WINNETKA TALK July 17, 1926 Duncan Studios 815 Elm St., Winn., IIL Tel. Winn. 2272 Specializing in unusually attractive gifts for WEDDINGS -- ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS -- BRIDGE PRIZES GOLF TROPHIES INTERIOR DECORATIONS Draperies -- Furniture Individual pieces as well as complete schemes. Pay us a visit and save yourself the trip to town. Sprays --and-- Sprinklers Insure the beauty of your trees and plants by killing the worms that inhabit them. A sprayer will do the work effectively -- and can be handled by any member of the family. Specially priced during : July a 'Complete Spraying 3 equipment 'Twas Said:- A farmer had persuaded one of his town friends to accompany him in the two-wheeled cart on a jaunt into the country. The horse seemed to resent the stranger aboard and taking the bit between his teeth, bolted. "I say Bill," said the townsman, "I'd give five dollars to be out of this." "Don't be so free with your money," replied his friend; "you may be out for nothing in a min- ute." Figuratively speaking, you'll not be sorry that you climbed in our wagon when you buy hardware of us--we don't say that you'll get something for nothing, but we do claim that there's full value for every dollar you spend here and that you'll get lots of satisfaction out of every article from this store. If you want to journey on the high road to real economy you're welcome to ride with us. Quality Hardware--Prices the lowest. 735 Elm Street ~ Eckart Hardware Co. Phone Winn. 843-44 WINNETKA Hup Sales Show Increase for Ten Months' Period July will make the tenth consecutive month in which sales of Hupmobiles have exceeded those for the corre- sponding period a year earlier, it is revealed by O. C. Hutchinson, general sales manager of the Hupp Motor Car corporation, this week. During that period, Hupmobile production and ship- ments will have exceeded those for the corresponding months of 1924-1925 by approximately fifty per cent, with ac- tual sales to the public estimated as being from fifty-five to sixty per cent larger. Hupmobile shipments for the nine months ending June 30 were 37,995 cars, as compared with 24,738 for the corresponding period a year earlier. Sales for July are expected to ap- proach closely the company's June record, which reached the highest fig- ure in its entire history, and to exceed its months of March, April and May-- previous record months both for the company and its dealers throughout the world. "No changes are contemplated in either the Hupmobile Six or Eight," said Mr. Hutchinson, in commenting on the numerous model changes now being or about to be made by several other companies. "Both cars already have the benefit of wholly modern design and construction, making no alterations desirable. "We are about to announce a new body type on the eight cylinder chas- sis, but that model--a victoria--will simply augment our line and will not conflict in any way with any of our present ones." Miss Phyllis Ruf and Miss Florence Stevens of Kenilworth left Tuesday for Kansas City where they will visit Mrs. Ogden Cook. APPROVE PLANS FOR NEW FIRE STATION (Continued from page 1) story rebuilt from that point in a most artistic form of architecture. The first floor, or high basement, will be re- modeled to house the engine and other apparatus, boiler room, fuel room and work room while the main floor will be equipped for office and the men, for whom every comfort and conveni- ence will be provided. This will in- clude splendid sleeping quarters, steel lockers for clothing, baths, kitchenette, lounging room, in fact a home for the guardians of the village property who, by virtue of their office are compelled to be constantly on the job and alert for the call to duty. Mr. and Mrs. Malsby Forrest are now on a motor trip. Mrs. Forrest spent a week in Canada while Mr. Forrest fished in northern Wisconsin. Their small son and his nurse are staying in Barrington with Mrs. For- rest's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Reichmann. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Willis, 322 Warwick road, Kenilworth, and Lynn Willis are at home after a winter spent in California. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Cox, who occupied the Willis house last winter, have moved into their new home on Essex road. ---- Fred Rummler, Harold Tarrant and Bruce Thomas of Winnetka are tak- ing a motorcycle trip to Ocean Springs, Miss. They are expected to return sometime this month. --(-- A few Winnetkans will be guests at the ldincheon and bridge Mrs. G. V. Dickinson and Mrs. Arthur Jerrems of Highland Park will give Thursday at the Moraine hotel. Announcement The Genthner Market is now owned and operated by the PALACE MARKET CO. PALACE MARKET Vo ue 1145 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Li 2814 ®| 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston 2814 1 Fresh There will be no change Prime in the personnel of Dressed this new market -- the Beef . Broilers same men will give the Tenderloins courteous and pleasing service you have been receiving. All kinds of Cooked Meats, Fresh Butter and Eggs always on hand. 59¢ Ib. Fresh Dressed Stewing 328. SWEETBREADS CALVES LIVER LONG ISLAND DUCKS HOME MADE SAUSAGE 49¢ Ib. Legs Genuine Spring Lamb 42c Ib.