. E: 3 4 3 ht bat a es Wit ab Sf CoRR dB, Tv ~~ Sherida oh ; cash or time. WINNETKA TALK December 4, 1926 _ 24 FOR RENT--HOUSES at REAL ESTATE 49 FOR SALE--HSEHD. GOODS 51 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED. FRANK FOR SALE FOR SALE -- WASHING MACHINE-- | FOR SALE -- HUDSON SEAL COAT. Lloyd Wright bungalow in best N. E. Apex--at a sacrifice, like new. Also Mink trimmed. Size between 36 and section of Glencoe. Oil heat. Going WINNETKA HOMES China cabinet. 1022 Dinsmore Rd. Winn. 40. Worn only twice. $165. Left for south. Rental very reasonable. Im- and 530-J. 49 TN10-1tc storage at Okean Fur Shop, 567 Lincoln mediate possession if desired. Phone VACANT Ave., Winn. Ask for Mrs. Martin's coat. Glencoe 440. 24TN39-1te BARGAIN $14,800.00 6 ROOM AND SUN PARLOR; MOD- ern; garage. $3,000 cash; terms. 1810 Elmwood Ave. 24TN39-1te 25 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES TO RENT -- FOR 2 OR 3 MONTHS, 8 room furnished house and garage in Kenilworth. One and one-half blocks from depot. Phone Kenil. 188. 25LTN10-1te P. W. Bradstreet & Co. Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 34T39-1te A HOME IN 12 OR MORE MONTHS. Hold 6¢j, mortgage security while sav- ing the price of your lot. We manu- facture materials, build and finance. You pay us as you now pay rent. No second mortgage. One profit. One re- sponsibility. Phone Wil. 992-J, or Ran- dolph 6188. Mr. Larson. 34LTNI10-1tp FOR RENT -- MY FURNISHED HOME in Glencoe, until May 1st, at §100 per month. Phone Glencoe 996. 25TN39-1te 26 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- 1 CAR GARAGE. UN- heated. 807 Cherry St. Tel. Winn. 2002. 26T39-1tc 37 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- LOOP OFFICE. NEWLY furnished office with use of reception room and stenographic service. Rea- sonable. 809--6 N. Michigan Ave. Chi- cago. 27LTNS8-4tp FOR RENT -- SPACE IN WINNETKA Barber Shop. 571 Lincoln Ave. Win- netka. 27LTN10-1tp FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 27LTN10-tfc I -------- 31 FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE 2 STORY FRAME ENGLISH TYPE, 6 rooms and sun Parlor; hot water heat, 2 arage. lot 45x130.. oar Tans $13,000.00 5 Room Brick Bungalow, Hot Water Heat, 2-car garage, gas water heater. 50x140. Lot hy $16,000.00 6 Room and Breakfast Porch, Brick Dutch Colonial, hot water heat, white enamel and mahogany trim, corner lot 50x150. $14,500.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364 Wilmette, Illinois 31LTN10-1te Glencoe Bargain CHARMING NEW BRICK HOME, ONE block from lake, containing 6 light airy rooms, 2 baths, sun and sleeping pchs., hot water heat, garage attached, wooded lot 110x350. Owner moving east, will sell very ri ble. P i at FOR RENT -- LARGE FOUR ROOM flat, near transportation. 840 Center st. Winnetka. Phone 265. 34LTN10-tfc 16 FOR SALE--USED CARS HUPMOBILE 1923 4 Passenger Coupe Excellent mechanical condition. New Paint Call Highland Park 2387. 46L.TN10-1tc 1925 DelLuxe Sedan OVERLAND 6 CYL. $200 DOWN, BAL. $44 monthly. Also, various other used cars to choose from. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave., Winn. 46TN39-tfc USED FORD PARTS FOR SALE, RADI- ator (old style) $4.00; front axel $3.59; front spring, $1.00; rear spring, $3.00; engine, $10.00. Phone Wilmette 3120 af- ter 5:00 p. m. 46LTNIV-1tp FOR SALE -- LATE 1924 CHEVROLET Coupe. Good running condition. Will sacrifice at $200.00. Phone Glencoe 1299. 46LTN10-1tp DINING ROOM TABLE AND CHAIRS for sale. Must be disposed of at once, very cheap. Good condition. 303 Fair- view Ave. Winn. 852. 49LTN10-1tp FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM FURNI- ture, round mahogany colonial table, 8 chairs. Good condition. Call Winn. 685 for appointment. 49L/TN10-1te GARLAND SELF-FEEDING PARLOR stove. $20.00. Tel. Wil. 1859, or address, 1215 Gregory Ave. Wilmette 49LTN10-1tp FOR SALE -- REFRIGERATOR, USED 3 months, white, nickel-trimmed. Also red lacquer grandfather cloth, and Zenith radio. Winn. 2587. 49TN39-1tc FOR SALE -- 1 DINING ROOM TABLE, buffet, 6 chairs, Early English oak. Reasonable. Phone Winn. 767. 49T39-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO $25.00. One overstuffed davenport $20.00. 1524 Asbury Ave. 49TN39-1tc 51TN39-Tip FOR SALE -- A FULL SET BOOK- house for Children. Perfect condition. $25. Also, boy's $12 sheepskin coat, size 9, almost new, $6. Call Win. 1423. 51LTN10-1te FOR SALE -- COMBINATION DINNER and evening gown, black beaded Paris model, size 36 or 38. $20.00. 542 Longwood Ave., Glencoe. 51LTN10-1te FOR SALE -- BLACK EVENING COAT like new. Cost $110 sell for $25. Also evening dress. 1432 Asbury Ave., Hub- bard Woods. 51TN39-1tc FOR SALE -- STUNNING HUDSON Seal and Viatka Squirrel coat. Like Phone Sheldrake 1591. 51TN39-1te new. Bargain. FOR SALE -- BABY CARRIAGE, CRIB, scale, bathtub, reed sun-parlor set. 1004 Cherry St. Tel. Winn. 2116. 51TN39-1te FOR SALE -- COMPLETE SUN ROOM furniture, patent leather cushions. Tel. Glencoe 883. 49TN39-1te FOR SALE -- DOLL CARRIAGE. AL- most new. $5. Tel. Winnetka 631-R. 51T39-1te FOR SALE -- CANE AND MAHOGANY davenport Mahogany library table. Call Winn. 913. 49T39-1te FOR SALE -- 9 COLUMN HOT WATER radiator Tel. Winn. 573-R. 51T39-1tc FOR SALE -- GAS STOVE $15.00. EDEN Washing Machine, $50.00. Winn. 1687. 49T39-1tc FOR SALE -- WINTER FRONT FOR standard Buick '25, almost new $20.00. Kenil. 429. 51LTN10-1tc FOR SALE -- SOLID MAHOGANY UP- right piano and bench. Very reason- FOR SALE -- 8 GRAVE LOT IN MEM- orial Park cemetery Tel. Winn. 381. able. Winn. 2041. 49LTN10-1tc 51T39-tfc FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY VICTROLA, Jap mink, ve plenty of records. $20.00. Call Winn. 5D a BP cheap: NIE, 2369. 49LTN10-1te - FOR SALE -- 1926 DODGE SEDAR. Perfect condition. Heater, seat covers and accessories. $900. Address Talk B-143. 46TN39-1tc FOR SALE -- LATE 1925 FORD SEDAN (May), 5 balloon tires. Excellent con- 50 WTD. TO BUY--HSHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. Antiques--Sale--Antiques COME OVER AND BE CONVINCED. Antiques, suitable for Xmas gifts. Rare old glass, bronzes, brasses, old lamps, all kinds of furniture. Especially nice line of old and rare prints, old books. Many other things on sale at very low FOR SALE -- VERY OLD HOLLAND Colonial Hall Clock, height 7 ft. 6 in. antique. Also one full tigged ship, length 4 ft. Cheap if sold at once. Winn. 1878. 48TN39-1tc once. Walter J. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702-3 31LTN10-1te THE HANDCRAFT SHOP Homespun, coverlets, scarfs, hooked rugs, etc.,, made by the Southern moun- taineers. Anne Pavey, Toom 2, 817 Elm St.,, Winn. 48T39-2tc Owner Anxious to Sell HIS ATTRACTIVE 8 RM. STUCCO house 3 yrs. old; choice N. E. loca- tion; water ht.; 2 baths; 2-car garage; lge. wooded lot, $25,500. Can be easily financed. F. Coleman Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 640 31LTN10-1te FOR SALE -- INTERESTING PEWTER lamps of various designs and many lovely lamps, moderately priced. 312 South Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 732. 48LTN10-1te prices. Also open evenings and Sun- days. 808 Washington St., Evanston. Univ. 9890. 48TN39-1tc | dition. Tel. Winn. 2450. 46LTN10-1tp 50LTN10-tfc 48 ANTIQUES WANTED TO BUY--TABLE, VIC- trola. Tel. Wil. 3094. 50LT10-2tp 52 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS magazines. Old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 52T38-tfe WANTED TO BUY: CHILDS ROLL- top desk. Tel. Winn. 2144. 52LTN10-1te 53 MISCELLANEOUS 51 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS HERE IS JUST WHAT YOU HAVE been looking for--Iluncheon and bridge sets, table damasks, napkins to match, handkerchiefs, toweling, bed sets. Also, silk crepes, satins, velvets, jerseys and flannels. All reasonable. Call Wil 205 mornings and evenings for appoint- ment to see these materials. 51LTN10-1tp FOR SALE -- FLOOR SHOW CASE 51% feet long 42 inches high. Light oak, beveled plate top, plate shelf across middle. Good condition. Suitable any business. $20.00 or about cost of glass. Also pair Nestor-Johnson North Star skates with shoes size 8. Scarcely used, $5.00. Wilson, 1118 Central Ave., Wil- mette. 51LTN10-1tp FOR SALE -- HAND PAINTED CHINA cut glass; nickel auto light; antique coral bracelet; victrola; pearl opera glasses ; Chinese embroidered silks and BEAUTIFUL DESK, MIRRORS, linens. Tor appointment. Address Wil- tables, vases. Tel. Glencoe 1042. mette Life B-137. 48LTN10-1tc 51LTN10-1tp 49 FOR SALE--HSEHD. GOODS $3,500 CASH WILL HANDLE WELL BUILT 6-RM. home in East Winnetka; lot 50x165; one car garage. Close to schools and transportation. Price $17,500. Immedi- ate possession. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 31LTN10-1te FOR SALE OR RENT ATTRACTIVE 8-RM. STUCCO, CLOSE to school and transportation; 5 bdrms. ; 3 baths; 2 ext. lavs.; slp. pch.; brkfst. rm.; oil heat; 2-car gar.; lot 756x187. Price $30,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 i 31LTN10-1tc 32 FOR SALE--VACANT BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH 22.000. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4- rm. apt.; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4- piece walnut bedroom set; Two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, Chicago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 49LTN6-5tp FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY FLOOR lamp, gold brocade shade, $5.00. 60 inch handsome brown mahogany Adam table desk, $75.00. Tapestry chair and stool, brown mahogany, $15.00. One pair blue silk velour drapes, $20.00. 222 Leicester Rd. Tel. Kenilworth 2583. 49LTN1J-1te FOR SALE -- IN WILMETTE, LOTS on Chestnut, Ashland, 7th street and n road with riparian right anf ers ; Write P. Gage, 116, Wilmette, IIL 3210-tfc FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT, 3 CHAIRS, 2 tables, stool; painted, upholstered fh | taupe satin. Suitable for sun room or living room. Glencoe 656. 49LTN10-1te FOR SALE--FULLER BRUSHES WILL solve many of your problems of Christ- mas giving. Many suggestions are of- fered on Page 175 of Saturday Evening Post for Dec. 4. Do your shopping in the comfort of your own home. Phone or write for day or evening demonstra- tion. J. C. Stone 1324 Madison St., Ev- anston University 6964. 51TN39-1tp FOR SALE -- LATEST MODEL GAROD Power set, no batteries, no eliminators needd, runs right off the light circuit, cost $400. Will sell very reasonable. Also, 5-tube set in console, very cheap. Call Wil. 3730. 51LTN10-1tp FOR SALE -- PERSIAN LAMB COAT, trimmed with platinum fox, border collar and cuffs. Excellent condition. $350. Tel. Winn. 1004, 51LTN10-1te FOR SALE -- BALLETS, TOE SLIP- pers, skates, child's furniture, toys, lamp, iron bed, mattresses. Silver slip- pers 5AA. Size 10 fur coat set, ¢ioth coat. Boy's mackinaw. Net curtains. Winn. 1654 51T39-1tp FOR SALE -- MINNEAPOLIS HEAT Regulator, about half price. Phone Win- netka 229, evenings. 51LT10-1te WANTED -- TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE TO ENJOY THEMSELVES AT SKOKIE SCHOOL -- DEC. 8TH OR 9TH WHEN "FOLLIES AFLOAT" WILL BE PRESENTED BY THE SQUARE CLUB OF WIN- NETKA MASONS--TICKETS--ONE DOLLAR AT ASAMS DRUG STORE. 11T39-1te GENERAL NOTICE is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Winnetka State Bank has been called to be held at the office of the bank in Winnetka, Illinois on Tuesday the 14th day of December, 1926, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of submitting to a vote of stockholders the question of increasing the capital stock of Ste corporation. CNRY R. HALE, LOUIS B. KUPPEN- HEIMER, VICTOR ELTING, SANBORN HALE, NOBLE HALE. DIRECTORS. Dated Winnetka, Illinois, November 13th, 1926. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Boyden, Jr., of 1151 Oakley avenue, and the Huh- bard Carpenters, Mrs. Boyden's par- ents, were included in the group of Chicago and north shore people who went east for the Harvard -Yale game, played at New Haven this year. Mrs. Boyden remained in the East a day or two after the game. ---- Charlotte Eckhart, daughter of the Percy B. Eckharts of 206 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, and Marcella Ven- nema, daughter of the John Vennemas of 849 Willow road, were among the group of girls chosen by the University of Chicago to represent the school at the Army-Navy ball at the Drake hotel, Friday, November 26. --Q-- Kurtis Brownell, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Brownell of 852 Oak street, will return to Winnetka to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents. He has been spending the fall study- ing music in New York, having won the Juilliard scholarship.