June 26, 1926 WINNETKA TALK LAUDS William Worsted, Winnetka Dealer, Looks On New Dodge Cars As Great Achievement . The Dodge Brothers are known the world over for one contribution of im- measurable importance to the automo- bile industry--successful production of the first passenger automobiles fitted with all steel open bodies and the first with all steel closed bodies. The im- portance of this achievement will, in the future, be regarded just as much an epoch in the automobile industry as the successful building of the first steel passenger coaches is to railway trans- portation and all-steel steamships to navigation. ? The Dodge Brothers, according to William T. Wersted, saw clearly the need for the all steel motor car. "And now the whole automobile industry," says Mr. Wersted, "has begun to recog- nize that the all-steel body is the auto- mobile body of the future. "It is entirely logical to look to Dodge Brothers motor car--on which have been devoted over eleven years®of con- stant effort toward improvement of this type--for the highest development of the art of building all steel bodies. The low graceful all steel closed bodies now displayed stand out as the crowning achievement. Afford Better Vision "The slender steel pillars afford breadth of vision heretofore unap- proached in closed car bodies, yet the strength and safety for which Dodge Brothers motor cars have become so well known are unimpaired. The method of welding and riveting the pressed steel body frame members and panels into one well-braced assembly insures absolute freedom from loose joints and squeaks throughout the long life of the sturdy body. "Substantial reduction in weight, in- REASONS for taking meals at the WINNETKA CAFE (1) Excellent Food We buy only the high- est quality. Our chef prepares the food so that it is most appetiz- ing. (2) Excellent Service Prompt, courteous, and efficient. (3) Moderate Prices You'll be surprised at the lowness of our prices. WINNETKA CAFE 730% Elm St. Phone 387 STEEL BODIES ! creased quietness, improved flexibility and smoothness, all are the results of adherence to the policy of constant re- finement. All these improvements have contributed toward increasing the safe- ty, driving ease and riding comfort of Dodge Brothers motor cars. "Adoption of color, a recent innova- tion with Dodge Brothers, Inc., is the subject of favorable comment by all who see the new cars. The deep luster of the blue and the gray lacquer con- trasting with the high gloss of the baked enamel on the fenders, appeals to everyone. The enamel and lacquer with very little effort can be kept look- ing like new throughout the long life of the car." A group of women are motoring to Elgin today to the Chicago Junior Boys' school, where they will present, at graduation, the picture Anita Wil- lets Burnham painted as a gift to the institution. Among those going are Mrs. Harry Lay, Mrs. Wiley Huddle, Mrs. Theodore Coyne and Mrs. Charles Aspenwall. ------ Miss Francis Ranney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal W. Ranney, 1011 Oak street, returned home from Smith college June 19, after visiting cousins in Providence, R. I. Duncan Studios 815 Elm St., Winn., Ill, Tel. Winn. 2272 Specializing in unusually attractive gifts for WEDDINGS -- COMMENCEMENT -- ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS -- BRIDGE PRIZES GOLF TROPHIES INTERIOR DECORATIONS Draperies -- Furniture Individual pieces as well as complete schemes. Pay us a visit and save yourself the trip to town. ANNOUNCEMENT Stunning new Cross leather articles for the equestrian and equestrienne. Half block east of station More than just a convenient and certain means of keeping Evans- ton and North Shore Cadillacs oiled and greased, it is also a con- stant, interested guardian of the condition of these automobiles. For, during the 500-mile visits which Cadillacs that are placed upon this schedule pay to the Service Department, a careful in- spection is made. Thus, without bother to their owners, Cadillac cars are kept in the condition which means satisfaction. EVANSTON BRANCH Al] -1 0A 1810 Ridge Avenue Evanston Has Your Car a Valet? The almost personal service com- prised in the Lubrication Sched- ule for Cadillac motor cars in Evanston and the North Shore is comparable to that of a gentle- man's valet. University 8600 Rogers Park 9133