October 30, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 35 i ---- A a TH Call Your Dealer He is ready to supply yor Telephone your dealer now and arrange to fill your bin for the winter with Chicago Solvay Coke -- then your home will be comfortably heated because Chicago Solvay Coke is a manufactured fuel, in which quality has been maintained at a uniform high standard for 21 years. It is the dependable fue! for the home. Order Chicago Solvay Coke by full name. Un- named cokes often are poorly prepared and cause dissatisfaction. Back of Chicago Solvay Coke is a large plant in Chicago --three hundred established dealers -- a corps of service men and thousands of city and suburban satisfied customers. Your dealer will arrange to have a Service Man call at your convenience. He will inspect your heating p! at and recommend the fuel best suited to provide you with heating comfort at lowest cost. Chicago Solvay Cc' 2 is 25% cheaper than hard coal and now costs ss than the best grades of soft coal. It is clean, burns without smoke and soot 1 and leaves few ashes to handle. _all your dealer right now and order -- CHICAGO Solvay Coke | The Dependable Fuel for the Home | Buy it Burn it | Youll Like it E. C. WEISSENBERG Phone 12 WINNETKA COAL-LUMBER CO. Phone 734 --