WINNETKA TALK December 4, 1926 HEADQUARTERS FOR --~ TOYS -~ and many other appropriate Gifts VISIT OUR STORE FIRST Buddy "L" Line Toys Sand Trucks $6.75 Sand Loaders $9.00 Sprinkler Trucks $7.50 Steam Shovels $5.50 Fire Trucks and Others WIND-UP TRAINS $1.25 $2.00 $2.85 $3.00 ELECTRIC TRAINS With Tunnels and Stations, Arc Lights, Water Tanks, Automatic Signals, Transformers, Crossing Gates Switches, Crossovers, Extra Tracks, Etc. $550 $6.00 $7.00 $9.00 $9.50 and $18.00 DOLL CARRIAGES $3.50 to $11.50 SHOE SKATES and OTHERS $8.00 Flashlights, Pocket Knives, Roller Skates, Watches, and other items too numerous to mentior SHOP IN WINNETKA E. B. TAYLOR & CO. 546 Center Street PIP PEEP Service Game Visitors Guests on North Shore Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson and Mrs. Fred Reichmeier, of Morocco, Ind., came inte Chicago last week end to see the Army-Navy foot ball game, and while here were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lillig, of 552 Center street, Winnetka. Mr. Thompson owns a two hundred acre farm near Morocco, just across the road from the country estate of George Ade, who also came in to see the game last Saturday. Mr. Thompson was a star football player on the Franklin college team some years ago, and is still a football en- thusiast. Mrs. Reichmeier's son is a West Point cadet and came over with the team, and enjoyed the brief visit with his mother while in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coyle of 1097 Cherry street entertained eight guests at a family dinner Thanksgiving day Six of their guests were from Kenosha. The 5-Tube 5-75 Single Control All-Metal Shielded Chassis. Power Tube Adaptability. Built-in Musicone. $75 Wonderful performance--marvelous appearance--amazing price. No won- der everybody calls it the "hit" of the season. And "hit" it is with its exclu- sive Crosley features together with ad- vanced radio reception ideas found only in highest price sets. Metal chassis shields units. Dial drum whereon station letters can be written. Power tube adaptability. "Crescen- don" that builds up volume on distant station letters can be written. Power tube adaptabilped with "Acuminators." Two-tone mahogany cabinet with rose gold trimmings. A 40-inch Console-- ample room for all batteries and acces- sories. Genuine Crosley Musicone built in. THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex Phone 1840 CAMP FIRE INVITES TO FOOD BAZAAR Housewives Urged to Inspect Girls' Specimens of Culinary Art This Morning The six active Camp Fire groups in Winnetka are busily preparing for one of their attractive food sales to be held Saturday, December 4, at 10:30 o'clock, in the Community House. Under the general chairmanship of Mrs. E. E. Stults of 418 Sheridan road, the groups participating will be Otyo- kawa, with Miss Virginia Ogan as guardian; Untaluti, with Mrs. John Marshall as guardian; Litahni, with Mrs. Fisher as guardian, assisted by Mrs. J. M. Whnscott; Wonsicket, with Miss Amy Macintyre as guardian; Wa- kantahi, with Mrs. George Eisenbrand as guardian; and Atiyuhati, with Miss Mildred Olson as guardian. The Camp Fire organization is known nationally, for its fine purpose of elevating domestic and mental work. By sponsoring food sales, giving awards for work done in the home as well as honors for outside activities, the Camp Fire movement aims to make house-managing a joy through efficien- cy. Judged for Skill Not only will the sale add to the gen- eral treasury of the organization, but the groups are to be judged with hon- orable mentions and like honors an- nounced. There are to be three things considered by the judging committee: variety of foods displayed by the mem- bers of the group, together with their appearance; quantity of articles, and percentage of contribution. Obviously, 100 per cent contribution from a group is the highest. Three committees are appointed to be in charge of the sale, all working under the direction of Mrs. Stults. A committee on pricing, the chairman and members not announced; commit- tee on judging, Mrs. Dudley K. French, chairman; Miss Ruth Matz and Mrs. John R. Montgomery; and the finance committee, headed by Mrs. Fritz Wag- ner, chairman, the members not having been announced as yet. Leaders Supervise Everyone is invited to forego the Saturday baking this week by putting in a supply from the counters of the Camp Fire sale. Everything from pie to cookies, cakes and doughnut will be on sale. The committee announces that in buying you are stimulating interest in some young girl's heart for cooking attractive dishes, you are adding to the treasury of a worthy organization, and you are saving yourself a great deal of time and expense. "Follies Afloat" en Players in the Season's Greatest Musical Comedy and Minstrel. SKOKIE SCHOOL | WINNETKA Dec. 8th--Dec. 9th 8:15 P. M. Tickets--One Dollar Adams Drug Store or at the Door Don't Miss T his!