WINNETKA TALK November 27, 1926 I lp Ba News of the North Shore Clubs Unusual Program Offered Society Winnetka Woman's Society Will Hear Missionary from China at December 1 Meeting The Woman's society of the Win- netka Congregational church will have a program of unusual interest at the meeting on Wednesday, December 1 The Rev. Philip D. Dutton of Taiku, Shansi, China will speak. Mr. Dutton works in close contact with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reynolds, the representa- tives of the Congregational church in Chicago, so his visit has a peculiar value. Although Mr. Dutton is a young man, just returning after his first seven year period of service, he has had great responsibilities. To quote a no- tice which appeared concerning him, "Mr. Dutton's recent years have been devoted to the building of a fine Com- munity Church in the center of the city, with an Auditorium seating a thousand people and with one wing for men's work and another wing for service among the women and three sunny kindergarten rooms in addition. Mr. Dutton is a strong speaker; a fine product not only of America's finest in- stitutions, but also of America's finest spirit. He will be heard with deep in- terest in this day of unrest in China. We need the missionary's experience and judgment in order to judge China's future aright." The society will gather as usual at 10 o'clock for work. A bit of a sur- prise in the way of entertainment is promised for the morning session. At 12 Mrs. William Ayer McKinney will conduct the devotions. The luncheon hour is at 12:15, following which Mr. Dutton will speak. Hllustrated Flower Talk at Garden Club Meeting The next meeting of the Wilmette Garden club will be held Friday, De- cember 3, at the home of Mrs. J. E. Redman of 1309 Chestnut avenue, Wil- mette. Departing from the regular custom of having afternoon meetings, this next meeting will take place in the eve- ning. The club announces a most in- teresting speaker, Dr. C. O. Schneider of Winnetka. Dr. Schneider, whose photographs and slides of western scenery are well-known in the Middle- West, will talk on "Mountain Flowers in Their Natural Environment," and il- lustrate his talk with pictures. Several of Dr. Schneider's enlarged photographs have at different times been on exhibition at Marshall Field's, and as a member of the Prairie club of Chicago, he has a well-established reputation. GIVE BACH PROGRAM The North Shore Musical society will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. E. L. Essley, 234 War- wick road, Kenilworth, Monday after- noon, November 29, at 2:15 o'clock. A Bach program will be rendered. Trio Delights Audience at Winnetka Woman's Club The Bonconi Trio presented an in- teresting program under the auspices of the music committee of the Win- netka Woman's club on Tuesday, No- vember 23. The trio appeared in place of the two piano recitals previously announced. In the absence of Mrs. William Sher- man Hay, chairman of the committee, Mrs. Arthur Cushman, president of the club, introduced the artists, Tony Abele, pianist; Amalie Birnbaum, vio- linist; and Beulah Rosine, cellist. Dur- ing the winter these artists appear in Milwaukee and in the spring at Kim- ball hall, Chicago. The trio presented a most delightful and varied program, displaying charm and feeling. They played the Trio in G. major by Haydn, Andante, Poco Adagio and Rondo. The second number was a trio by Gade, "Allegro animato," "Alle- gro molto vivacg" and "Andantino- Allegro con furore." The third trio in A minor by Arensky, a modern Rus- sian composer, included "Allegro mod- erato," "Scherzo," "Adagio" and "Alle- gro non troppo." The hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. George R. Work, Mrs. Randolph Buck, Mrs. W. Ogden Coleman, Mrs. Dwight P. Green, Mrs. Henry T. Stanton, and Mrs. Ryland Wolcott. Church Society Works for It's Annual Bazaar The Ladies' Aid society of the North Shore Methodist-Episcopal church of Glencoe have been preparing for its annual bazaar to be given Friday, De- cember 3, at the church, from 10 in the morning until 10 at night. Plans for the bazaar have been to divide the selling into booths, each in charge of a member of the Ladies' Aid. Beside the booths, dinner will be served between the hours of 5:30 and 8 o'clock. Mrs. Edwin R. Cole of Highland Park will be in charge of the fancy ar- ticles booth: Mrs. C. B. Watson of Glencoe will take over the linen booth; Mrs. P. R. Cunningham of Glencoe will have the aprons and util- ities booth; Mrs. G. H. Haines of Hubbard Woods, will have the fancy aprons; Mrs. Albert W. Goodrick of Hubbard Woods will take charge of the practical aprons booth; Mrs. George Pretzel of Glencoe will have the Fun Factory booth; the rag dolls and toys will be supervised by Mrs. John K. Johannessen of Hubbard Woods. The general chairman of the bazaar is Mrs. William A. Fox of Glencoe. The proceeds from this annual bazaar go toward the general church fund. Japanese Girl Sings at Czecho-Slovakian Club The members of the Czecho-Slov- akian club of Winnetka held a most interesting meeting Wednesday eve- ning, November 17, in the Neighbor- hood room of Community house. Miss Katso Yonezawa, a Japanese girl, ap- peared in native costume. Miss Yone- zama delighted the club with Japanese songs, hymns and American songs. Miss Yonezama entertained the members of the Woman's society of the Winnetka Congregational church earlier in the day, prolonging her stay in Winnetka to entertain the Czecho- Slovakian club members. Our National Parks Topic of Next Talk at Catholic League The North Shore Catholic Woman's league, one of the very active organi- zations on the north shore, is planning an exceedingly interesting meeting for December 14. The meeting held in the Assembly room of the Winnetka Woman's club, takes place at 2:30 o'clock, Mrs. E. Tolman will address the club on "Our National Parks," and will illustrate her talk with natural color pictures of the scenery. Mrs. Sidney Beech, soprano, and Mrs. George Orr, accompanist, will entertain the club with musical selec- tions. Aside from the regular meetings held by the club, there are the book talks given by Mrs. Anthony French Merrill. The next talk of this kind, open to anyone interested the club announces, will be held at the home of Mrs. Sidney Beach of 235 Walden drive, Glencoe at 2:30, Thursday, De- cember 2. Mrs. Merrill, who is also appearing at the Winnetka Woman's club, dis- cusses the latest books and current events. Members of the club are reminded by the officers and committee chairmen of the Christmas stockings. Each year at this holiday season, the club mem- bers fill Christmas stockings with toys, trinkets, candies and fruit to delight the hearts of orphans at the St. Joseph home on the south side of Chicago. In order to facilitate the collection of these stockings, everyone is urged to bring them to the December 14 meet- ing, when they will be collected. Plan for D. A. R. Chapter in Glencoe Enthusiastic support is being given a movement to establish a Glencoe chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution. All those who are inter- ested are cordially invited to attend an initial meeting on Monday afternoon, November 29, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Clarence C. Troup, 260 Lincoln drive, Glencoe. Mrs. Frank Bowman of Sterling, Ill, the state regent, has been invited to be present as guest of honor. ; Among the supporters of this meas- ure in Glencoe are Mrs. Clarence C. Troup, Mrs. George C. Burge, Mrs. Frank McKeegan, Mrs. George W. Tracy, Mrs. Fred Patton, Mrs. Otto R. Barnett, Mrs. Louis Mowry, Mrs. Harry Boardman, Mrs. Charles Pearce and Mrs. Winthrop Girling. Will Address Voters No. 6 8 bene Paul Douglas, Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Chicago, will be the speaker at the December 13 meeting of the Winnetka League of Women Voters. Prof. Douglas has written a number of books, including, "Wages and the Family," "The Worker and Modern Industrial Society," "American Apprenticeship" and "What Can a Man Afford." Members of the North Shore Brit- ish American club are remiinded of the regular meeting which will take place Saturday night, November 27, at the Community House, at 8 o'clock. In- formal dancing will follow the busi- ness meeting. Arden Shore Elects New Group to Serve Prominent Society Women Direct Association for Oncoming Season During the annual luncheon meeting of the Arden Shore association held on Friday of last week at the Woman's City club of Chicago the {following were elected to direct the affairs of the organization for the ensuing year: Mrs. Robert B. Gregory, honorary president; Mrs. Frederick G. Wacker, president; Mrs. Marcus D. Richards of Winnetka, first vice president; Mrs. William J. Wardall, second vice presi- dent; Mrs. Joseph J. Siddall of Glen- coe, recording secretary; Mrs. Frank W. Kingsley, corresponding secretary; Mrs. E. D. Parmelee, treasurer; Directors at large--Mrs. William E. Casselberry, Mrs. William E. Clow, Mrs. Jay S. Glidden, Mrs. Carl R. Latham, Mrs. Bruce MacLeish of Glencoe, Mrs. Grant Ridgway of Ken- ilworth, and Mrs. Arthur Farwell Tut- tle. Town chairmen--Mrs. Lloyda Smith Shaw, Chicago; Mrs. Ernest Palmer, Evanston; Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, Wil- mette; Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, Kenil- worth; Mrs. Hubert E. Howard, Win- netka; Mrs. Henry Peirce Pope, Glen- coe; Mrs. Robert Finley Walker, Ra- vinia; Mrs. George Allen Mason, High- land Park; Mrs. George Richardson, Lake Forest; Mrs. John Kreutzberg, Lake Bluff; Mrs. George E. Van Hagen, Jr., Barrington. Miss Anna Belle Ferrier is super- intendent. Winnetka Music Club Plans Xmas Program The next meeting of the Winnetka Music club, a Christmas program, will be held at the Glencoe Union church, Monday, December 13, at 3 o'clock. This meeting, the announcement has been made, will be open, and guests are invited. Among the artists who will take part in this program of organ and solo music are Mrs. Percival Hunter and Mrs. Dwight Orcutt, who will play the organ, Mrs. Valona Brewer who will play the violin, Mrs. Guy S. Bailey who will give soly selections, and a trio of women's voices which will include Mrs. Guy S. Bailey, Mrs. Burton At- wood and Mrs. John W. Hansel, Jr. Following the meeting there will be a social hour in the church parlors. Two Kenilworth Clubs to Hold Joint Meeting On the morning of Tuesday, Novem- ber 30, the music department of the Neighbors will meet at the home of Mrs. W. W. Wheelock, 132 Oxford road, Kenilworth. The same after- noon a sale of articles made by dis- abled war veterans will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, Kenilworth. Tuesday evening at an assemblage of members of The Neighbors and the Kenilworth club, Dr. Frank Slutz of the Moraine Park school will give an address which will be followed by a social hour and the serving of refresh- ments.