WINNETKA TALK October 16, 1926 The Officers and Directors of the Hubbard Woods Trust and Savings Bank extend to you a cordial invitation to be present at the opening of their new bank OFFICERS MARKHAM B. ORDE, President FERDINAND E. BARTELME, Vice President ARTHUR LASER, Cashier ALBERT R. GATES, I DIRECT MARKHAM B. ORDE Treas. Chicago Surface Lines EDWARD O. CARLSON Druggist JOHN JEFFERY Builder General Counsel ORS WM. T. BACON Investment Banker ALBERT R. GATES General Counsel CALVIN FENTRESS Baker, Fentress ¥ Co. CHAS. L. CHATWIN Building Contractor P. T. A. Conducts Its Campaign for Members In the annual drive for members of the P. T. A. 1050 letters were sent out. If anyone failed to receive their P. T. A. notice, they are asked to telephone Mrs. Frederick B. Thomas, as the as- sociation is trying to get a 100 per cent membership this vear. The chairman of the Skokie school, Mrs. Frank T. Crawford, has chosen the following room chairmen for the year: Mrs. Claxton's room, Mrs. Ers- kine Wilder; Miss Mitchell's, Mrs. Dudley Palmer; Mr. Norvell"s Mrs. Fritz Wagner; Mrs. Funk's, Mrs. Bar- rett Conway; Miss Myers', Mrs. B. K. Smith; Miss Larkin's, Mrs. G. J. Nickel; Miss Bubett's, Mrs. Fred L. Kreibel; Mr. Yongling's, Mrs. John | Reilley ; 'Miss Spangler's Mrs. William Nicholls; Miss Mohr's, Mrs. Irving Odell; Miss Reese's, Mrs. Alfred G. Freeman; Miss Pomeroy's, Mrs. Dud- ley French; Mr. Bailey's, Mrs. Nathan- iel Blatchford; Mr. Funk's, Mrs. Charles Coffin. On Friday, October 8, Mrs. Craw- ford gave a tea for all the grade chair- men and faculty members to meet Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Logan. She was as- sisted by Mrs. Wallace Rumsey and Mrs. Charles Coffin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson with their son, Robert, and daughter, Mari- anne, have taken an apartment at 45 East 62nd street, New York City, for the winter, * Cleaning Dyeing Pressing More than twenty years in Winnetka, serving a par- ticular and always satisfied clientele. Your neighbor is our cus- tomer--Why not you? Suburban Cleaners and Dyers Telephone Winnetka tore Offre) Pamphlet Tells Parents of Aims of Church School The Winnetka Congregational church school manual is out for dis- tribution among all the teachers, and a copy is also available for all the par- ents. The manual, as stated on the title page of the booklet, is "For Teachers and Parents," and sets forth the aim of the church school in the following concise manner: "To introduce the members of the Church school to a growing experience in which there shall emerge: "An idea of God as supremely re- vealed in the life and teachings of Jesus, a God continually revealing Himself. "A knowledge of Jesus as the su- preme revelation of God, and a glad and intelligent following of Jesus in His love and faith toward God and His love and service toward men, "A conception of man as a son of God, the most important of His cre- ations, who should love all his neigh- bors as himself. "An appreciation of the world's beauty and resources as an expres- sion of God's love and care for man- kind. "A constant worship of God in spirit and in truth. "An intelligent and loyal allegiance to the church as a progressive means for realizing the spirit of Jesus in the ever changing social order, "An understanding of these views in relation to the problems and conflicts of the world of our time. "An increasing participation in co- operative Christian service. "A deepening conviction that the Christian religion wherever it follows the teaching and practice of Jesus is the best way of life ever given to the world. A "The discovery that all living is in- herently religious and that the Chris- tain religion finds its expression In daily life." Engagement Announced at Dinner Bridge Party Mr. and Mrs. William E. Davis of 1080 Private road, Hubbard Woods, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Elizabeth, to Henry E. Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. E Hubert Allen of 1405 Edgewood lane, Hubbard Woods. The engagement was announced at a dinner bridge giv- en by Miss Davis, Saturday evening, October 9, for a group of friends. Miss Davis, a graduate of North- western university, was a member of Alpha Phi sorority. Mr, Allen gradu- ated from Yale university and taught in the Hill School for Boys in Phila- delphia. He is now studying for his Ph. D. degree at the University of Chi- cago. No date has been set for the wedding. Perrenials and Black Dirt Fertilizer and Shrubbery Landscaping Trimming Spraying Grading = LAKE SHORE GARDEN & HOME SERVICE N. Anderson, Prop. 1108 ASH STREET Phone Winnetka 456