WINNETKA TALK June 26, 1926 | Permanent Wave $15 Even the most discriminating women may feel assured of satis- faction. Our waves last. Alice Beauty Shop 522 Linden Street Winnetka 800 -- Phones -- Wilmette 235 A Good Time for All Dancing! Every Saturday and Sunday Evening at the SKOKIE INN Willow Road West of Winnetka Refreshments and Sandwiches 2,000 AT MASONIC DEDICATION SUNDAY Former Governor of Minnesota Is Among Speakers at North Shore cemetery Event Last Sunday was a red letter day in the history of the North Shore Ceme- tery. The management has not here- tofore arranged for public meetings in observance of Memorial day, dedica- tion exercises or corner-stone laying. Last Sunday's event was to dedicate the new Masonic memorial which now stands in the center of the Masonic section and is a land-mark for many miles around. The monument 1s of Mountain Airy white granite designed by a 32nd degree Mason. It follows closely the Classic School of Doric architecture which reached its highest state of perfection during the age of Pericles of Ancient Greece, 2400 to 2500 years ago. This memorial to Ma- sons who have gone before consists of a massive base, the platform of which is reached by three steps in solid gran- ite. Although this base is 20 feet long and 6 feet wide it is composed of only two blocks of granite, the one next to the concrete foundation weighing 24,000 pounds. Resting on the base are three great fluted columns 3 feet in diameter and rising high in the air. Surmount- ing the columns is the architrave which contains the emblems of Masonry on the easterly front and, on the westerly front, the deeply reverential inscrip- tion: "To The Glory of Almighty God And In Memory Of Those Who Havé Passed The Unseen Portals." The cap- stone alone weighs 29,000 pounds. This is said by well- traveled people to be the most beautiful and imposing Masonic monument to be found in any cemetery there is nothing equal to it in any American cemetery, whether represent- ing fraternity principles or not. Preseding the regular program the Elk's band of Waukegan gave a con- cert of sacred music from the spacious platform at the base of the monument for nearly an hour, while President John Western and his wife entertained those who were to take part in the regular program and some other friends. Promptly at 2:30 o'clock, as announced, the exercises began. The following program was carried thru: Singing of "Onward Christian Soldiers' by the audience led by A. C. McNeill and the Elk's band. Seripture reading and prayer by Rev. Howard Gantser, 13th chapter of First Corinthians. Singing by audience with the accom- paniment of the band, "0, for a Thou- sand Tongues to Sing My Great Re- deemer's Praise." Remarks by President John Western. | Mr. Western expressed his appreciation for the presence of the Sir Knights of the Waukegan Commandery Knights Templar in full unifrom, also for the aid of all persons who had so cordially assisted him in making the occasion a success. . Amongst other things he said: "The spirit of North Shore cemetery repre- sents life in all its beauteous forms. The spirit of North Shore cemetery repre- sents the co-operation of the highest art with nature." He cited the fact that they had met to dedicate a memorial shapen in the art of 25 centures ago to express the culture and prosperity of the present day. Selection by band. Address by Hon. A. O. Eberhart, for- mer governor of Minnesota, but now a Chicago business man. Hymn by the audience and band-- "Come Thou Almighty King." Short addresses by Frank Fowler, sec- retary and manager of the Chamber of Commerce of Waukegan and North Chi- cago; and Charles O. Armes, Commander of the Waukegan Commandery Knights Templar. Hymn by audience and band--'Crown Him With Many Crowns." in this country. Short addresses by Fred Shatswell, Indeed, it is probably safe to say that | master of Waukegan Lodge No. 78: Scotch Grain Returns in Smarter Patterns! Touring? Before taking that auto trip it may be a wise move to have some experienced mechanic "go over" your car. That experienced mechanic is to be found right here in this shop. That ever popular leather for men's shoes, Scotch Grain, is with us again this season. But the stvles are smarter than ever. The charges if any will be very New broad toes, smartly patterned to make vour moderate. feet look their best. And priced 'way below what you'd ordinarily expect to pay. Edmonds Foot-fitter $8.50 We are now showing the Original Boy Scout Hik- ing Shoe, $5.00. Winnetka Shoe Store Quality Repairing YES! WE DO GREASING. Johnson Motor Service Firestone Tires 804 Elm St. 806 Oak St. Phone Winn. 2048 Phone Winn. 694