July 10, 1926 WINNETKA TALK SM 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS 47 31 BUSINESS SERVICE WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL for general housework for two weeks, July 19th to Aug. 2nd. . Tel. Winn. 290 12TN18-1te KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENT Agency. Reliable domestic help sup- plied. Phone Kenilworth 1847. 12LTN41-tfc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl, general housework; 2 children in family. Good wages. Hofield. Win- netka 2149. 12LTN41-1te WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL OR woman for cleaning dress shop 8:30 to 10:00 daily. Phone Winn. 1780. 12TN18-1te WANTED -- NEAT, COMPETENT, white girl, general housework. New home. 3 in family. Call: Glencoe 1282. 12TN18-1te WANTED -- WOMAN FOR HOUSE- hold work from 8 to 12. Phone Win- netka 1690. 12T18-1te WANTED -- RELIABLE LAUNDRESS. References. Winnetka 1487. 12TN18-1te WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL, COMPE- tent to help in family of 2. Winn. 1733. 12TN18-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework experienced, or to assist. Glencoe 958. 12TN18-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL ASSIST with baby and 7-year old. Housework. Phone Winnetka 1977. 12LTN41-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENEKAL housework. 3 adults. Tel. Glencoe 697. 12LTN41-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID, EXPERI- enced. General housework. Good wages, Tel. Winnetka 58. 12LTN41-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; small family. Phone: Glencoe 961. 12LTN41-1te ------ 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD. -- COLORED. GEN- eral housecleaning, floors, windows, walls, ceilings; also small painting jobs. By day or hour. Reliable, N. S. References. O. R. Sims, Seeley 0437. Chicago. 14LTN41-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED gardener and all around handy man wishes permanent position or work by the hour or contract. References. Phone Winn. 639-W after 6 p. m. 14TN18-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- BY CAPABLE office manager. 9 years varied experi- ence in banking and commercial work. Graduate of Accounting School. Ad- dress Wilmette Life A-929. 14LTN41-1tp SITUATION WTD. --MIDDLE AGED man for general garden work. Room and board. Frank Gish, 1325 N. Dear- born St., Chicago. Delaware 7644. 14TN18-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- HIGH SCHOOL boy wants to cut lawns and do odd jobs. Phone Winnetka 604-J. 14TN18-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED gardener wants day and evening work. S. Hoogland, General Del, Hubbard Woods, III. 14TN18-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- STEADY POSI- tion with private family as private chauffeur. 5 years in last place. Ph. Seeley 7025. 14TN18-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR. 10 years exp. Willing to go out of town. Tel. Glencoe 1163. 14T18-1tp SITUATION WANTED WHITE, General housecleaning work. Address H. Wood, 1154 Central Ave., Wilmette. 14LTN41-1tp SITUATION WTD. --WORK BY DAY, house and lawn. Phone Weber, Wil- mette 2778. 14LT41-1te a ------ 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- WORKED IN Winn. best houses 1 yr. wish position SITUATION WTD. -- (COLORED) EX- perienced girl wants good position, gen- eral housework or nurse girl. Refer- ences. Wilmette 1058. 15LTN41-1tp YOUNG BUSINESS WOMAN WILL give domestic help or stay with chil- dren in evenings in exchange for room. Winnetka 1589. 15LTN41-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK, WILL call and deliver same. Give me a trial ; Mrs. Dennis; Glencoe 796. 15T18-1te SITUATION WTD. --TRAINED NURSE, experienced, wants work with baby, in Hubbard Woods, or Glencoe. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk A-942. 15TN18-1tp MOTHERS -- SUPERVISED RECREA- tion for your little folks. Call the "Sunshine Nursery," Winnetka 1138. 15T18-1te SITUATION WTD. -- (COLORED), EX- perienced maid will do general house- work. References. Call Wilmette 1058. 15LTN41-1tp SITUATION WANTED HOUSE- keeper with child 3 years old would like work in private family. Tel. Wilmette 682. 15LTN41-1te WTD. --DAYWORK OR Call University 6005. 15LTN41-1te SITUATION half days. SITUATION WTD.--COLORED, LAUN- dress. University 3399-M. 15LTN41-1tp --FOR WAITRESS Phone Winn. 415. 15TN18-1tp WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK, WILL call and deliver same. Phone Glencoe 856. 15TN17-2tc 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE (COLORED) DAY WORK -- HOUSE- cleaning; yard work; rugs cleaned; laundry done at home. Cooking, serv- ing parties, actual service on any occa- sion. Colored couple wants position as cook, chauffeur and house man; willing to leave city through summer. Refer- ence. J. E. Steens, Ph. Kenilworth 1088. 16LTN41-tfc SITUATION WTD. or work by day. 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- CHEST AND narrow chest of drawers. Reasonable and good condition. Tel. Winnetka 2000. 19LTN41-1tp AUTOMOBILES 20 FOR SALE -- CHEVROLET TOUR- ing car. New battery. Good general condition. Perfect mechanically. Ph. Winnetka 1196. 20TN18-1tc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS For Sale $50 MOTOR SCOOTER BICYCLE BRIGGS AND STRATTON MAKE, practically new, and in excellent con- dition. Has low cut frame built for girls' or boy's use. Passenger can stand on large aluminum footboard or in sit- ting position while riding. Cost $175.00 a few months ago. Will sacrifice for $50.00. Fred R. Haviland 102 Church Rd., Winnetka. Ph. Winn. 81 21LTN41-1te LADIES--YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corséette, more control than ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN36-tfp WANTED--CUSTOMERS FOR OUR new laid eggs. We deliver to you the year around. You can depend on good infertile eggs from us. Write to Beem's Poultry Farm, Zion, Ill. or Phone Zion 238-R. 21T18-tp FOR SALE -- SLIGHTLY WORN dresses in good condition. Reasonable. Sizes 36 to 38. Also 2 men's suits. Call Winn. 1106. 21TN18-1te FOR SALE--MEDIUM SIZED BAY Shetland Pony, gentle, fine condition. Price reasonable. Phone Kenilworth 1628. 21LTN41-1tp FOR SALE -- 2 TRUNKS, $5 and $2. Phone Winnetka 1911. 21LTN41-1te --_ WONDERFUL CHANCE FOR YOUNG couple. Will sacrifice beautiful furnish- ings for 4 rm. apt.; only used four months; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4- piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 'Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all; worth $2,000.00. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, Chicago. Tel. Sunny- side 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 17LTN40-3tp FOR SALE -- INTERESTING, AU- thentic antiques, including furniture, old glass and china, papier-mache boxes and screens, old hunting prints, pewter and luster, old hooked rugs, and lamp shades. Tel. Glencoe 732. 312 South Ave., Glencoe. 17T18-1te FOR SALE -- FULL SIZED HAIR mattress, library table, davenport and two chairs. Phone Glencoe 143. 17TN18-1te FOR SALE --ANTIQUE CHAIRS, MEL- odeon, 49 in. long, 1 Colonial dresser, 2 sofas. Winnetka 1733. 17TN18-1te FOR SALE -- ENAMELED BEDROOM set. 4 pieces. Very reas. Winn. 1721. 17LTN41-1te 1 -- -- -- ------_---- ---------------------------------------------- rr, --_ er rrr" Cu, 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN40-tfc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily. Tues., Thurs., Sat, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212. 18LTN40-tfc I ---- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS as laundress, chambermaid b. Will do plain cooking. Good Ref. Call Mon. Tel. Winn. 1363. 15T18-1te SITUATION WTD. --FAMILY LEAV- ing Winn. for month, July 15 to Aug. 15, wishes to place excellent maid for that time. General housework. Call Winnnetka 680. 15LTN41-1tc S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tit.s, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19T18-tfe HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN' clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1351. 19LTN41-4tp 22 FINANCIAL OFFER ME THE FLORIDA PROPERTY vou got stung on. F. Pavlik, Jr, 264 N. W. 52 Street, Miami, Florida. 22L.TN40-3tp 23 PERSONAL WANTED--A HOME FOR A BOY 16 vears old, near high school. Winnetka Talk, A-943. 23LTN41--tc WANTED--GOOD HOME FOR FE- male collie. 7 years old. Child's pet. Good watchdog. Phone Winn. 969. 23LTN41-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND WILL PARTY WHO FOUND POCKET book with the amount of nine dollars, Tues. noon betw. National Store, Elm St.,, to Sheridan & Cherry, please re- turn to 445 Sheridan, garage. Reward. 24T18-1te LOST--THURSDAY, JULY 1ST. BE- tween Wilmette and Winnetka, large old fashioned gold brooch; center of coral. Reward. Tel. Wilmette 801. 24LT41-1te LOST -- PAIR BOYS GOLD-RIMMED glasses, Fri, July 2, on or near Lin- coln Ave., Phone Winnetka 326. . 24T18-1tp LOST -- LADIES GREEN BATHING suit on Maple Ave. between Sheridan rd. and Elm St. Call Winnetka 2388. 24T18-1te LOST -- JUNE 30TH. BLACK SUIT- erase containing wearing apparel. 822 Bryant Ave. Tel. 2454. 24T18-1te TUTORING HAWTHORN SCHOO, Glencoe SUSAN D. STONE. Principal A SELECT SCHOOL FOR KINDER- garten and grade pupils. Small groups, short hours. Comprehensive curricu- lum. During July and August. Ad- dress: Andrews Allen, Glencoe. SOLTN41-tfe Address. REPAIRS NORMAN E. DALLY, 725 OAK ST. Bicycles repaired and rebuilt. Lawn mowers sharpened, grinding and elec- trical repairs. Prompt service. 31T8-tfe NEW BOOKS Books That You May Have Missed. London River by H. M. Tomlinson. "If the evening was one of those which seem longer than usual but still have far to go, it was once a custom of Millwall to find a pair of boots of which it could be claimed that it was time they were mended, and to carry the artful parcel around to Mr. Pas- coe. His cobbler's shop was in a street that had the look of having retired from the hurry and press of London, aged, dispirited, and indifferent even to its defeat, and waiting vacantly for what must come to elderly and shabby despondence. Each grey house in the street was distinguished but by its number and the ornament which showed between the muslin curtains of its parlour window. The house of Jone's had a geranium, and so was different from one neighbor's with a ship's model in gypsum, and from the other whose sign was a faded photo- graph askew in its frame. When 1 first visited Mr. Pascoe, as there was no window ornament to distinguish his place from the others, and his number was missing, I made a mistake, and went next door. Through a hole drilled in that wrong door a length of cord was pendant, with a greasy knot at its end. Underneath the knot was chalked 'Pull' I pulled. The door opened on a mass of enclosed night. Empty space was luminous beyond the cave. Becoming used to the gloom I saw chains and cordage hanging from the unseen rough. What was faintly the prow of a boat shaped near. Then out from the lumber and suggestions of things a gnome approached me. Y' want ole Pascoe? Nex' dore, guv'nor!" At that moment, in * the square of bright day at the end of the darkness, the apparition of a ship silently appeared, and was gone again before my surprize. That open be- yond was London River." Life's Minor Collisions by Frances Warner. "Minor friction is the kind that pro- duces the most showy results with the smallest outlay. You can stir up more electricity in a cat by stroking her fur the wrong way than you can by drop- ping her into the well. You can ruffle the dearest member of your family more by asking him twice if he is sure that he locked the back door than his political opponents could stir him with a libel. We have direct access to the state of mind of the people with whom we share household life and love. Therefore, in most homes, no matter how congenial, a certain amount of minor friction is inevitable. : "Four typical causes of minor fric- tion are questions of tempo, the brotherly reform measure, supervised telephone conversations, and tenure of parental control. These are standard group-irritants that sometimes vex the sweetest natures." The Francis Butlers have rented their home on Private road and are spending the summer in the East. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Everett I.. Harris are leaving Winnetka Wednesday, for Montreal to sail for six weeks of travel abroad. -- ] Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman, 515 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertain- ed a group of their friends at their Barrington farm the Fourth of July.