.... Corriel | itterpios -........ Grieg | Helen Harrison Fugue in 'E 'Minor ............ Bach POONA: i iri isis divs side Chopin The Nightingdle ..........%. Liszt Rondo Capriecioso Mendelssohn Harriet 'Parker | Mrs. Irving Odell of 855 Hill road, | her three children, and her mother, | Mrs. Jamieson, leave June 15 for East Brewster and Cape Cod, Mass., for the | Bir@-Cal) di vde¥ cic rvivans Robyn entire sunimer. Vacation Season Starts for Rev. T. A. Goodwin Rev. Thomas A." Goodwin leaves Monday of next week for Wisconsin where he 'will spend'his vacation. Mrs: Goodwin and her mother, Mrs. John Reynolds, left two weeks ago for their summer home at Waupaca. Mr. Good- win and his father, E. M. 'Goodwin of Chicago, will motor to Minneapolis, and then back to 'Waupaca. Mr, Good- | win's vacation will be interrupted by a 'week of service as dean of the young people's 'conference at Tower . Hil, Mich., June 16 to 22. "After that he will 'return to Waupaca for the bal- ance of his month's vacation. Begin- ning July 18 he will preach morning and evening at the Congregational Church in Winnetka, during the ah- sence of the Rev. James. Austin Rich- ards. VAAN mW rrr Wee / // //- ry ceil f 2 a a wy A v W hen an ice Cream dealer shops for a bargain price on a delicacy that goes into your stomach, is he a good dealer to go to? Hydrox Agents pay the most to give you the best. Certainly they are de- serving of your patronage. There Is a Hydrox Agency Near Your Home RARER Hy = LE DAIRY PRODUCTS CORPORATION =F