i September 25, 1926 WINNETKA TALK Home Cooking Expert Takes Hotel Kitchens Without the formality of an open- ing, Margaret Morgan, home-cooked- food expert, former manager of Glen Gables, Glencoe, and Loop tea rooms, this week with an experienced crew took over the Rogers Park hotel din- ing room to operate as her own. People have traveled far for Miss Morgan's chicken dinners, date cake, and always excellent menus. But her north shore patrons will appreciate especially so convenient a new loca- tion as the Rogers Park hotel. For once, it may be conjectured, a hotel bill of fare is to be made less formid- able. "Variety in foods will not be infinite but adequate," said Miss Morgan. "My rule is fresh food every day and at all times home-made rolls and pastries. Guests are encouraged to ask in advance for the preparation of fa- vorite dishes. Cold storage meats and food substitutes are barred from my kitchen." SISTER MARRIES Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loco of 1040 Cherry street, attended the wedding of Mrs. Loco's sister, Miss Pauline Graff, of Chicago, to A. W. Steele of Salt Lake City, Utah, which took place Wednesday, September 14, at the Edgewater Beach hotel. A reception followed the ceremony. The young couple left immediately after for a trip to Colorado. Mrs. Loco entertained for her sister before her marriage by giving a miscellaneous shower in her home. ---- Miss Vera May Ogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Ogan, 845 Locust street, will enter the freshman class of the Boston School of Physical Education, and left Winnetka this week to go to Boston. EVA KARON SCHUR Jos SHORE Ops = 1605 CHICAGO AVENUE" EVANSTON Paddy Driscoll Plays at Cubs' Park Oct. 10 Friends of Paddy Driscoll, Evans- ton's brilliant football player, will have an opportunity of seeing their favorite in action at the Cubs park Oct. 10 when the Chicago Bears meet the New York Giants. This is Paddy's first appearance on the north side, he having previously played with the Cardinals at the White Sox park on the South side. How- ever, Paddy has cast his fortunes with the strong Bear outfit this year and will be closer home. For many years Paddy has been one of the shining luminaries in football. He was a star for Northwestern dur- ing his college career and after leaving college continued to perform in brill- iant fashion in pro football. He has al- ways been identified as a real sports- man and for that reason has gained a wide following. Many of his admirers will be on hand when he makes his first local appearance in a Bear uni- form. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Spach of Leicester road, Kenilworth, are spend- ing two weeks in New York after hav- ing bid their son and daughter, "bon voyage" as they sailed for Europe. their daughters, Edna and Frieda, 964 Spruce street, sailed from Hamburg, September 17, and will arrive in Win- netka Monday, September 27, after a three months' tour through Europe. They shipped their car and traveled by Mr. and Mrs. William Salmen and auto the entire way. | 54% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban res- idence property at 5% % interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 5 y summer Phone Wilmette 352 One Block North of Post Office GET OUT THE WINTER CLOTHES and let us clean and repair them now at rates .. 1952 JACK H. IPJIAN, Mgr. LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS Oriental and Domestic Rugs Cleaned and Repaired 1738 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON, ILL. COAST Tt bros IN 83 HOURS @WS Cine ) Another world's record for the Wills Sainte - Claire Six--the flight from Coast to Coast August 23-27 in 83 hours, 12 minutes! A performance in itself so remarkable that the world paused to marvel. Yet the most amazing fact in this astound- ing demonstration of master engineering and super-endurance was the mileage re- corded on the speedometer at the start-- 23,023 miles and every mile a tough one-- more bard work than the average car is asked to do in two years. For this is the identical Roadster that crossed the continent in record time in July, 1925, and also established a world's record between San Francisco and Portland, Ore, the same year. A veteran ormer--not a fresh car tuned and tested for a single task. Never has the industry seen its like. Come in and see the Wills Sainte Claire. Ride in it. Better still, drive it. This is your invitation to a unique experience. When you're ready, we are. 'WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE of NORTH SHORE R. N. BOEHMER 5250 Broadway, Chicago Edgewater 2900 WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE SIX @ GOOD FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS