a Edi Rl HC - August 28, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 11 HELP WANTED--MALE 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED -- SIX INEX- perienced young men be- tween the ages of 19 and 24 to sell well established nationally advertised Oil Burner, Ice Machine, and other household appliances out of two splendidly equipped stores on the North Shore. These are permanent po- sitions to Go-Getters with a splendid opportunity for advancement. We will train vou in our sales school which opens Monday, August 23rd, and you will be paid during the training period. We also have several openings for part time men. Apply in person at Ev- anston Office between 10 A.M. and 3 P. M. HOUSEHOLD DEVICES COMPANY Evanston Winnetka 1514 Sherman Avenue Evanston, Tl. 11LTN48-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE Floor Girls for Cafeteria EITHER PART OR FULL TIME. HIGH wages and pleasant working conditions. Apply Central Cafeteria, 1131 Central St., Wilmette, Illinois. 12LLTN48-1te WANTED -- COOK, WHITE, OVER 25. Competent. Scandinavian preferred. Small family. Good wages. References required. Winn. 414. 735 Sheridan Rd. 12TN25-1te HELP WANTED -- NURSEMAID, white, experienced. One year old in- fant and 4 year old child. Refs. re- quired. Winnetka 1137. 12TN25-1te HELP WANTED -- COMPETENT young white maid for general house- work. Refs. req. Phone Winnetka 1001 after 7:00 p. m. 12TN25-2tc HELP WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR general house work. Small family. No washing. Phone Winnetka 2495. 12TN25-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Sleep out. 227 Mary St. Hubbard Woods. Glencoe 1169. 12LTN48-1te HELP WANTED -- COMPETENT white girl for general housework. Smal; house, near transportation. Good wages. Tel. Winn. 680. 12LTN48-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, WHITE maid for general housework. Three WANTED -- EXP. WHITE MAID FOR general housework. Phone Kenilworth 1335. 12TN25-1te GOOD POSITION AVAILABLE FOR competent children's nurse. Phone Win- netka 2059. 12TN25-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework experienced or to assist. Glencoe 958. 12L.TN48-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR general housework. Good cook. Call Winn. 2226. 12LL.TN48-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID. Three adults. Phone Wilmette 928-W. 12LTN48-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- A MARRIED COUPLE for general housework. Good references required. Phone Winnetka 635-J. on August 30th, 31st, or Sept. 1. 13TN25-1tp BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH $3,000. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4- rm. apt.; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set: 4- piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave. near Sheridan Road. Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 17TLTN47-3tp ALMOST NEW DAY BED, NEW CAST aluminum skillet, pair of blue drapes, 54 in. dining table, buffet and 6 chairs, Humfrey instantaneous hot water heater, box couch, mahogany bookcase and upright piano. Tel. Wil- mette 3738. 17LTN48-1tc FOR SALE -- 2 WHITE IRON BEDS spring and mattresses. One mahogany music stand. Mahogany shaving stand. Child's velocipede. Child's crib and mattress. Oak rocker. Ph. Glencoe 1226. 17TN25-1tc WANTED -- COUPLE, BUTLER AND exp. cook, general housework. Tel, Kenilworth 2956, 13LTN48-1te Ii SITUATION WANTED--MALE EXPERIENCED CHAFFEUR, HOUSE- man, janitor, married wants high class apt. building or residence near lake. Best ref. Paul Reinhardt. 1636 race St., Chicago. 14LTN48-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED chauffeur and houseman desires posi- tion. Best of references. Call Whit- more, Glencoe 142. 14LTN48-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- GOOD DRIVING position wanted by reliable, experi- enced chauffeur. Phone University 3864. 14LTN481tp HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- ing, floor wiping, and odd jobs. Tel. Wilmette 3428. 14LTN48-tfe LAWN OR HOUSEWORK OF ANY kind wanted by day or hour. Tel. Wil- mette 2778, Weber. 14LT47-2te SITUATION WTD. -- (COLORED) chauffeur and houseman. Univ. 3309J. 14LTN48-1te SITUATION WTD. -- BY EXPERI- enced chauffeur. Best references. Tel. University 2759-R. 14LL.TN48-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE YOUNG LADY WITH KNOWLEDGE of kindergarten desires position as nursemaid about September 5th. Can furnish references. Experienced. Ad- dress Wilmette Life B-4. 15LTN48-2te HSKPR. MID. Boy 5 years. Good Cap. taking full charge. Adults Ref. Tel. Winn. 18. 15LTN48-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- YOUNG MAR- ried woman with child of 3 weeks. Light housework or upstairs and care of children. Reasonable. Best ref. B-11. 15LTN48-1te SITUATION WTD. -- NEAT, COLORED maid. Good cook. Serve nicely. Prefer adult family. Husband half days. Ph. Glencoe 329-W. 15T25-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED maid, colored. General housework with small family. Tel. Seely 6248. 15TN25-1tp SITUATION WTD.--GENERAL HOUSE- work. No laundry. Home nights. Refs. Phone Glencoe 639. 15TN25-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK. DO good work. Will call for and deliver. Glencoe 796. 15T25-1te SITUATION WTD. -- BY A GIRL TO SITUATION WTD. -- aged. Norwegian. cook. pref, in family. Good wages. Call Win- do general house work. Call Winn. 329 netka 1963. 12LTN48-1te . 15T25-1te WANTED -- A NURSEMAID FOR [SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED days only. Tel. Kenilworth 2956. 12L.TN48-1tc nurse $35.00 per week. Phone Euclid 4090 WwW. 15LTN48-1tp WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. 729 11th st., Wil- mette 1472. 12LTN48-1te WANTED --- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid, general housework. Best wages. Winnetka 58, 12LTN4¢8-1te HELP WANTED--MOTHER'S HELPER, Reliable. Fond of children. Tel. Win- netka 1913. 12TN25-1te HELP WANTED -- MAID FOR COOK- ing and first floor. Ph. Winnetka 2265. 12T25-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO CARE for child afternoons. 1089 Spruce St., Winnetka 17. 12T25-1te | FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS WISHES ~ bundle washings to take home. Univ. 1299, 15LT48-1tp 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD. -- YOUNG COUPLE desires position. Will do driving, gen- eral work, and cooking. E nced. A-1 references. Univ. 3453 16LTN48-1tp Ee ---------- 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- FINE CLARK JEWEL gas stove. Lorraine attachments, hand made oak dining table, 6 chairs. Glencoe 1146. 17LTN48-1te FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM SET, $25. Sun parlor furniture, reed, $20; mahog- any bed, box spring and mattress. Ma- hogany library table. Child's bed and bassinet. Bargain, leaving town. Ph. Winn. 670-W. 17T25-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL PAINTED living room furniture. Wicker sun porch set. Tile ice box. Large victrola. Breakfast set. Leaving city. Phone Glencoe 772. 17TN25-1te FOR SALE -- IVORY BEDROOM SET, living room chairs, couch, lamp, table, 1 walnut vanity dressing table, car- pets, stove, ice box, kitchen cabinet etc. Phone Winn. 1713. 17TLTN48-1te FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL MAHOG- "any player piano. Used very little. Like new. Cheap. Winn. 892. 17TL. TN 48-1te FOR SALE -- DAY BED, DOUBLE bed, spring and mattress. Phone Wil- mette 2590. 17TLTN48-1tp FOR SALE -- REFRIGERATOR, OAK white lined, excellent condition. $25. Tel. Winn. 2358. 17LTN48-1te FOR SALE -- GAS STOVE. CALL Winnetka 2645. 17LTN48-1tc FOR SALE -- METAL STANDARD lamp with silk shade. $7.50. Win- netka 1568. 17T25-1tp FOR SALE -- LARGE GAS STOVE, brass bed, sanitary couch. Good con- dition. Phone Winn. 1197. 17TN25-1te SALE -- DAVENPORT AND Cheap. Winnetka 861. 17TN25-1te SECRETARY DESK, MASON-HAMLIN piano upright and other furniture for sale. Phone Wilmette 904W. _ 17TN25-1te Sr-- EE -- » 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR baby's bed. 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- HAND V-BOTTOM 30 ft. cabin cruiser. Most completely equipped boat of its size on Lake Michigan. Sleeps six comfortably. 35 H. P. Kermath, splendid condition. Lavatory, electric light, compressed- air whistle, power-pumps, dinghy, etc. Inspection by appointment only. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ready for cruise at moments notice. Owner buy- ing larger boat. H. C. Crowell, Win- netka 229. 21LTN48-1tc LADIES -- YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corsette, more control than ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN48-tfe FOR SALE -- 1 NEW GRAY REED baby carriage, $15.00; 2 cribs, large and small sizes; 1 Underwood type- writer. Will sell very cheaply. Tel. Winnetka 1128. 21T25-1te HIGH CLASS MILKING GOAT, $3 value $8, 2 girls' bicycles, good riding condition, bargain; 1 De Paris cornet, $7; small snare drum, $3. Tel. Glencoe 323W. 21TN25-1te FOR SALE--MUSKRAT FUR JACKET, reasonable. Wil. 3206. 21LT48-1te 21A AUCTIONS AUCTION NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE OF Goods--Notice is hereby given to the following party and to all others that may be interested herein, that there will be sold at public auction at the warehouse of the Iredale Fireproof Warehouse, 560 Center Street, Winnet- ka, Cook County, Illinois, beginning at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the eighth day of September, 1926 to satisfy the warehouseman's lien, now held by the undersigned, against the following party, covering the goods, chattels, merchandise and all other effects and things which will then be offered for sale to the highest and best bidders in separate or bulk lots, as follows: Lot No. 5207 Samuel Tircuit Last known address: Box 61 Delivan, Wisconsin. Six chairs, Tea Cart and Tray, Dining Table. Rights reserved to reject any and all bids. TREDALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Dated, Winnetka, Illinois. August 23, 1926. 21AT25-1te 22 FINANCIAL FIRST MTG. LOANS UP TO $10,000. 6% Interest--21 % Commission. Will J. Bell, 69 W. Washington St.,, Tel. Rand. 3543 and Cent. 2579. 22LTN48-2te 23 PERSONAL WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ, 189. 18LTN47-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New--TUsed Open daily, Tues., Thurs. Sat., 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 18LTN48-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19T25-tic HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil, 1351. 19LTN45-4tp -------------------------- 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- CHRYSLER ROADSTER, Model 70, 1925. First class condition. Price $950. Matt Holappa, 1324 Scott Ave., Hu Woods. Phone Winn. 20L.TN48-1tp 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- REASONABLE; NEW 15 foot, double end pleasure row boat with oars. Suitable for or hunt- ing. $65. Apply H. L. , Park De Village Winnetka. Ey hl Wi 21TN25-1te GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY, ALL hand work. Call for and delivered. Tel. Glencoe 106. 23TN24-2te eee 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- WILL PARTY WHO TOOK girl's Pathfinder bicycle Lane Beach, Tuesday afternoon, re- turn same to 508 Cherry St. 24T25-1tp LOST -- WIRE-HAIRED FOX TER- rier puppy. White and tan spots. Ans. to name of Tim. Reward. Finder please call Winn. 1425. 24TN25-1te LOST--KEYS, MONDAY, WITH TRAV- elers Life Insurance tag and one key with number 814342. Reward offered. Phone Winn. 2424. 24TN25-1te LOST -- A BEAGLE HOUND PUPPY 3 months old in vicinity of Pine and Provident Sts. Reward for children's: pet. Phone Winnetka 2032. 24T25-1tc 26 GARDENING , LANDSCAPING Et Sh "Sema 100 FOR SALE -- POOL TABLE, 16 balls, 10 cues and rack. $60. Phone - 21LTN48-1te mette 1961. -- COOKING APPLES NORTH SHORE eS WINDOW & HOUSECLEANING CO. : Est. 1919. 2 Prouty Annex Phone Winn. 1994 27T25-tfe FOR SALE cheap at 833 Fifteenth St., Wilmette. Tel. 993-M. " 21LTN48-1tp Mere Want Ads on Page 40