24. WINNETKA TALK September 25, 1926 Society Will Hear Princess Famous Group Comes On for Benefit for Old People's Home By JEAN TEN BROECK The Princess Pat regiment has gone down in world history. The Princess Pat band, many times decorated, comes to Chicago Sunday. It will be hailed by many here for its famous self, for its music and for the purpose for which it comes, a benefit concert for the British Old People's Home. The band, said by the conductor of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra to be "probably the finest organization of its kind on the American continent" will not give the program alone. Kath- ryn Baird (Miss Canada), chosen from among 150 as the best and the most beautiful singer in Canada, and Gladys Graham, champion woman Scotch dan- cer and winner of 250 contests, will give special features of song and of dance. The concert, which begins at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon, is given under the auspices of the British Empire as- sociation, of which there are many members on the north shore. And wives of members of this organization, known as daughter of the British Em- pire, have two local chapters, the Cambridge in Wilmette, and the Wind- sor in Glencoe. WHHL NORE mn Club Language Classes Begin Early in October The language classes organized at the Winnetka Woman's club by mem- bers of the club, which will begin Mon- day, October 4, will prove of interest to many in Winnetka who have long been wishing for an opportunity to study their favorite foreign language. Classes in French, Italian and Spanish will be conducted, under the able lead- ership of Georges Cauuet of "La Francaise" in Chicago. Monday, October 4, classes will begin for advanced students in French. Thursday, October 7, classes for inter- mediate and beginners will be held. Wednesday, October 6, the Italian classes will commence. Everyone is invited to join the classes whether a member of thé club or not. Monsieur Cauuet or his trained native 'teachers, will conduct the classes. Be VUNG ne Meet at Afternoon Tea Members of the board of education, the board of the Parent-Teacher asso- ciation, and members of the faculty of the Winnetka Public schools, were en- tertained at tea in the home of Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard, 811 Auburn road, Monday, September 20, from 4 to 7. Mr. Ballard is the president of the Board of Education. Mrs. Ballard was assisted by Mrs. C. W. Washburne, Mrs. Laird Bell, Mrs. Frederick B. Thomas, vice presi- dent of the Parent-Teacher association, and by three members of the School board, Mrs. Maurice Lieber, Mrs. Nathanial Blatchford, and Mrs. Wil- liam B. Moulton. In this delightful way, the teachers and board members had the opportuni- ty of becoming acquainted with the new principal of Skokie school, S. R. Winnetka Man Weds in Cleveland Today The marriage of Miss Marguerite Rankin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rankin of Cleveland, Ohio, to David Roath Delay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. DeLay, 878 Oak street, Winnetka, will take place Saturday, September 25, at 4 o'clock, in St. Paul's church, Cleveland, Ohio. The Rev. Walter R. Breed will perform the ceremony. Following the ceremony there will be a reception in the bride's home for relatives and friends. The young couple will make their home in Cleve- land. Miss Alice Bruce will attend Miss Rankin as maid of honor. English Walling, 1094 Private road, Winnetka, will act as best man. Mr. Delay has been a resident of Winnetka for many years. He at- tended New Trier High school and the University of Michigan. Mr. Delay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. De- Lay, and Miss Virginia DeLay, left the end of the week to attend the wedding. From Cleveland, Miss Virginia will go on to Northampton, Mass., where she will enter Smith college. LCT TTT TE SU Married on Saturday The marriage of Miss Lucile Spell- man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Spellman of Lake Forest, to Ernest F. Hartshorne, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hartshorne, 1025 Oak street, Winnetka, took place Saturday, Sep- tember 18, at 4:30 o'clock, at the bride's home. Miss Wilhelmine Spellman, the bride's sister, attended her as maid of honor, and William Hartshorne, the groom's brother, acted as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Hartshorne will make their home at 943 Spruce street, Win- netka. Luncheon Opens Season The Winnetka Woman's club will begin its activities at 1 o'clock, Tues- day, October 5, with a luncheon, fol- lowed by a program. All reservations for luncheon must be made to Mrs. Marcus D. Richards, 1240 Tower road, telephone Winnetka 498, by noon, October 4. No reservations will be made or cancelled after that hour. LULL TTT TTT TUS Miss Judith Boddie of 325 Fullerton parkway, Chicago, daughter of Mr. an Mrs. John Boddie, formerly of Winnetka, entertained Saturday eve- ning, September 18, at a dinner dance at the Indian Hill club, in honor of Miss Margaret Quan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Albert Quan, 38 East Elm street. Miss Quan will make her debut on Thanksgiving day. TTT TTT | Winnetka chapter number 942, Order of Eastern Star, will have its first an- nual "Brother's Night" Monday eve- ning, September 27. There will be a short stated meeting first, and the evening then will be spent in entertain- ment for all Brothers. Tt is customary on this night, that the Brothers serve the refreshments. Brother William F. Greene has this in charge. All members are urged to be present. Former Winnetka Girl Bride of September 30 The marriage of Miss Katherine Newman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marc Newman, 1318 Hyde Park boule- vard, formerly of Winnetka, to Ed- ward Arthur Weil, son of Mrs. Lala Weil of the Shoreland, 5454 South Shore drive, will take place Thursday, Sententhes 30, at 7 o'clock at the Shore- and. Miss Newman will be attended by her sister, Miss Margaret Jane New- man, as maid of honor. Raymond Stein of Milwaukee will act as best man. After a wedding trip through Wis- consin, where they will "rough it," Mr. Weil and his bride plan to live at the Shoreland until spring. Miss Newman is a graduate of New Trier High school. She attended Northwestern university and the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Mr. Weil is a graduate of the University of Penn- sylvania, class of 1919. TTR TTT TTT Day Not Yet Decided for Marriage of Emily Scott The engagement of Miss Emily Carol Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods, to F. Langdon Hub- bard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Hubbard of Grosse Point, Mich., was announced this week by her parents. Miss Scott has been spending the summer at Charlevoix, Mich., at the Chicago club. Miss Scott, who gradu- ated from Miss Master's school, class 1923, spent a year in Florence, Italy, where she completed her education. In June, 1924, she made her debut at a garden party with her cousin, Miss Barbara 'Scott, who has since become Mrs. Donald Welles. ; No date has been set for the wed- ding. LUC HTH TTR Win Golf Honors The final results of the Indian Hill woman's golf championship are an- nounced as follows: the first flight was won by Mrs. Carroll C. Kendrick, 1303 Scott avenue, with the runner-up, Mrs. Hubert E. Howard, 643 Walden road; the second flight was won by Mrs. Alan C. Dixon, Indian Hill road, Win- netka, and the runner-up was Mrs. Horace W. Armstrong, 365 Sheridan road; the third flight was won by Mrs. Henry F. Tenney, 193 Chestnut street, d with the runner-up, Mrs. Edgar Stan- ton, 30 Locust road; the fourth flight was won by Mrs. James Henry Pren- tiss, 201 Cumberland avenue, Kenil- worth, and the runner-up in the fourth flight was Mrs. Montague Ferry, 419 Sheridan road, Winnetka. LLL TTT TT Marry Tonight This evening at 8:30 o'clock, at Christ church, the Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard officiating, Miss Catherine deWolf Lloyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eager Lloyd of Glencoe, and William Ward Clore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clore, 654 Cherry street, Winnetka, will be married. A small reception for the families and intimate friends will be held at the close of the ceremony, in the home of Mrs. George Forrest, Glenwood street, Glencoe. Margaret McCue and Perry Lieber Will Marry September 25 Margaret McCue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Washington ave- The marriage of Miss nue, Wilmette, to Perry William Lieber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, Winnetka, will take place at 8:30, Saturday, Sep- tember 25, at the home of the bride. The Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of the First Congregational church of Wil- mette will perform the ceremony. Miss McCue will be attended by Miss Dorothy Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall, 500 Central ave- nue, Wilmette, as maid of honor. Miss Hall was a Pi Phi sorority sister of Miss McCue at the University of Illinois, and is coming from Champaign to attend the wedding. The best man will be Frederick Fisher of Ottowa, Ill, a Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity brother of Mr. Lieber, who also is coming from Champaign. The list of ushers includes Frederick Armstrong of the Edgewater Beach hotel, Sumner Crossley, Wheaton, TIL, both of whom are brothers-in-law of the bride; Kenneth Cox, Chicago, and Keith Davis, Chicago, a fraternity brother of Mr. Lieber. Three little flower girls will be members of the wedding party. They are little Misses Betty and Peg Arm- strong, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Armstrong (Elizabeth Mc- Cue) of the Edgewater Beach hotel, and Miss Patsy Crossley, three-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Crossley (Loraine McCue) of Whea- ton, II. Beckwith Bronson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bronson, of Lake Forest, and Edward A. Biery, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Biery (Ruth Lieber) of Los Angeles, Cal, will act as ribbon stretchers. Miss Gretchen Stratton, sorority sister of the bride, will play the wed- ding march. Miss McCue and Mr. Lieber will be feted and dined until the day of the wedding. On Monday, September 20, Miss Elizabeth Kerr entertained twelve young people at a dinner bridge, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace W. Kerr, 709 Forest ave- nue, Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. McCue entertain twenty guests at a formal bridal dinner-dance at the Edgewater Beach hotel the evening of Friday, September 24. The last pre-nuptial affair given in the young people's honor is a lunch- eon Saturday noon, September 25, to be given by Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, for the family of the bride and the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue. The luncheon will be held at the Skokie Golf club in Glencoe. Out-of-town guests who have come to attend the wedding include Mr. and Mrs. George Van Dyke, formerly of Wilmette, who now live in Indianapo- lis, and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sheldon of Muskegon, Mich., former residents of Wilmette, who will accompany the bride's parents on a two weeks' outing to White Sulpher Springs, West Va. The McCues and the Sheldons plan to leave on Monday, September 27,