June 12, 1926 WINNETKA TALK . 13 Advanced Features Filter - Gasoline Filter - Remarkably Oeics Vision - V Windshield Dash Gasoline - Strong, Rigid Frame Heavy, Fier Rig! Cralabal Special Vibration 4 Hupmobile Six Sedan, five-passenger, four-doer, $1388. Coupe, two - Penge, with rumble seat, 388. Touring, five - passenger, $1325. tan ry Judes 30 x 5.25 balloon tires, four-wheel brakes, All prices £. o. b. Detroit, plus revenue tax. Hupmobile Eight Sedan, five-passenger, $2345. Sedan, Berline, $2445. Coupe, two-passenger, with rumble seat, $2345. Roadster, with rumble seat, $2045. Touring, five-passenger, $1945. Touring, seven-passenger, $2045. All prices f. 0. b. Detroit, plus revenue tax. rv Our used cars are good buys; -- not only because they are bargains, but also because they are sold with your complete satisfaction GAT v as TZ This High Praise Your Guide Everywhere within the industry mi among the public fun relly knows motor cars--the Hupmo- bile Six is spoken of as a definite engineering advance. It is smarter and sa in action than any six at anywhere near its price. A real beauty, too, in line and in finish--a big-value, four-door, com- pletely equipped sedan that looks performs far above its price. HUPMOBILE Hanson Motor Co. 557 Chestnut Street Winnetka Phone Winn. 330