60 A ---------------------------------- EE -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 FOR RENT--HOUSES WINNETKA "TALK October 23, 1926 33 FOR SALE--ACREAGE 49 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT -- 4 ROOM COTTAGE Phene Winn. 819. 24LTN4-1te CS -- 27 FOR RENT--STORES AND SHOPS FOR RENT -- PRIVATE OFFICE IN Franklin Bldg., Elm and Linden Sts. Winnetka, with or without services of stenographer and office attendant. Fredk. B. Thomas & Co., Winn. 27TLT33-1te FOR RENT STORE IN WINNETKA -- 561-A Lincoln Ave. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Harrison 1043. 27T32-tfc FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 27TLTN4-tfe 3 FOR SALE--HOUSES YOU WANT A HOME IN WILMETTE LIKE THIS BARGAIN IN THE BEAUTIFUL, WOODED SEC- tion of the north-east part of Wilmette, this 8 room, stucco home, surrounded by forest trees on a lot 50x180 ft. is for sale at a rare bargain and on very easy terms. Nature and the landscape architect have produced a "PICTURE EFFECT" LOT, while the builder erected--not a mere house--but a "Dream coThe true" of a HOME. This was built in 1922 and has water heat, a fire place for the large logs or big clumps of coal, two baths, extra toilet in the basement, RUDD AUTOMATIC WATER-HEATER, tile vestibule, canvassed walls and compo- sition roof. It will be a "Home Sweet, Sweet Home" where the children can play in safety or attend the nearby school, while mother and dad can entertain their friends to their heart's content. Under-priced Don't' wait see this NOW. F. Coleman Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 640 31LTN4-1tc FOR SALE -- CHOICE ACRES, LAKE Ave.,, near Skokie Line, restricted, 300 ft. deep. Phone owner Wil. 796-W. 33LTN4-1tp 34 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. BRADSTREET & CO. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Ph. 162 34T33-1tc SEE US FOR MODERN AND ATTRAC- tive homes, listings of well located va- cant and acre tracts. J.H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Ill Wilmette 364 84LTN4-1te VERY BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE IN excellent condition. Reasonable. Parlor suite, dining room suite, buffet, 2 beau- tiful walnut bedroom suites, oriental odd chairs, davenport table, occ. table, rug, small rugs, smokers, haviland dishes, odd chairs, davenport table, odd table, lamps, etc. Will separate. 5753 Winthrop. Phone Edgewater 8965. 49'T33-1tp FOR SALE -- ARTIST LEAVING TOWN has a few pieces of antique furniture from England, to &ispose of. Refrac- tory & gateleg tables, court cupboard, oak settee, andirons, oriental rugs. 303 Ravine Drive, Highland Park 2143. 49TN33-1tp FOR SALE -- 2 PIECE MOHAIR OVER- stuffed living room set, $125.00. Double sanitary couch. Electric heater and toaster, $4.00. = 891 Vernon Ave. Glen- coe. Phone Glencoe 124. 49LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- COLONIAL, MAHOGANY dining room table. Will seat 12. 6 chairs. Excellent condition. By appoint- ment only. Call Winn. 1326. 49LTN4-1tp 48 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES LARGE CHERRY CHEST, CARVED posts, curly maple desk, arm side and ladies' chairs. Odd tables, mirrors, stools, settees, corner cupboard, chests, spool and poster beds, sporting, coach- ing fashion and all kinds of prints, books, colored glass lamps. All kinds of genuine antiques. 808 Washington St., Evanston. Univ. 9890. 48LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- FINE ENGLISH AN- tiques in great variety. Also, a few French and early American. All much below loop prices. Tel. Winn. 243. 48TN33-1te I 46 FOR SALE--USED CARS FOR SALE -- LEAVING CITY. MUST sell Chandler coach, 1925. Excellent condition. Fair offer accepted. 303 Ra- vine Drive. Highland Park 2143. 46TN33-1tp FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY UPRIGHT piano. Excellent condition. Also brass fire set. Tel. Wil. 2014. 49LT4-1te FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM SET, TA- ble, sideboard and chairs, $100.00. Draperies, ete. Glencoe 810. 49TN33-1te FOR SALE -- OBLONG, BROWN, MA- honagy dining. table, 6 chairs, server, tea-cart. 2 piece damask parlor suite. Tel. Winnetka 316. 49T33-1tc FOR SALE--2 REBUILT HOOVER vacuum sweepers. New guarantee, wonderful buys. Phone Winn. 44. 49LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- 4 BURNER GAS RANGE, with low oven. In perfect condition, $10. Tel. Winn. 2420. 49LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- KITCHEN CABINET. Good condition. Cheap. Tel. Winn. 1690. 49LTN4-1tp Indian Hill FOR SALE -- ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM Colonial. Hot water heat, walls can- . vassed, house. weather stripped, sun parlor and sleeping porch, garage. Beautiful landscaped lot. Price $23,750. Hill & Stone (Winnetka Office) 543 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 1544 31T33-1tc NEW CAPE COD HOME 7 ROOMS, HOT WATER HEAT, MAID'S room, bath, extra toilet and lavatory on 1st floor ; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and di ng room on 2nd floor; grounds 50 x 180; garage; and abundance of shrubbery ; close to schools and trans- Po ation: Price $22,000. Terms to Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. . Glencoe 702-3 31LTN4-1tc NINE ROOM BRICK HOME ON BEAU- FOR SALE -- OVERLAND COUPE, IN good running order. 5 good tires. $110.00. Glencoe 42. 46LTN4-1tc 19 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS NOW SELLING ENTIRE FURNISH- INGS OF TEN ROOM HOUSE AT 525 SHERIDAN ROAD, GLENCOE. THIS HOME FURNISHED BY ZORK and other high-class furnishers. Every- thing will be sold regardless of its orig- inal cost. This includes Chickering Am- pico Reproducing Baby Grand Piano (ebony finish, original cost $3,500), overstuffed chairs in various woods and coverings, occasional tables (domestic and imported), upholstered English Lover Seat, hand-carved bedroom suites, Antique Walnut Louis XVI bed, quaint overstuffed settees, hand-painted antique desk and chair, antique wal- nut dining-room table, sideboard and six chairs, upholstered in red frieze, cedar chests, French lacquered table, Chinese piano scarf, card tables, Mah- jongg set, roll-a-way bed, feather beds, jardinieres, bookcases, wardrobes, cushions, foot stools, Chippendale sew- ing cabinet, French enamel sun parlor suite, French morrors, imported and a tiful wooded lot, 100x175; 5 rooms, 3 baths, hot water heat," oil burner. Garage atached. $38,0 E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 31LTN-1te FOR SALE -- WILL SACRIFICE MY beautiful 6 room stucco home, hot ya ter heat, breakfast nook and la sun-room, and garage. 3 years ord. Southeast Winnetka. Must be seen to appreciate same. Call Winn. 882. 31LTN¢-tfe FOR SALE--AT NORTHBROOK, NEW house, 5 rooms 2nd bath just com- pleted. Modern. 'W. Ht. St. paved. Price $9,000. Tel. ortho 113, 31LTN4-2tc 32 FOR SALE--VACANT REAL BARGAINS LOTS IN INDIAN HILL RIDGE SUB- "division. Improvements all in; $76.00 to $85.00 per foot. F. H. Gathercoal 1213 Wilmette Ave. Tek Wil. 225 32LTN-1tc tic lamps, victrola, brass fernery, rare etchings, prints, paintings and tapestry, exquisite hangings, curtains and drapes, bedding, vases, china, sil- ver, kitchen utensils, ice box, complete laundry equipment, washing machine, books, suit-cases, garden equipment, gasoline pump, oil tank, glassware, etc., ete. On account of the condition of Sheridan Road, Take route 42 to Park Avenue, Glencoe, go three blocks East to Long- wood, South two blocks on Longwood to Hawthorn, West on Hawthorn to Sheridan. The house is on the corner. 49. TN4-1te BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH $3,000. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful Jurnishings for 4- rm. apt.; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4- piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave. near Sheridan Road. Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 49LTN1-5tp FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO. CALL Winn. 528-W after 6:00 o'clock. 49T22-1te 50 WTD. FO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household gocds. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Rv- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. S50LTN4-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily. Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 50LTN4-tfc WANTED TO BUY -- BUREAU AND desk for bedroom. Phone Winn. 1245. 50T33-1tc --_-- 51 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT PER- ennials. Why don't you come out and see our stock of large plants? We also do the planting if desired. 942 Glencoe Rd. Tel. Glencoe 301-M. 51TN32-3tp FOR SALE--BLACK CARACUL COAT $50. Pointed fox muff, could be used for collar on coat, splendid condition. $10. Hudson Bay neck piece, $5. Phone Winnetka 1667 or call 856 Hill Rd. i 51LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- VACUUM FEED OIL burner, with 200 gallon tank and 60 gallon reserve tank. Call Wil. 3485. 51LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW $600. Oil burner for $332. Apply 1538 Spencer Ave. Phone Wil. 3397. 51LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- SIDEWALK BICYCLE. Large white enameled baby bed, hair mattress, good condition. Sulky. Wil 787-R. 51LTN4-1tc FOR SALE -- MARMOT FUR COAT Very reasonable. Tel. Wil. SE LTN. 1te FOR SALE -- LADY'S WINTER COAT, size 36. Fine condition. Winn. 500-W. 51T33-1tc FOR SALE -- ALASKA SEAL COAT, $200. Tel. Winnetka 794. 51TN33-1tc FOR SALE -- 8 GRAVE LOT IN ME- morial Park eemetery Tel. Winn. 381 . 51T33-tfc STUNNING BROADTAIL COAT. FOX Winn, 2464. 51LTN4-1te FOR SALE -- IRVING WINTER FRONT for Nash car. $8.50. Perfect condition. Call Winn. 1911, 51LTN4-1tc 52 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS magazines. Old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 52T33-tfc WANTED TO BUY -- MEN'S CLOTH- ing and shoes. Pay better prices than any dealer on the North Shore line. Call Kessel, Wil. 62. 52LTN2-4tp HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S clothing, all grades. Tel. Wil. 1351. 52LTN1-4tp trim. Bargain. Tel. 53 MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU WISH AN ORCHESTRA FOR ballroom or for private parties with a guarantee of satisfaction or no money? If so call Highland Park 2077 for an El. Sheridan Orchestra, 53LTN2-4tp WANTED -- PAISLEY SHAWL IN good condition Call Winn. 1474. 53TN33-1te Guild's Art M nseum Project Meets Favor of North Shore Folk The favor with which north shore residents are meeting the first steps taken by the Evanston University guild to advance the interests of an art museum project in Evanston, is re- ported an encouraging item of guild activity just resumed for the season. Offers of the loan of valuable paint- ings to be a part of the November art exhibit to be hung in the bailfeom o of the Orrington hotel and to include lo- cal loan entries, have been made from many viewing the present loan exhibit there from the Art Institute. Groups of public school children and club groups are planning visits' to the showing at especial times. A special arrangement was made yesterday for a visit from school groups and a gathering there of members of the Ev- anston Art commission and art teach- ers of the city. DISTRIBUTE BOOKLET Copies of a booklet containing a sermon on "A Marching Religion," by the Rev. James Austin Richards of the Winnetka Congregational church and printed by a friend, will be ready for distribution following the morning and evening services, Sunday. James (Ziggy) Solheim of Evans- ton, and Walter Holmer, of Moline, both prominent members of the Purple football squad, last week were awarded scholarships by the Northwestern Club of Chicago which annually gives one or more scholarships to deserving Northwestern students. Holmer is a sophomore and Solheim, a senior. The latter was the recipient of a similar award from the Evanston Rotary club last year. ---- Wieboldt Hall of Commerce, on Northwestern's new McKinlock camp- us, was in use last week for the first time, but there was no formal opening of the structure. More than 3.700 students have registered in the down- town branch of the school of Com- merce so far, over 300 more than were registered last year at this time. Neva Leslie, in charge of registration, has announced that all classes are full. Erte Illinois has the first steel skeletoned skyscraper, erected in Chicago in 1884 from a consignment of the first steel beams produced in America. me ees . For the greatest "actual operation" exhibit of heat treating at a-steel con- vention in Chicago, nearly a million dollars worth of gas furnace equipment was installed. 3