October 30, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 53 REV. AE RORBACY Tout in sic, prpeaie cy CHERMOLINE PREACHES ON CHRIST apart from him cannot kill the tyranny | [of sis) Heating Oils--A Grade for Every Burner First Public Message in Nazareth | "There is a force of law and penalty, | but men will defy law and its pen: al- Courteous and Efficient Service Forms Basis of Sunday ty. There are inner restraints of con- TIE . science, but they are swept away like Fo { U G HES & COMPANY Evening Sermon raw i fore the hurri- | straw upon the wind before G : v cane of human passion. | General Offices, 844 Rush St. racious words a aci ar | an Te . " sonality OS ih ot 2 Braco pe "There are obligations of our creed | North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. R hrbacl . le Su et S "1 logically we ought not to sin holding Telephobes: & 9 aE 1, pastor of the First Scan- |} high moral and creed we do. But . i : " dinavian Evangelical church on last lthe power of evil warring against the Superior 6481-2-3-4 Niles Center 217 Sunday evening's sermon, The se TION | 1, Sh out mind. makes Short work of Greenleaf 3456 Rogers Park 0982 was based on the passage from Luke's Gospel 4: 16-22, our Lord's first pub- | Jlogle and consisteicy. lic message in Nazareth, the pastor re- Foe The Cond that 1, youd J do HOt; marked before saying something of | au the evil which 1 would net. that do this Messenger, Jesus Christ. : *Didereet was His Personality," Mr. I find then a law, that, when I would a T mm O n Rohrbach said. "Apart from religion | do good, evil is present with me. altogether, the greatest power for good | O wretched man that I am! Who . or evil in the life of every one of us| shall deliver me from the body of New Models Now on Display is the influerice of persons. I love to| this death Sink that we. men and women even | | thank God through Jesus Christ our 4 Wheel Brakes and Other Improvements b gas - rand ang Be and ork Lord. | under the mfluence of Our Living Lorc So savs P: i Romans 7. and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is persons Pot 2ys Paul in Re a such res- | 6015 Broadway, Longbeach 6428 whom _we believe or disbelieve. It is traints are powerless vield his heart | persons. who lead us in things of life | and will to this Person, Jesus Christ, Call F. C. Heaney for a demon- or death. It is persons to whom come | ,;4 immediately he feels that power . . . our greatest joys or sorrows. unlike all the rest has touched the very stration in this new Marmon Shisistianiey is not merely a thought | springs of his life, character. There- --but a living real person, Jesus Christ. | fore we find that Jesus Christ preached M N th Sh A thought is a mere bit of furniture. I|one thing--Himself. He - no armon or ore can add one bit to another, but furni- [abstract system of truth, but declared ture does not make a home, it is per- ["I am the truth." He preached no| ---- sons, living, loving, suffering, and | philosophical doctrines of God. He said, sacrificing persons that make a home. |"He that hath seen me hath seen the | You can buy fiirniture at the store, | Father." but you ¢an"héver buy a home on the market. Tt is not in the market. Tt ment of the Resurrection. He said. is priceless. It cannot be bought for |" am the Resurrection and the Life." money. I'he best things in life, thank He taught us theory of the human God, can never be bought. Money conscience. He said, "I am the Light can, do much, but cannot do every-|of the World" He gave no doctrine : [] F ii . " . thing! of the Holy Spirit. He said, "I will "This is how God has made us, tolnot have vou fatherless--orphans--I have our personality played on con- will come to you." He simply said, He gave us no mere dogmatic state- DO YOU NEED --money to pay your bills? --money to discount your bills? --money to extend your business? -- fresh milk is the secret RESH milk! Rich in the vitamines that build firm muscle and strong bones. It furnishes energy to offset fatigue. It is truly Nature's greatest health food. Drink Bowman's Milk--at least a quart a day. It is milk at its best --fresh, rich and pure. It has the natural, delicious flavor that fresh milk alone can have; there is no --money to buy your Winter coal? | --money to pay for your education? --money to pay for your dental work? --money to pay your insurance rremiums ? --money to pay for expenses - sed by illness? | or any other __onomical purpose? { Evanston Security Finance Corporation Phone University 252 PHONE 628 Grove Street, Evanston, Ill. 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