December 4, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 15 iiiiiitiiiiiidis LLL o/s Have You Enough to Spend When You Need it Most! Join Our Christmas Saving Club This is the month that we pay the thrifty folks who last year recognized the advantage of systematic saving in our Christmas Savings Club. These savers are going to have all the money they need for gift purchases. Prepare Now for 1927 Why don't you, too, follow their sensible bulk amount you think you will need next Christmas. As little as 50c a week brings example-join' our' new 1927 Christmas you $25. $1.00 a week gives you $50.00 Savings Club opening now? You pay just plus interest--and so on. We pay interest a small amount each week according to the! on every deposit. The Oldest Organized Bank in Winnetka Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Established 1909 $115,000.00 Officers and Directors Henry R. Hale, President L. B. Kuppenheimer, Vice Pres. Sanborn Hale, Cashier. Geo. W. McKinney, Ass"t. Cashier--Victor Elting--Noble Hale WINNETKA STATE BANK LIM ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. BANKING HOURS > CC CLL TLL LTT LT : SAM. lo 3PM. -- | Saturdays 12-30em. and 7 lo Bem oy (lll lid dd idid rrr 207 7 700 i Ll ddazr7izzriiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiidiiiiididddiidididiis ISAS SSS SSSS SSS SSIS SS SSS ISS SS SSIS SSS LS SS SASL SSSI SILLS SSS SSS SSIS SSSI SILLS SSS SSIS SSS SS SSS SS SS SSS SSSSS SSS LS SSS SS SSSI SSS SS SSS SS El 2 a El LLL. lili detail V/ WSSSSSSALE CESS SASS SSA AS SSAA YLLLIL SILL LS SLIIIILS ALLIS EISSN