WINNETKA TALK June 19, 1926 I" Summer Is Moth-Breeding Time! We guarantee extermination by our Plymetl Airtight Fumigation Vault Process . PARTIAL PRICE LIST including cartage from and to the home Chicago to Lake Forest 3-piece Suite, (1 Davenport, 2 chairs) $25.00 2-piece Suite, (1 Davenport, 1 Chair. 20.00 Single Davenport"... ..0.. .... 0. 15.00 Single Chaired... tito nn inien on 10.00 TwoChairs oo enn Tien 15.00 other prices on request LAKE MICHIGAN Figures represent dist ence mn miles From EvansTon for furnitu re for rugs and tapestries for clothing Mets LIFE can today be totally destroyed by our process. This vault is the same as is now being used by the United States Government Department of Entomology, Washington, D. C,, and this system has their approval. We absolutely guarantee to destroy moths, moth larvae and moth eggs, and all insect life by this treatment. The articles to be treated are brought to our plant by our trucks, and placed in the fumigating vault. Our special fumigant is placed in the receptacle in the vault, which is closed and locked. Being airtight, our fumigant diffuses into a gas which is deadly to all moth and insect life, penetrating through rugs, clothing, upholstery, overstuffing, etc. Here goods are allowed to remain for twenty-four hours, after which they are removed, vacuum cleaned by our special process, and returned to you absolutely sterile and clean. This process has no effect whatever upon the finish or covering of fine furniture, and will not injure the most delicate fabric. IREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES STORAGE -- MOVING PACKING -- SHIPPING Warehouses at Winnetka -- EVANSTON -- Highland Park -- Telephones -- University 9300, Wilmette 1332, Winnetka 1332, Highland Park 18]