Ld A WINNE TK A TALK July 3, 1926 NASP 735 Elm Street fo Soup Stam mer fervant- Just the heat needed-- and no more--applied to just the right spot--and nowhere else. how electrical appliances help to keep the house cooler in hot weather. Electric 4 Toasters - Irons * Waffle Irons, Fans 4 Grills and Percolators These are only a few of the every day necessities. Let us fill your wants. ~ Eckart Hardware Co. WINNETKA That's Phone Winn. 843-44 Girl Painfully Cut in Sheridan Road Auto Crash Miss Margaret Guthrie, 18 years old, daughter of John W. Guthrie, 2131 Ridge avenue, Evanston, was painfully cut on the head when the car in which she was riding collided with one driven by F. M. Cullen, 7645 Sheridan road, Chicago, last Sunday. The accident occurred on Sheridan road at Elder lane. Cullen had stopped his car at the signal of a policeman at the cross- ing, to permit pedestrians to cross Sheridan road, and the Guthrie car crashed into it from the rear, throw- ing the girl partly through the wind- shield. It was said that the brakes on the Guthrie car were defective. Miss Guthrie was treated by Dr. Albert Wales and was able to go to her home. PAY QUARTERLY DIVIDEND Stockholders of the North Shore Gas company received payment of their quarterly dividends this week for the period ending Wednesday, June 30. The company, which serves both Winnetka and Glencoe, as well as communities to the north, has been paying quarterly dividends regularly for several years. * SELLS AUTOMOBILES C. R. Lundquist, formerly with the real estate firm of Hill and Wheeler, 736 Elm street, Winnetka, is now sell- ing automobiles for George W. Peak, 917 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods, where Mr. Peak recently opened a Willys-Knight and Overland sales room and service station. ON BUYING TRIP Miss Grace Herbst of the Herbst Gift shop spent the past week in Grand Rapids, Mich., in the furniture market making purchases of interior decorations, for her store at 563 Lin- coln avenue, Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Banta, 1387 As- bury avenue, left Friday, July 2, for a trip through Colorado and Los Ange- les. Mr. and Mrs. Banta will be gone the entire month of July. While they are away, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brice of Chicago will occupy their home. 563 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, Illinois Unusual Values RE ------ | a. -- Telephone Winnetka 1811 MISS HERBST Annual July Opportunity Sale JULY 5th--15th As Always During This Sale a" Winnetka Real Estate Man Goes to England on 6-Weeks Vacation Arthur C. F. Gedge, of 1106 Elm street, Winnetka, left Sunday night for a six weeks' trip to Yarmouth, England, about 120 miles north of London to visit his mother whom he has not seen for almost seventeen years. He stopped in Virginia for a brief visit with an aunt, who is ill, and will sail this Saturday, from New York on the steamer Franconia. Mr. Gedge has been associated with the real estate firm of Hill and Stone, 543 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, for the past seventeen years and is looking forward to the trip on which he is em- barking, as one of the most pleasant vacation periods of his life. Burning Auto Provides Job for Our Fire Lads An automobile fire on Lincoln ave- nue, Winnetka, damaged the car of W. A. Pridmore, 485 Greenleaf avenue, Glencoe, Friday morning of last week to the extent of about $100 before it could be extinguished. Mrs. Pridmore was driving the car. She was a short distance south of Community House, when the kar burst into flames, caused, it is thought, from defective wires. G. M. Houren chief of the Winnetka fire department chanced to be on Lincoln avenue, north of Elm street and after turning in an alarm, also armed himself with a Pyrene extin- guisher a¢ the Wersted Motor com- pany garage and hastened to the fire with that. The department chemicals had to be brought into play, however, and it was necessary to shut off the gasoline lead line on the car before the fire could be entirely subdued. Group of Winnetkans to Picnic at Nearby Lake A large group of Winnetka people will spend the day, Sunday, July 4 at Gages Lake, west of Waukegan, IIL They plan to leave Winnetka early in the morning and spend the entire day picnicking and playing games. About twenty-five will drive, taking their children with them. Among those planning to go are: Mr. and Mrs. H. Paulson, 1155 Chat- field road; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Replogle, 910 Oak street; Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Sethness, 1015 Dins- more road; Mr. and Mrs. I.. Norman, 915 Oak street; Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Killian, 1348 Edgewood lane; Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Webster, 466 Provident avenue: Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jaedecke, 518 Rosewood avenue. PLANS FLOWER EXHIBIT Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, 175 Sheri- dan road, is in charge of the flower arrangement exhibit which will be held at the home of Mrs. Hermon B. Butler, 715 Prospect avenue, Winnet- ka, under the auspices of the Garden Club of Winnetka. The meeting and exhibit will take place Wednesday afternoon, July 7. FIREMAN ON VACATION Herman Bucher, of the Winnetka fire department, is among the many Winnetkans who are on annual vaca- tions at this time. Mr. Bucher, ac- companied by his brother, William Bucher, left Wednesday morning for Appleton, Wis.,, where they will re- maf until after the Fourth, with their brother, Carl. Bucher has a vacation of two weeks. Frank Stover, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Stover, 1183 Tower road is spending one month at Mercer, Wis., visiting in the home of Dr. Char- les E. Kahlke. Mr. Stover graduated from New Trier high school this June, and will attend Princeton university next year, : : [) 3 SO Mh @ PERISH TURD