September 25, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 1 North Shore Boys Leave for Kentucky University Four north shore boys, all graduates of New Trier High school, have left to enter the freshman class of the University of . Kentucky. They are John Jewell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jewell, 839 Locust street, Winnetka; Llewellyn Bowen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison S. Bowen, 809 Elmwood ave- nue, Wilmette; Sidney Webster, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Webster, 719 Linden avenue, Wilmette, and George Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes, 200 Green Bay road, Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark have been visiting the Robert Bennetts of Kenilworth on their island in Crooked Lake, Wis. Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 42) 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSECLEANING CO. Est. 1919 2 Prouty Annex Phone Winn. 1994 27T29-tfe $2 BUSINESS SERVICE J Have your fall cleaning done by the Kenilworth House Cleaners, all work guaranteed RUGS CLEANED, FLOORS WAXED and varnished, woodwork and walls washed, window washing and screens taken down, storm windows put up. All kinds of repair work done. Fur- naces taken care of. Have your auto washed and simonized at home. Cook- ing and serving parties by appointment Day work by male and female. Phone Kenilworth 1209. 31LTN52-1te 32 KENNELS AND STABLES FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED GERMAN police dog, 1 year old. Must sell on account of giving up home Tel. Wil- mette 1954. 114 5th street, Wilmette, Illinois. 32LTN52-1tp FOR SALE -- VERY FINE PERINESE puppies from champion stock. 1014 Oakwood Ave. Wilmette. 32LTN52-1te FOR SALE -- PONY. REASONABLE | price. Tel. Glencoe 237. 32LTN52-1te SPRINGER SPANIELS THOROUGHBREDS FROM CHAM- pionship stock. Pedigree furnished. Fine healthy ten-week pups. R. E. Wat- son, 921 E. Hancock St.,, Appleton, Wisconsin. 32T29-1te "RADIO FANS" Now is the time to install a Ma- jestic Super "B" Eliminator for good winter reception. Price $35.00 We also carry all sizes of EVERYREADY "B" Batteries. THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex Phone 1840 a -- LN. am ma--] Telephone Wilmette 3347 DR. FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN Specinlizing in (he trentment of your hest friends the "Dog mand Cat" All calls receive my personal attention 1000 Ridgs Ave. Wilmette. Ill Country Day Plans Its Annual Vacation Fair One of the first features of the school life at Country Day school this year, the exact date of which will be announced soon, will be the Vacation Fair. The plans for this event will follow very much along the line of the old country fair. There will be dis- plays of handiwork, nature collections, side shows, a menagerie, orchestra and everything. If the weather is favor- able the Fair will be held out of doors, but if not, it will be in the Girls' gym. Mrs. Frederick K. Copeland, 665 Prospect avenue, returned Tuesday, September 21, from Pine Point, Maine, where she spent most of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Laser, 418 Provident avenue, have returned after a month spent in their cottage on the Wolf river, near Pelican lake, Wis. --C is Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford, 605 Arbor Vitae road, have 'returned to Winnetka after a summer spent at Desbarats, Ontario, Canada. oo x3 Sewing Machines Repairing All Makes WORK GUARANTEED will make your old machine as good as new. We C. Skowron 20 Prouty Annex Ph. Winnetka 978 | . ittle "They're breaking speed laws nowadays to get to the Willard Service Station. No wonder-- when you can buy a genuine Willard Rubber-Case Battery ys JONES Electric Service 3 Carlton Building Ph. Winn. 1848 Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ball, Jr, 361 | Mr. and Mrs. James W. Marshall, Hawthorn lane, returned this week af- |674 Prospect avenue, have. left for a ter a ten day trip in the East. month's trip to Quebec, Canada. Marmon New Models Now on Display 4 Wheel Brakes and Other Improvements 6015 Broadway, Longbeach 6428 Call F. C. Heaney for a demon- stration in this new Marmon Marmon North Shore REBUILDING WOMENS' SHOES Women's shoes soled without being nailed or sewed. The latest investion has made this possible. It also restores their orig- inal shape. Ask us about it. Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store R. Wagner 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 FREDERICK E. LEWIS Resident North Shore Funeral Director 2 | Twenty-two years of suc- cessful professional service.' Personally recommended by Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of others whom we have served on the north shore. We personally attend all calls, rendering the most careful, courteous and con- scientious service. Mrs. Lewis attends to all ladies' and children's calls. Private De Luxe Ambulance Service The growing demand for prompt and reasonable ambu- lance service has made it nec- cessary for us to add to our Limousine Equipment, an In- valid Coach which is the last word in Ambulance Service. Located in Wilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complete Our Motto: "Golden Rule" MRS. F. E. LEWIS FREDERICK Lady Attendant Parlor Phone Residence Phone Wilmette 3552 Wilmette 3552 E. LEWIS