30 WINNETKA TALK June 26, 1926 S ANAS ANAS LE SS LE LE RJA ff SOA J A AAT fA Tf, NG IN X Av, AAT JA JA JAY JA JAY SRT ST BT VAN A AN STN % Imporied Inlaid Sewing Trays Hipp & Coburn Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths 7 SN 7 YN VY X72 7 PN / 915 Marshall Field Annex Building a Main Floor, Wrigley Building 8 ' % Chicago N 7 Telephone (both stores): Randolph 2542 . 44 x 5 ; PATA CAE ATI TOOTS ACR ATR AAT RASARTRD & NONNNRNAN ANNAN CNN ANNA NONC | PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Street of Graduates Is Found in Wilmette The eight hundred block on Elm- wood avenue, Wilmette, claims a unique distinction--that of having the largest number of representa- tives in the graduating class at New Trier High school this year. The list includes Elizabeth DeBerard, 802 Elmwood avenue; Llewellyn (| Bowen, 80¢ Elmwood avenue: Fred- erick Schmidt, 827 Elmwood ave- nue; Hugh Campbell, 829 Elmwood avenue, and Elizabeth Mulford, 835 Elmwood avenue. Frederick Schmidt was president of the class of 1926. The same block on Elmwood ave- nue also claims another graduate in the person of Irving Heller, 808 Elmwood avenue, who completed his course at the Missouri Military academy. TO WED CHICAGOAN Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bisson, 1111 | Gage street, Hubbard Woods, an- { nounce the engagement of their sis- | ter, Marie Taylor, to Ralph S. Bucklin of Chicago. T. G. Windes, 244 Forest avenue, is making an extended business trip in the South. Besides visiting several large Florida cities, he has spent some ' a: Havana, Cuba. He expects to return within a few weeks. pin Mrs. Follette of New Orleans is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Patterson, of 370 Walnut street. She will remain in Winnetka for a number of weeks. --Os -John Roos, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roos of 491 Hawthorn lane, returned last week from Princeton university where he ' freshman year. | Married Saturday Photo by Borgfeldt Mrs. Harvey N. Bowen Miss Sylvia Turner of Wilmette be- came the bride of Harvey Newland Bowen, of the same village, Saturday afternoon, June 19. The bride and groom have gone to the woods of northern Wisconsin on their wedding trip, and upon their return, they will reside at 1314 Forest avenue, Wilmette. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE marriage of 'S. C. connected in Thomas J. The who is Evans, with Lyuch, village forester, to Miss Margaret Keimig of Chicago took place May 15, in Chicago. Mr. and business completed his | Mrs. Evans will make their home at 1005 Willow road, Winnetka. nm. nu Hn ny Another Reduction [$40 to $50 Tudor Sedan $ 545.91 Dpeivered Down Payment $156.00 Ww Balance $39.00 a month Coupe $535.57 Delivered--$156.00 Down--DBal. $38.00 a month Runabout $401.39 Del.--$119.00 Down--Bal. $29.20 a month Fordor Sedan $597.01 Del.--$170.00 Down--DBal. $42.50 a month CLOSED CARS IN GRAY -- PEROXYLIN FINISH