i 16 WINNETKA TALK October 16, 1926 Duncan Studios 815 Elm St., Winn., Ill, Tel. Winn. 2272 You are cordially invited to inspect two model houses fur- nished by us on Earlstone Road Kenilworth, Illinois These houses, one French and one English, are located one block west of the station in the | Kenilworth Community Development Open After Monday, October 4 from three till nine p. m. Kenilworth Scouts to Give Free Movie Show Through the co-operation of Roy C. Seery, 414 Abbottsford road, Kenil- worth, an official of First National pictures, the Kenilworth Boy Scout troop will give a show for the young people of the village in the near future. Mr. Seery will provide the Scouts with a good moving picture. The perform- ance will be held at the Kenilworth Community house and the Scouts will give various demonstrations as features to accompany the picture. There will be no admission charge, it is announced. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heller and their daughter, Marian, 559 Provident ave- nue, have returned to Winnetka after spending a year abroad. They shipped their car, and motored the entire time visiting in many countries. The Wil- liam J. Dohertys, who occupied their home during their absence, have tak- en an apartment in Chicago for the winter. (Qe Mr. and Mrs. Marx Stockley of Hib- bard road announce the birth of a daughter, Edith, Saturday, October 9, at the Highland Park hospital. Catering Delicatessen Open Sundays: 9-12; 4-6 PureHome Made Ice Cream Made from the freshest of 100% cream in our own kitchens. ner or any time during the week, it makes the best tasting and healthiest desert. 80c a Quart We Deliver FREE Just Phone--Winnetka 112 en Smith's Delicatessen 819 Oak Street Whether it's for Sunday Din- Draining and Flushing to Refill with Winter Oil To do this job most effi- ciently we have installed a New Fry High Pressure Flusher. We can render the speediest and most thorough work of this nature. 1428 Sheridan Road, just South of "The Cottage" Distributor Stephen Shimonek Jr. GASOLINE AND OILS -- ,, -: Time to Have Your Transmission and Differential Drained and Flushed Our Call-For-And-Deliver Greasing Service Here is the added convenience of having your car talen and brought back to your door, without an added cost. This service with our high standard greasing methods. Just phone us Wilmette 3379 P. W. Bradstreet Announces Many Big Sales This Week P. W. Bradstreet and company re- port a number of recent sales this week. The residence property at 259 Ridge avenue, recently owned and occupied by the Gerald Hoyts, has been sold to the John Walter Millers, of Chicago, who, after making some extensive al- terations and repairs to the property will occupy it as their home. They have also sold one hundred feet of vacant on Ridge avenue south of and adjoining the Martin Lindsey home and which was formerly owned by Harold Zeiss, to Robert Burrows, of 271 Linden avenue, Winnetka. Another important transaction in vacant, is that of a large piece having 150 feet frontage on Church road with a depth of 300 feet, and lying south of the residence of Mrs. Charles Fuller. It was sold for Dr. Sawyer Brown to Horace M. Capron, of Evanston. The Caprons were formerly an old Win- netka family and will improve their recently acquired holdings in vacant with the erection of a fine new resi- dence. For Alfred Stern, of the Kuppen- heimer firm, they have sold the one and one-half acres in the Higginson tract north of Hill road and adjoining the Howard Phillips estate, to Paul C. Dodge, an investment banker of Chi- cago. Thev also sold for Mr. Stern a tract of 1.37 acres adjoining the Hathaway Watson estate to Everett R. Cook, of Evanston. Both of these tracts, it is said, are to be improved with fine residences. Dudley Bradstreet, individually, has purchased three pieces of vacant at the southeast corner of Locust road and Kenilworth avenue, with a total frontage on Locust road of 133 feet and 113 feet on Kenilworth avenue. WINS FELLOWSHIP Kurtis Brownell, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Brownell of 852 Oak street, has left Winnetka for New York City, where he has begun his work in music. Mr. Brownell, who is a graduate of New Trier High school, has distin- guished himself by winning the Juilli- ard Grand Opera Fellowship on the basis of being an artist. Mr. Brownell has been a pupil of the well-known opera coach, Herman Devries. Mrs. A. Petersen of 916 Ash street entertained in honor of Gladys Bak- kemo, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Bak- kemo of 952 Spruce street, at a dinner- bunco party, Saturday, October 2. Miss Bakkemo has been living with Mrs. Petersen while her mother has been in Europe. Mrs. Bakkemo is expected to sail from Russia this week, and will arrive in Winnetka the first of next week. Walter Spry Distinguished Pianist and Master Teacher COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC Accepts engagements for Recitals and Musicales. Teaches on Wednesdays in Winnetka. Advanced Pupils Only Residence Phone: University 4520