i OT a eb WINNETKA TALK June 26, 1926 The Gory(ous) 4th DR. ARTHUR L. FORSTER (220 Woodland avenue, Winnetka) "L-0-0O-K out; O-o-h! I thought it was out! CRASH! BANG!! Get the doctor--quick!" _ Multiply that and similar exclama- tions by ten thousand and the answer is--Fourth of July. Burns, infections, | lockjaw, deformities, amputations, blindness its annual harvest. Last Fourth of July the toll was: 111 persons killed! 148 blinded! 1030 severely injured! 1,000,000 and over burned! It is only a short time to Fourth of July--the day when, as payment for a few mcments' hilarious sport (2?) thousands of unthinking folks injure |small fireworks frequently cause themselves for life. | greatest damage. Physicians of today seek to humane-| In spite of this, parents who would ly prevent as well as to efficiently heal. | be terrified to find their youngsters That is why I write this little message | Playing with a loaded shotgun do not to our parents urging them not to buy | hesitate to let them have firecrackers. fireworks or at least to rigidly super- |Statistics show that more persons die vise their children while celebrating. | from blood-poisoning resulting from We have accomplished a great deal | firecracker burns than from careless in reducing the casualties that mark | handling of shotguns. our annual celebration of the Fourth. | If adults, despite the records of When I was senior surgeon at a Chi- | thousands injured and hundreds killed, cago, hospital, twenty years ago, thirty- | wish to assume the risk of permanent Sid Datieps a in ition Bo | disfigurement or death from tetanus-- much remains to be done, as the above | that is up to them. But children, unable figures will testify. to think beyond the excitement of the Most deaths and injuries occur from | moment, should be protected. supposedly "harmless" fireworks. Dr.| I believe it is the duty of those who Cumming, surgeon general of the U. S.! know the dangers in small firearms to public health service, states in his an-|warn the public. And if this little nual report that small firecrackers, cap | contribution to that end will save just pistols, blank cartridges and other lone little fellow from deformity or the | death it will not have been written in vain. Moreover, there are so many other ways in which the Fourth can be fit- tingly celebrated, and they lack the elements of danger that characterize our customary method. Let us have them. Let us have explosions of ora- tory instead of powder, parades in the place of pistols. Then the Fourth will be safe and sane, just as patriotic and still more glorious. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE The lesson sermon at First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday morn- ing, June 26, wiil be "Christian Sci- ence." Services will be held in the Masonic temple at 708 Elm street, at 11 o'clock, and the testimonial meeting is held on Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. The Christian Science reading room at 526 Linden street, is open daily from 12 until 6 p. m. = ee fem NNN 2 3 =Y/ F you, the public, were to shop for your Ice Cream at some of the different sources where it is made instead of at the different stores where it is sold, you would get a clearer, sharper picture of just how much your Hydrox agent is favoring you. You would realize what it means to YOU to be pro- tected with Hydrox quality and purity--to eat Ice Cream rich with the wholesomeness of pure, sweet cream, sweetened with pure cane sugar and filled with the juicy goodness of actual fruits. You'd begin to realize, too, that this dealer whose policy will not tolerate a substitute for quality in the Ice Cream he buys for your table, isn't likely to tolerate substitutes for quality in the other things he buys to sell to you. Certainly you are only being fair to yourself when you favor the Hydrox Agent who is doing so much to favor you. N= : =i 11 DIVISION OF NATIONAL DAIRY PRODUCTS CORPORATION EG