i I OS EB June 19, 1926 WINNETKA TALK Heavy Snows of Spring Fatal to Many Evergreens The cause of the demise of so many evergreen trees on north shore lawns this spring has been somewhat of a mystery to many. Thomas J. Lynch, the tree specialist, at 564 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, at- tributes the cause to the heavy snow which came late this spring, followed by the unusual freezing and thawing weather. Nurseries also report a very heavy loss, he says, of Globe and American arbor vitae from a similar cause. It is also noticable, he says, that the foliage of the maple and other trees, have, in some cases, been affected by the un- usually high winds, this spring. Mr. Lynch also called attention to a small insect which has made its ap- pearance and which is known as a "twig pruner," and which is responsi- ble for so many small twigs falling to the ground. This insect, he says, is especially active in the horse chestnut trees. Mr. Lynch explains that the only thing that can be done in this case is to gather up the twigs and burn them. He says the insects will work for about two weeks and will then disappear. He says there is no cause for alarm in this connection. Squirrels are also busy at this sea- son of the year, especially in the elm trees where they feed on the seeds. The squirrels cut off a great many twigs in the elms, just now, Mr. Lynch explains. GIVE DINNER-DANCE Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Galloway, of 822 Monticello street, Evanston, gave a dinner-dance at Sunset Ridge Country club, Monday evening, on the occasion of their tenth wedding an- niversary. It was a most delightful af- fair in which forty of their friends participated. Dr. and Mrs. Galloway will very soon begin the erection of a new home on Private road, Hubbard Woods. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Bradstreet have been spending the past week at Ithaca, N. Y,, in order to enjoy the festivities in connection with commencement at Cornell university, where their son, Brownell, graduates with the class of 1926. They will visit Mrs. Bradstreet's father at Morrisville, N. Y., and then spend a few weeks at Sound Beach, Conn., with Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Hoyt, Jr., formerly of Winnetka. ---- Mr. and Mrs. O. I Eilertson, 1092 Ash street, and Miss Hilda Lee, left June 18, on a 300 mile drive to Stough- ton, Wis. They will attend the wed- ding of a family friend living in Stoughton. Year From Today What will your Car be worth Then? Or inTwo Years? Or in FIVE ? These vital questions create no worry in the minds of Dodge Brothers owners. Six, eight and even ten years of faith- ful service--with mileage running well into six figures--is not an uncommon record for Dodge Brothers Motor Car. In fact, 90% of all the cars Dodge Brothers have built are still in service --an astonishing record, when you think of it--and ample justification for Dodge Brothers well known slogan -- Long Life! New Car Prices Touring Car Roadster Coupe Sedan $ 860.50 2h 859.50 911.50 $1017.50 Delivered WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 165 Winnetka DopDee BROTHERS MOTOR CARS ANNOUNCEMENT! For the past four weeks I have had associated with me, Dr. Geo. A. Stone. Dr. Stone has had five years of prac- tical experience with Dr. Nordland of Minneapolis who is regarded as one of the leading optometrists there, and for the past year Dr. Stone has conducted the office of Dr. Haustein of Red Wing, Minnesota, during the latter's ill- ness. Our methods of examination are similar . . . our aims and ideals regarding the conservation of sight are the same. We believe it will be to our mutual advantage, and serve the interests of our patrons better by working together, and consequently have formed a partnership. Hereafter we will use the joint name of Drs. Bersch and Stone. Dr. Stone will devote his entire time to the Wil- mette office. The patients vvhom I have served I commend to the care of Dr. Stone, feeling sure they will receive painstak- ing care and the same personal interest I have tried to give. Those who wish my personal service can arrange for an appointment by calling on, or phoning, Dr. Stone. Yours sincerely, O. H. Bersch, O.D. 1178 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2766 (Central Standard Time) Clean, Comfortable Cars Parcel Racks for Shoppers WINNETKA-CHICAGO Through tickets also sold, sleeping car reservations made and baggage checked Ticket Agent--M. H. LIEBER--Telephone 13 SOUTH--WEEK DAYS Leave | Leave | Arrive Leave | Leave Winnetka|Indian Hill] Chicago Winnetka|Indian Hill] Chi: AM. A.M. AM. 5.03 8 PNNNNNOOOnOOnnH 2EQNRRBABERRNEI8Y POONNNNNNNNOnnno HBAS REBVRBISRKY 4 SOUTH--SUNDAYS Leave | Leave | Arrive Leave Winnetka Indian Hill Chicago Winnetka 28RBTLABERLL SERS wz ° A Except Saturday. A.M. time in light figures. P.M. time in heavy figures. HOLIDAY SERVICE --On Christmas, New Year's, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day and Thanksgiving, SUNDAY SCHEDULES will be in effect. NC Similar excellent servi rthbound NORTHBOUND Smijsr exellent servies norfibgun Effective Juné 11, 1926--Subject to change Rh ba