Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Nov 1926, p. 56

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November 20, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 55 ---------------------------------- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices-- residents of Classified advertisements will be charged only to the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates-- Average of five words to the line. 15 cents a line in one paper. 30 cents a line in all three papers. No black face type used. 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE, 50 cents. 109, discount on all eash with order advertisements rvhen brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions-- Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the WIL- METTE LIFE or alr three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka "2000-2001. 8 BUILDING AND CARPENTRY WM. OTTEN Mason Contractor County Line Rd. Tel. Highland Park 899-Y-4. 3LTNS8-tfe En 7 PAINTING AND DECORATING SITUATION WTD. Painting, Calci- mining, paper hanging, floor waxing, and odd jobs done at reasonable prices. Tel. Winn. 2783. TTN37-4tr THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO DO YOUR Decorating. Let me give you an es- timate. I am sure I can save you money. Best Ref. E. M. Brandt. Glen. 971. TTN37-tfe 8 PETS PUPS FOR SALE CHOWS CHOWS ST. BERNARDS WIRE FOX TERRIERS RIVEREDGE KENNELS Half Day Road at DesPlaines River Phone Libertyville 606-W-2. SLTN7-2tp FOR SALE -- ENGLISH BULL DOG puppies, best of blood line. Tel. Glen- coe 854 8TN37-1te 9 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING A. VICKEY 906 Linden Ave. Phone 126 BICYCLE REPAIRING Best Rebuilt and New Bicycles for sale. Also at Residence 572 Center St. Phone 2727 9T37-tfe THE TRIM SHOP LOCKSMITH & AUTO GLASS SIDE CURTAINS REPAIRED 20 PROUTY ANNEX WINN. 978 9T37-tfe EISENGLASS REPLACED IN AUTO- mobile curtains; quick service. 886 Wil- low Road, Winnetka, Ill. 9LTNS-1tp 10a SCHOOL AND TUTORING REMEDIAL TUTORING BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER Children brought up to grade. Children taught how to study. Phone Kenilworth 248. 10ALTNG6-4tp 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- PAIR OF SHELL-RIMMED glasses, between Community House and Hubbard Woods station. Reward. Winn. 1449. 12T37-1tc LOST -- BUNCH OF KEYS, MAPLE and Elm Streets, Winnetka. Return to F. R. Shepard, 1457 S. Sheridan Road, Highland Park. Tel. Highland Park 2179. 12T37-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED --YOUNG LADY IN OFFICE. Must be plain penman. Permanent position, one-half day week off. A. S. VanDeusen, 1154 Central Ave. Phone Wil. 510. 13LTNS-1te WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. References. Near transportation. Phone Wil. 3287. 13LTNS-1tp WANTED --WHITE MAID FOR COOK- ing and general housework; no laun- dry; small family. Glencoe 836. 13TN37-1te HELP WTD. -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Must like children. Refs. required. Tel. Winn. 1879. ? 13LTN7-1te HELP WTD. -- COOK WITH GOOD refs. Protestant. Tel. Wilmette 628. 13LTN7-1te FOR GENERAL 3683. 13LT8-1te WANTED -- MAID housework. Kenil. 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE HELP WTD. -- GERMAN GIRL, WILL take newcomer, upstairs work, assist with children 6 and 8. Tel. Winnetka 1021. 630 Rosewood Ave., Winn. 13T37-1te 16 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS { CLEAN CUT CATHOLIC SELECTED help. Day work a specialty. Call Michigan 2516. Wilhite"s Employment Agency. 16T37-1tp WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping rooms, 1-2 block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 21TN37-tfe SITUATION WTD. -- LET MISS CARL- sten do your dressmaking and remodel- ing. Phone Winnetka 2022. 16TN37-tfe SITUATION WTD. LAUNDRESS wishes laundry work or cleaning. Phone Highland Park 2790. 16TN37-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- GIRL, 18, WISHES io care for children evenings or Sun- days. Phone Winnetka 639-W. 16T37-1te WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING, will call for and deliver. Phone Glen- coe 856. 16T37-1te SITUATION WTD.--INFANT'S NURSE, graduate, $25.00. Wil. 3776. 16T37-1tc WANTED -- WASHING TO TAKE home. Will call and deliver. Refer- ences. Tel. Wilmette 1391. 16T35-3tp HELP WTD.--EXPERIENCED, WHITE, general housework girl. $20 per week. Call mornings. Tel. Winn. 2257. 13TN37-1te WANTED COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework; small housé ; good wages. Phone Glen. 472. 13TN37-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for general housework, in family of 4; good wages. Glencoe 931. 13TN37-1te WANTED -- SCHOOL GIRL TO HELP 17 SITUATION WTD.--MALE SITUATION WTD. -- WEST INDIAN young man wants position as houseman or all around work in private family. Driving experience. Good references. Call Winn. 243. 17LT8-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- A-1 EXPERI- enced chauffeur mechanic open for posi- tion now. North Shore and city refer- ences. Phone Glencoe 639. 17TN37-1te EXPERIENCED MAN TO DO HOUSE- work and take care of furnaces, take Phone Winnetka 2251. 13TN37-1te by the week. $7. WANTED -- PRACTICAL NURSE, ONE who is interested in science. Wil. 928W, 13LTN8-1tc 14 HELP WANTED --MALE for room and board and small wage or down trees; grade and seed. Lewis a mother's helper. Call Wil. 3557. Pantle, 905 Linden Ave., Hubbard 13TN37-1tp Woods. Tel. Winn. 1813. 17T37-1te HELP WTD. --WOMAN AFTERNOONS | SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED man wants furnace and housework in Kenilworth and Winnetka. Tel. Wil 3233. 17T37-1te SITUATION WTD. -- YOUNG MAN would like full time work until first of year. Phone Winn. 1025, 17T37-1te REAL ESTATE SALESMAN--ONE OF Evanston's most active firms has open- ing for a man in the sales department. Prefer experienced man, acquainted with North Shore values but might consider one with sales training in other lines if references are satisfac- tory. Splendid opportunity to connect with leading firm. Our employes know of this advertisement. Wilmette Life B-100. 14LTN7-2tc TELLER EXPERIENCED TELLER AND RE- ceiver for North Shore Bank; must have pleasing personality and come well recommended ; permanent position ; salary commensurate with ability. Wilmette Life B-129. 14LTNS8-1tc AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN to sell one of most popular cars North Shore territory. Previous experience not essential. Wilmette Life B-127. 14LTNS-tfe WANTED--MAN OR WOMAN FOR cook and general housework; 2 in fam- ily. Tel Glencoe 845. 14LTNS8-1tc 15 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE BOOKKEEPER TWO EXPERIENCED BURROUGHS operators ; must be rapid workers and able to furnish best of references. Wil- mette Life B-128. 15LTN8-1te ---- sme -_= 16 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE DAY WORK, CLEANING OR COOK- ing and serving parties. Experienced girl. Tel. Univ. 3043-R. Call evenings after 5:00 p. m. 16L'TNS8-1tp WHITE GIRL WISHES TO CARE FOR - children evenings. Also cook dinners Saturday and Sunday. Call evenings. Phone Univ. 2866-R. 16LT8-2tp SITUATION WTD. -- WASHING AND ironing by the day, also cooking and serving dinner. Call evenings Wil 16LTNS-1tp SITUATION WTD. --LAUNDRY WORK done at home. Mrs. Bruhn. Tel. Greenleaf 3781. 16LTNS-2tp SITUATION WTD. -- CARE OF CHIL- dren, serving, housework. Phone Wil- mette 2690. 16L.TNS8-1tp NEAT COLORED GIRL WISHES TO cook and serve dinners. Best of refer- ences. Tel. Univ. 3485MX. . 16LT8-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced laundress. Univ. 8957. 16L'TNS-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- TRUCK DRIVER or chauffeur; six years experience; best of references. Phone Wheeling 27. 17T37-1te SITUATION WTD. -- WORK SUNDAYS and Thursdays. House, garden, butler, cooking, etc. Address Talk B-120. 17T37-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- HOUSEMAN and chauffeur. Robert Childress, 1036 Washburn. Tel. Roosevelt 3058. 17LTNS8-1tp ACCOUNTANT SYSTEMS INSTALLED. BOOKKEEP- ing audits. Income tax. Charges rea- sonable. Univ. 9222. 17LTN7-4te FOR RENT -- LARGE PLEASANT RM. Single $5, double $8. Phone Winn. 621. 12T37-1te ROOM FOR RENT -- 552 BIRCH ST, near all transportation. Gentleman preferred. Winn. 2306, 21T37-1te FOR RENT -- LARGE PLEASANT room for 1 or 2. Private family. Phone Glencoe 795. 21TN37-1te FOR RENT -- 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. 624 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1662. 21T36-2te 22 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED FOUR RM. apartment. In-a-dor bed. Indian Hill building, $115. % block from Indian Hill station, steam or electric. Inquire Sunday. Tel. Winn. 2665. 22LTN7-1tp FOR RENT -- 4 ROOM FLAT. 840 CEN- ter St., Winnetka. $70. per month. Call Winnetka 265. 22LTNS8-1tp FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM FLAT. 928 ELM St., Winnetka. C. F. M. Miller. 221.T8-1te FOR RENT--FURNISH APTS. FOR RENT -- 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment ; good location east side; 3 23 blocks North Western Station. Tel. Wil. 3665. 23LTNS-1te 24 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT 5 ROOM AND BATH COTTAGE, FUR- nace heat. Immediate possession, $65.00 3 large rooms, gas, light and water. Ridge Ave. near Lake Ave. $30.00 4 room cottage in country, partly furn- ished, $30.00 9 acres with 6-room house, barn, garage, 1 mile west of Ridge Ave., $35.00 J. H.Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364 Wilmette, Illinois 24L.TNS8-1te FOR RENT -- 8 ROOM HOUSE, CEN- tral east side. Possession December 1. 535 Willow Road. Tel. Winn. 148. 24T37-2te 25 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 6 ROOM bungalow; hot water heat; 2 baths; garage. Nov. 15 to May 1. Phone Glen. 497. 25TN37-1te 26 FOR RENT--GARAGES a --=_" MAN DESIRES POSITION AS CHEF- cook in private family or hotel. Can drive a car. Oakland 6407. 17LTS8-1tp FOR RENT -- GARAGE. 432 MAPLE Ave. Call evenings. Tel. Winn. 2417. 26T37-1te MAN HAS ONE DAY PER WEEK open for housewnrk. Wil. 3428, 17LTNS-tfe SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED, cook, chauffeur, houseman, single. Refs. Phone Boulevard 9771. 17TN3%7-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED, white chauffeur, and houseman. Refs. Tel. Winnetka 513-W. 17TN37-1te 18 SIT. WID.--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--COUPLE. WOMAN exp. cook. Man exp. butler and house- man. Reference. Beatrice. Phone Drexel T7908. 18TN37-1tp -- e-- 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE ROOM, either large for two, or small for one. Gentlemen preferred. Near transporta- tion. Win. 898. 21LTS8-1te ELDERLY LADY, SEMI-INVALID OR convalescent will be cared for in home of practical nurse. Wilmette Life B- 130. 21LTNS-1tp CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for tr ients and residents. 629 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- LOOP OFFICE. NEWLY furnished office with use ef reception room and stenographic service. Rea- sonable. 809--6 N. Michigan Ave., Chi- cago. 27TL.TNS-4tp FOR RENT -- OFFICE POST OFFICE Bldg., Winnetka. Ayres Boal. 122 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago. 27T37-tfe FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 27LTNS8-tfe 31 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE -- CONTROLLING INTER- est in choice Illinois Bank, $30,000 cash, balance terms. (Buyer must accept presidency of Bank, at salary of $5,000 per year. Also 24 apt. bldg. north side, at first cost of bldg. and ground, two blocks to Elevated station, rental $20,100; nets $8,606. $20,000 will handle it. Also, ten acres black muck land, 20 miles from Miami, Florida. Potatoes sell there for $400 per acre. (Buyer digs them) price $5,000; $2,500 cash, balance 50 years at 5% interest. Address Wil- mette Life B-131. 31LTNS-1tp Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. v 21LTS-tfe DELIGHTFUL BACHELOR ROOMS, central loca'ion. Phone Wilmette 2399. 21LTNS-tfe FOR RENT -- ROOM. GENTLEMAN preferred. Tel. Winn. 2669. © 21T37-1te FOR RENT -- FIRST CLASS FUR- nished room. Near transportation. Tel. Winn. 2022. 21T37-1tp NEW CAPE COD HOME 7 ROOMS, HOT WATER HEAT. MATD'S room, bath, extra toilet and lavatory on Ist floor; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and dressing room on 2nd floor; grounds 50x186: garage; and abundance of shrubbery ; close to schools and trans- portation. Price $22,600. Terms to suit. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702-3 31LTNS-1te

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