-- August 28, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 35 GALA PERFORMANCES gi as Maddelena, Miss Correnti, Mr.| On Thursday, night, "La Vida Breve," | her will be Jose Mojica as Paco. Dangle Mr. Saaniag, SL Coscia the Spanish opera which added to the | Others in the cast are Mme. Bourska- END RAVINIA OPERA oT: gllerman and 155. urass "| Ravinia repertoire this season has al- ya, Mr. D'Angelo, Mr. Defrere and cw \ Papi will conduct. ; : (Continued from Page 33) Thursday afternoon will be devoted | F¢24Y attracted three capacity audi-|Mr. Ananian. Mr. Hasselmans will ences, will be given in response to the |conduct. A feature of this opera is opened and which has been such a as usual to the Children's concert and | demand of hundreds of Ravinia pa- | the ballet with Miss Ruth Page and favorite that there has been over- |entertainment. The first half of the trons. This work, with its Spanish | Mark Turbyfill in Spanish dances. Pre- whelming demand for its repetition, is | program will be presented by the |libretto, its atmosphere and its superb |ceeding the performance an extraord- to be given on Tuesday night, August | Chicago Symphony orchestra, Mr. De- | characterization has been one of the [inary program will be given by the 31. This version of the Manon story | Lamarter, conductor, explaining the |outstanding features of the current orchestra under the direction of Mr. is not to be confused with Massen- | numbers to the children. The enter-|summer. It goes without saying that |Delamarter, which will be enhanced et's "Manon" which has been heard |tainment feature will consist of John | Mme. Lucrezia Bori, who as Salud, the |by three soloists chosen from the within recent weeks at Ravinia. "Ma- | F. Dewar's international dancers in a | gypsy girl, has swept her audiences off | favorites of. the Chicago Symphony non Lescaut" is the Italian version of | program of Scottish, Irish and English | their feet, will again be heard in this | Orchestra. These are Jacques Gordon, Abbe Prevost's celebrated tale, and |dances. Hugh Jamieson, bag-piper and | colorful part in which as actress and |violinists; Alfred Wallenstein, 'cellist Puccini has endowed it with all the | Mrs. H. Ladwig, pianist, will assist. singer, she stands supreme. Opposite |and Mrs. A. Conti, harpist. color and drama for which he is noted. | som Mme. Bori will again have the title role in which she reveals herself as one of the greatest actresses as well as one of the greatest singers of the operatic stage, while opposite her, as voung DesGrieux will be Giovanni Martinelli. This tenor has made this role famous and in it he utilizes his splendid lyrics as well as his dramatic voice. Others in the cast are Mme. Bourskaya, Mr. Mojica, Mr. Defrere, Mr. D'Angelo, Mr. Ananian and Mr. Coscia. Mr. Papi will conduct. Wednesday night, September 1, will bring another performance of that be- . loved coloratura opera, "Rigoletto" which holds high place in the affections of opera-goers of all classes. Miss Luella Melius will be heard as Gilda, a role especially adapted to her vocal an et t e style and which gives her every oppor- tunity for a display of her coloratura technique and ornamentation. Mario Chamlee will be cast as the Duke, in which he utilizes his magnificent lyric voice with telling effect in the many beautiful arias which have been allot- ted to thi t. Gius Danise is . AoE he EE a at Monthly tickets at the recently reduced rates are rhicl his ich voi barit finds : 3 . decidediporatetul co Wm and in Whith now on sale at the following prices: both his vocalization and his acting are outstanding. Others in the cast are Mr. Lazzari, as Sparafucile, Miss Pag- | Chicago STATIONS Roosevelt Rd-Adams reff) | [MPORTANT 10-Ride 25-Ride 60-Ride Linden Avenue. ....[$ 2.78 | § 6.00 | $12.00 Wilmette . ........| 294 | 640 | 1208 NOTE Kenilworth .... .. | 3.11 6.80 | 1222 Indian Hill... | 3.22 7.00 | 1235 Winnetka .. .... | 339 | 7.40 1235 : Hubbard Woods _..| 359 | 7.80 | 1242 Rates of fare to the following Glencoe | 385 840 | 1274 4 : Braeside =... | 416 | 900 | 1295 designated points on the Shore Ravinia uk is | sto | Taol Line Route and Skokie Valley Highland Park | 4.62 | 1000 | 13.40 Route ARE THE SAME, and Highwood 486 | 10.60 13.80 | Fort Sheridan .....| 5.00 | 10.80 | 13.380 tickets to one destination will Lake Forest. .. | 554 | 1200 14.46 : Lake Bluff | 592 1280 | 15.06 be accepted for transportation Great Lakes. . 5 no 13.80 | 16.44 . f 3 HAPPY, North Chicago det 631 | 1380 | lod to stations of corresponding North Chicago. 650 | 1420 | 16.44 : : : ACTIVE Waukegan ......... | 692 | 15.00 16.70 distance on either route as in- LITTLE TOTS Winthrop Harbor | $49 | 1840 | 1895 dicated: Niles Center .... | . Shore Line Skokie Valley Are they . . . who in (Dempster Street) | 328] 6.00 | 12.00 Harmswoods ..... 2.78 6.00 | 12.00 : this warm weather . . . Glenayre vi. 2 294 | 640 | 1208 Linden Ave, and Harmswoods get all their little "tum- Wau Bun ......... 322( 740. 1235 Wil suf Sud Slendvre . Northbrook ..... ... 3.85 8.40 12.74 ndian Hi an au-Bun mies' can hold of our Woodridge ....... | 429 | 9.40 | 13.01 Glencoe and Northbrook Akt ' = Briergate .......... 462 | 10.00 | 13.40 . . pure milk! It's nour Highmoor .... \ | 486 | 10.60 | 13.80 Ravinia Paik sad W aadriige ishing, health giving Sheridan Elms. .. 500 | 10.80 | 13.80 ighland Par and Briergate quit ives them th Sw EERE BREE : : Cena val x ! n Elms tireless energy their Libertyville 694 | 1500 | 15.72 Lake Forest and Skoki ile ........ he x N okie Manor playing desires. Mundelein ......... | 745 | 16.20 | 17.00 Keep Plenty on Ice! Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. PHONE 137 The high-speed electric ally-operated. railroad "WINNE TK A : ; SANITARY Winnetka Passenger Station DAIRY SO. Telephone Winnetka 963 Baggage Checked