WINNETKA TALK November 27, 1926 2 y £2) \ A NS Gift Section Imported Lamps, Bridge Cards, Salt, shakes, Mirrors, Brushes, Ornamental Clocks, ported perfume sets. The Elm & Linden Pepper LEE Says: THEY tell a lot of STORIES about Drug STORES and things that HAPPEN in Drug Stores SOME of them are true AND some are not but here IS one that actually HAPPENED here in our OWN store. Yesterday MORNING a man rushed IN just before train TIME and wanted us to SEND a coal shovel down TO his house. We told him THAT we did not carry THEM and he went out AND said that we ran A poor drug store. WHICH prompts us to say THAT one never knows WHAT might be asked for IN a Drug Store. WHAT we started out to SAY was--that we have ADDED a new gift DEPARTMENT carrying a LINE of gifts suitable FOR most occasions. DROP in soon and look it OVER. Im- P. S. A large number of small subscriptions are needed to complete the fund for the Win- netka Memorial. Have you sent yours in? AEA, ADAMS PHARMACY exall Stre WINNETKA 2 Third Organ Concert to Be in Christmas Spirit The third North Shore Community Organ concert at St. Luke's church Evanston, on December 21, is to be both a festival concert and a "request program," Falling as it does on the Tuesday before Christmas, it will be a gala occasion with St. Luke's vested [choir of fifty singing old-time carols as part of the program. Just what numbers will comprise the organ music depends upon how many requests are received before Decem- ber 5 by Herbert Hyde of the concert committee; requests should be mailed to him at St. Luke's. From the list- lings already in hand, some first rate | Bach is certain to be heard, and some Christmas music of a high order. "After Death, What?" Men's Class Subject The new series of programs for the Young Men's class of the Winnetka Congregational church, is proving of interest to a larger number. Members of the class suggest topics for future discusion. Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin begins the session with a twenty minute talk on the theme suggested, after which there are questions and discussions by the class. "After Death, What?" is the question for consideration Sunday, November 28, at 10 o'clock. The sessions are held in the north Neighborhood room of Com- munity House. OPENS RUG STUDIO G. Galbedian, rug dealer, has opened an oriental rug studio at 417 Fourth street, Wilmette, where he is making a specialty of carefully selected ori- ental rugs as well as oriental novelties in brass. A department for expert cleaning and repair of rugs is also an adjunct of the business. North Shore Music Lovers Enjoy Work of Francis Rogers By CRITIC News comes from New York of a concert given recently by Francis Rog- ers, baritone, assisted at the piano by Isadore Luckstone. Mr. Rogers has a number of friends in Chicago and on the north shore, and it will be of in- terest to them to know that his very excellent concert, presented on No- vember 14, at Town hall, was heard by several north shore people. Mr. Rogers' program was selected with unerring delicacy and discrimin- ation, the whole of it possessing great charm, and he sang it with the grace, ease, and fire of a far younger man. Mr. Luckstone, the white haired ac- companist, plaved the numbers with the skill and feeling of an artist and the deftness of a wizard. For 25 years Mr. Rogers and Mr. Luckstone have worked together in perfect accord. Mr. Rogers is one of the staff of instruc- tors at Juillard, and it is of interest to know that one of his students is Kur- tis Brownell of Winnetka, whose win- ning of the Juillard Fellowship from Chicago was announced earlier in the season. ACTRESS TO GIVE READING Mrs. A. J. Balaban of 162 Euclid avenue, Glencoe will open her home on the afternoon of Monday, December 6, for a dramatic reading by Miss Sara Biala of Des Moines, Iowa. Miss Biala is an actress of note. She has played with George Arliss and Mar- garet Anglin, and is now giving her time to parlor and club programs. She will begin her program at 2 o'clock and a nominal charge will be made for admission. = Sirloin Steak T-Bone Steak Lamb Chops Veal Cutlets Peters family this evening you are sure that their palates will be pleased and their appe- ties satisfied. But you know, also, that their health is Pork Chops safeguarded, for Meats : bought here are certified fresh, giving the utmost in nutrition and body-building values. HEN you set a tempt- ing roast from the market before the 734 Elm Street Peters Market Winnetka 920-921