WINNETKA TALK November 27, 1926 Winter Coats Large, New Assortment Hats and Dresses UNIQUE STYLE SHop B. COPLAN, Prop. 1126 Central Avenue Phone Wil. 2403 | | Mrs. John V. Rathbone, 523 Abbotts- | ford road, Kenilworth, entertained her [bridge club last Friday. ---- | | The Home and Garden club met at | Bradstreet Announces Transfers in Winnetka P. W. Bradstreet and company, 788 Elm street, Winnetka, report the sale [ [the home of Mrs. John T. Dix, 236 Ox- |for the Daughaday Brothers of one of {ford road, Kenilworth, on Tuesday. Washington Drapery Co. Interior Decorations Designed, Made and Hung Curtains, Shades, and Bed Spreads Made to Order. 1337 Washington Ave. Ph. Wil. 3641 | | | their choicest pieces of two and onec-| (half acres, on Hill road, Winnetka, [adjoining the Austin Jenner estate, to Joseph B. Coambs. The Bradstreets also have sold the residence at 461 Maple avenue, Winnetka, for Harold Zeiss, to Stanley Rich, of Winnetka, who will occupy the home about De- | cember 1. l te "EXCELDOES Excel" ingly. eT Te TT C ICE CREAM CoO. A MOST DELICATE FOOD Until lately, ice cream was called a confection but of recent years its food value has been rec- ognized and its status has been changed accord- EXCEL ICE CREAM is indeed a delicate and nourishing food because it is made from the very best ingredients. There is no experiment attached to buying EXCEL ICE CREAM, it is an established quality. EXCEL is the best not because we say so, but because it has proven itself in the finest homes and clubs on the North Shore, where it is being served day after day and year after year. EXCEL ICE CREAM CO. Incorporated 1566 ELMWOOD AVE. EVANSTON BUSY ON BAZAAR WORK Girls' Club at New Trier High School to Present Gay Scene at Scholarship Benefit December 4 The Girls' club of New Trier High "hool is holding a bazaar in the Mess hall of the school Saturday, Decem- ber 4, to open promptly at 12 o'clock. During the afternoon, from 3 to 4 o'clock, the club will present Booth Tarkington's play, "The Ghost Story," in the school auditorium, which will be repeated in the evening between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock. Dancing is to conclude the day's program. Preparations for the bazaar have been in progress since the beginning of the school term, the club members having worked in adviser room groups, though each girl has been invited to contribute to any feature of the ba- zaar, regardless of the particular phase of the work undertaken by her group. There are to be eight booths, in addi- tion to a tea room and refreshment stand. Several groups are taking charge of the checkroom, while others are to be concerned with ticket selling for the play. Every girl in the club is to have a task in the conduct of the fete. There will be a French booth dis- playing all manner of dainty lingerie and boudoir accessories, and an Art booth with hand painted scarves, Christmas cards, lamp shades, trays and other articles especially suitable as holiday gifts. Big chrysanthemums from the Flower booth are intended to make gay holiday bouquets. The Doll booth will be literally loaded down with cunning woolen dolls dressed in gay red cloaks, and snuggly toys for little kiddies' Christmas stockings. The Grab Bag is being kept a deep secret. Then, there will be the miscellaneous booth, the Candy Basket, and the Dutch Oven laden with toothsome delicacies sold by little dutch girls. At the tearoom all kinds of sand- wiches and hot drinks will be served, and the refreshment stand will dis- pense doughnuts and cider. Last year the Girls' club bazaar net- ted $1,800 and the goal this season has been set at $2,000. The proceeds are directed into a scholarship fund to aid deserving students in need of financial assistance to complete their courses at the school. Jury Service for Women, Voters' League Subiect The first study class of the Win- netka League of Women Voters for the current season opened Monday, November 22, at 10:45 o'clock, in the Camp Fire room of the Community House. The program included, "Jury Service for Women," which was taken up by Mrs. W. S. Benson, and the dis- cussion was led by Mrs. Leslie Gooder ; "Re-appointment in Illinois," by Mrs. John VanderVries, discussion led by Mrs. Robert Mehren. Luncheon was served following the lesson, by mem- bers of the class. Mrs. I. M. Allen, 258 Melrose ave- nue, Kenilworth, spent last week in Davenport, Iowa, her former home. WMultinle Eleetrolysis is the only perman- gut and safe way of removing superfluous alr, Myrtle H. Gulbrandson 1832 Stevens Bldg. Phone State 2363 17 N. State Street, Chicago Rogers Park 1516-17 MAY FURNITURE CU DR {371 0 8 6346 N.CLARK ST. CHICAGO LL) offer our service to you in restoring, repairing, remodeling or upholistering Phones: Wilmette 3160 -- University 3087 . THERE'S ONLY ONE EXCEL ICE CREAM CO. anything in furniture.